[WINNERS CHOSEN] [NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Finding Nemo & Toy Story (Steelbook)

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Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Dec 28, 2012
WINNER: @Fred31 & @Cobster


Welcome to #bestweekever #ninjaweek 2015!
Prize donated by: @Wreck

Finding Nemo Steelbook (UK) and Toy Story Steelbook (UK)

Nemo Toy Story.jpg

To enter:

What is your favorite Pixar character and why?


TWO winners, each winner will get one of each steelbook.
ONE post/entry per person.
Shipping: covered worldwide.
Contest ends March 1st, 2015.

Good luck everyone!

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It has to be Wall-E for me. The main character can only give sound effects and say his/it's name. That is the entire dialog of the protagonist and Pixar surrounds him with this storyline and create a world around Wall-E where it is hard not to fall in love with him. A truly great film by Pixar and by far the best and most memorable character in their catalog.
Thanks for another awesome donation @Wreck! :notworthy:

My favorite Disney character is Lucifer!
Because he's mean, wicked... just an EVIL living creature!
And he likes to lick himself! :yuck: Kind of like @Ricker! :naughty:

Just kidding, my favorite is Wall E! :woot: :drool:
wall e.jpg

Thanks for the Giveaway. My Fav is Sully from Monsters Inc. Because he's big, goofy and Hairy. Kind of like @bloodsnake007
:joy: :D :p
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