[WINNER CHOSEN][Ninja Week'15 Give-away] Man on Fire (UK Stee;), Brave (Viva), X-Men Last Stand (FP)

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Apr 12, 2009
Welcome to #bestweekever #ninjaweek 2015!
Prize donated by: digitalbabe


To enter:

Mash up these 3 films (combine characters/storyline) and write a brief storyline that would be in your 'own' new movie.

Good luck all!

See pics from members in the 'Media' section at the top of the forum!

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@Flloydo write a brief story (1 paragraph) that is a 'movie' involving characters from all of the separate movies (mashup) above:)

Oh lol okay, I didn't get the see pics in the media section bit and thought that was related lol. I'll work on one then lol cheers x
The little girl Denzel is actually protecting has grown up, she's now called Brave!
Her fate? Join the X-Men unity to fight the villains :p
X-Men Team watching what is happening in "The Last Stand" part with the world, using time machine
are sending Denzel to a little girl to teach her how to become strong. Than after
Denzel died
She trained in the woods and became great warrior. She used the set of M.Night Shyamalans the Vilage
to imitate ancient times to train all possible skills. To become Brave!. She even changed her hair style for red.
However Mexican Mafia had found her, so she changed her face during plastic surgery and changed her name
for Sarah Conor:rofl::rofl::rofl:
The rest we all know:happy::happy::happy:

Yeap, i mixed even more movies into the equazion.
This is epic blockbuster crossover :OMG::OMG::OMG:
Haha I've not seen man on fire so I'm just gonna roll with if
Denzel Washington takes over Xavier's role as head of the xmen
He hears of a girl with the power of great will and just basically being a brave little soul yes you guessed it it's the brave girl and j forgot her name right now lol anyway Denzel sends out the xmen to recruit her
Awesome giveaway! :)

After going through some very traumatic things in her life, she decided she would train everyday to learn how to protect herself. Years later, being an excellent marksman with her bow, Xavier asked her to join the X men and grow with them.
Once upon a time there was a retired Marine that went to Ireland to get away from his former life. Once he got there he found a job as a bodyguard to a mutant girl with special powers that can end the evil sentinels reign over mankind. The girl is then taken by the sentinels in order to stop her. In a race against time, the bodyguard goes to a witch that casts a spell on him and transforms him into a bear/human mutant in order to save the girl.

Thanks. :)
Zero Dark Thirty; Frozen, and Terminator

Anna has to find her sister through a series of whispers and tips but the only way to stop her for good is to send Olaf back through time to give her the powers of freezing.

Thanks for letting me have fun!
Denzel has to rescue Merida as she is beeing held hostage by an evil mexican druglord called @bloodsnake007
The battle goes on for days and the evil mexian druglord is throwing everything he got a Denzel. The sky is litterally filled with gansitos, enchiladas, stuffed peppers, jalapeños, burritos and tacos.

Denzel calls in a favour and the X-men shows up in force, crushing the evil mexican druglod. Rolling him in tar, stripping him of his clothes and strapping him on a donkey the film ends with him riding out of town and then everyone were saved.
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Denzel trains a new group of men and woman that arnt mutants but higly skilled anD deadly assassin's that are lead by a great queen known as brave who join forces with the x-men team to rid the world of evil.
Denzel has to rescue Merida as she is beeing held hostage by an evil mexican druglord called @bloodsnake007
The battle goes on for days and the evil mexian druglord is throwing everything he got a Denzel. The sky is litterally filled with gansitos, enchiladas, stuffed peppers, jalapeños, burritos and tacos.

Denzel calls in a favour and the X-men shows up in force, crushing the evil mexican druglod. Rolling him in tar, stripping him of his clothes and strapping him on a donkey the film ends with him riding out of town and then everyone were saved.
@Hooch Mexican CandyLord riding out of town on a Donkey?! :woot: LMFAO!!! That's Absolutely FU**ING EPIC!!! :hilarious: :D I love it! :rofl:

Crazy Erik! :wacky: :p
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the "MAN ON FIRE" is actually becoming too "BRAVE" and wants to set the whole city on fire, so the "X-MEN" come up (X stands for distinguish) and want to get rid of the firedevil. plain and simple storyline. how they like it in hollywood.

many thanks for the give-away!
Denzel, a man who keeps bursting into flames because of a curse from a Phoenix lady travels to Scotland to find the will-o-the-wisp. A natural being of light that he heard through the grape vine could save him from spontaneously combusting. Luckily his fire terets is fine when flying and arrives in Scotland safely. After searching for 4 days straight he meets a red haired girl named Merida who explains that she is also looking for it to help her with cooking lessons! They agree to help each other for each other's own reasons. When they finally find it Merida knows in her head that she now knows every recipe in the world and is happy with her outcome and denzel
Realised he can no longer burst into random flames. But this also gives him another power, the power of manipulating fire and firing it from his hands and partial flight (not enough to get home) but also realases that this won't help him kill the pheonix. Merida introduces him to her brother, a young teleporter named Kurt. He agrees to teleport denzel to her so he can finally finish her off. Kurt gives denzel a samurai sword of the strongest folded japanese steel (book) that cannot be controlled by anyone but denzel (kurt makes that happen - another part of his power). Kurt teleports denzel right behind the Phoenix in her hideout in the states and he chops her head of in one quick slice. Denzel and kurt Marry and have a child the name mystique. The end

Thanks for the giveaway
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