[WINNER] LAST DAY OF NINJA WEEK GIVE-AWAY. You know you want a LOT of steelbooks!

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Interesting winning the following empty steelbooks?

Sucker Punch (not comic con)
Full Metal Jacket

Just reply with your favorite moment, comment, or picture as posted by ninjas here during this week.

Congrats to all of you for helping us make this the most successful ninja week ever!
I'd have to say that I really loved who huggy2k4 picked for his apocalypse companion in my Walking Dead giveaway - LOL!


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Favorite moment is probably the fun contest on the Conjuring steelbook contest. Great stories by everyone there. Thanks.:)
Thanks for the giveaway

It's all been amazing. The whole week. And I've read and seen some amazing comments and pictures but checking out the winners list and seeing my name next to the the wolverine Czech limited collectors edition. Made my day.

the whole week really, some amazing giveaways, awesome people, what more can you say
Favorite moment will be when I'll see my name on the winners list. Cause it has to happen right? I mean, come on!!!! :)

Seriously, I just enjoyed the overall process. Was hard to keep up cause I was away from home and had to to try to follow everything at breakfast at the hotel, but even if I don't win a thing, I'm still glad to have been a little part of it.
Fav moment has to be seeing your name in that winners list right? But the tension building towards the 'big 2' giveaways is pretty good too :)
I don't really know. I think it's just the entire NINJA WEEK moment that has been awesome!!! :scat:
Fav moment is the Zero Dark thirty SB giveaway where u had to post pictures of redheads....and im a sucker for redhead girls! Best.Contest.Ever!
Too much maybe. Was a great week. I am here since 3 weeks and very happy about that. Great to be a part of it. Thank you Ninjas :)
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