[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week'15 Give-away] Zero Dark Thirty NL, X-Men FP & Xbox One Headset

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Apr 12, 2009

Welcome to the biggest ever #ninjaweek #bestweekever at hidefninja.com!

A special action packed goody bag:

Zero Dark Thirty-Netherlands donated by digitalbabe
X-Men First Class Futurepak-Target-USA donated by hidefninja.com
Xbox One Genuine Headset (donated by @Ricker)


To enter:

1) What are your 3 favorite 'classic' video games?

2) Your favorite game of the last 5 years (any platform)

3) If you were an 'X-Men' which one would you be?

Good luck new and current hidefninja.com members and enjoy the rest of Ninja Week 2015!

Remember to check out the front page of our site often for the newest Blu-ray reviews, theatrical reviews and news and interviews!



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Thanks for the giveaway

Space Invaders
Tennis (although I think it was supposed to be football)
Mario Kart

My favorite was Mario Kart (oh dear you lost again- to koopers tune) ask @KD Scorp


- Super Mario (NES)
- C&C Red Alert (PC)
- Big Nose the Caveman (NES)

- Arkham City - Hands down one of the greatest games i have ever played

3) Wolverine

Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
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Reactions: MGD
- Super Mario
- Asteroid
- Tetris

- Left 4 Dead

3) Gambit

Thanks for the giveaway!
Great prizes my fave games are
1. MJ Moonwalker on mega drive
2. Pokemon Red gameboy
3. Streets of Rage mega drive

Fave game recently has been the Arkham Asylum Batman games

And I'd be Wolverine he's a beast
Thanks for the Give-Away! @digitalbabe @Ricker :whistle:


Super Mario - Old school NES was played many hours by me and the babysitter. :chill pill:
Mario kart - Who didn't enjoy playing this with friends after school or on the weekends?
Duck Hunt - Good times!


Uncharted :ps3: - Incredible graphics, great story, voice acting is superb and the QTE kept me on edge. LOVE IT! :cigar:


Wolverine - All around True Bad-A$$! :cool:
Phenomenal giveaway!!

1. Super Mario
2. Mario cart
3. Earth worm Jim

1. Call of Duty

1. Mystique hands down.
1) - Splinter Cell ( classic for me )
- Super Mario
- Perfect Dark
2) Titanfall
3) Magneto ! OP

Thanks :)
1) What are your 3 favorite 'classic' video games? Super Mario Cart, Kung Fu Master, Paper Boy

2) Your favorite game of the last 5 years (any platform) Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Xbox 360

3) If you were an 'X-Men' which one would you be? Wolverine!

Thanks for the great giveaway
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