[WINNERS CHOSEN] [Challenge Coin] Create a new movie title game!

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Hey forum members, now you've got a taste for ninja week, show us what you have!

Q: What's the challenge?
A: It's a game! Take a film title and remove a letter. You'll need to follow the instructions below. Only 1 post per member, so make it good!

Q: How can I win a challenge coin for this challenge?
A: Here's a few examples!

Mr. & Mrs. Sith (the "M" has been removed from Mr. & Mrs. Smith)
A force wielding husband and wife try to get along in modern day Milwaukee.


A New Hoe (the "P" has been removed from A New Hope)
Luke Skywalker gets a new tool for farming.


Dude, Here's My Car. (the "W" has been removed from Dude, Where's my Car.)

After a crazy night, Ashton Kutcher and Sean William Scott decide to leave their place, only to find that the car is exactly where they had parked it the previous day.


Q: How many winners are there?
A: We'll choose 5 random winners from all the replies on this thread.

Q: What about duplicate entries?
A: Only one challenge coin per winner.

FIVE (5) WINNERS GET A COIN. A group of FIVE winners will be picked from all entries.

REMEMBER. You can win ONLY ONE challenge coin, per member, but enter more challenges to increase your chances!


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Obocop ... robocop

The story of how a police officer works through his PTSD and adjusts to his new robotic implants with the help of the sexy soothing sound of his oboe
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Ryan Gosling plays a mysteriously appealing scuba diving guide who gets mixed up in some shady business. He has like 12 lines the whole movie. He also stomps a shark to death
The Fat and The Furious (the first "s" has been removed from The Fast and the Furious)


An elite street racer, ex-convict and his crew all end up rather overweight after many nights of binge eating too much junk food. They start to to steal expensive electronic equipment to pay for their eating habits, unfortunately that extra weight really slows them down and the furious people they've been stealing from ensure that they never make it back to their get-away cars alive.
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Leon - Neon
Leon save Matylda and they go to the club Neon.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway

City of Angels - City of Anger


This is Anger, The Black kings home city ruled by fear and anger
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