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Aug 23, 2010
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8 CPU cores at 1.6GHz, with a custom 800MHz graphics processor in the GPU. There are 8GB of RAM on board, with 32MB of fast embedded SRAM at double the throughput speed, and a 50GB-capable 6x Blu-ray drive. Wireless connectivity protocols include both Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct, and there’s still a Gigabit Ethernet port for gamers with low latency multiplayer demands. It’ll also come with USB 3.0 and HDMI 1.4a, which supports 3D over HDMI, Ethernet, audio return channels and 4K resolution.​



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There is no telling when we'll hear anything about the new system yet. I thought MS was doing it's own reveal but I guess they are holding out till E3.
There is no telling when we'll hear anything about the new system yet. I thought MS was doing it's own reveal but I guess they are holding out till E3.

That was rumor started by some old guy talking about stocks.MS will wait until E3 and then own the show with the new console.They will have to address the whole always connected thing that has flared up,so why not make a joke about it at e3?
Hmmmm...looks like people should watch my predictions closer...?

I knows not what you are talking about! :p :hilarious:

I honestly DID not expect them to do it so close to e3....

I hope they save all the kinetic 2.0 stuff for E3 and show us the better stuff the 21'st....

Im guessing they will hopefully stream the event on live?

Also some interesting news...
"Microsoft Creative Director Departs After ‘Always On’ Controversy"
Microsoft finally made it official and announced today that they will reveal the new Xbox at 10 a.m. Pacific Time on May 21! They posted the following:

"A New Generation Revealed. Be part of this historic online event, featuring a live stream, video, images, updates and more."

The event will stream live on Xbox Live, and can also be seen on Spike TV.
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they changed the countdown though.It use to be set for E3.
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anyone notice the two circles at the top?now i really wann know if they named this thing the Xbox 720.Infinity would not be a bad name because let's face it, this will mostly be used to play Halo anyway.

The idea in the name is with everything it can do. Infinity will probably stick because they use the name 360 instead of Xbox 2 because the playstation was release in the PS3 and they didn't want to seem a generation behind.
Kotaku Rumor: Microsoft 6 months behind in game production for X720


We've heard from other sources that Microsoft is not where they want to be at this point in the pre-launch development of Durango. A reliable source—one who was not part of our reporting about the Respawn game—tells us that Microsoft is as much as six months behind in producing content for the new console, despite an expected late-2013 launch. Another tells us that Microsoft recently cancelled several internal next-gen projects because they were not coming together as hoped. These sources have told us that, comparatively, Sony is in better shape and further along with hardware and software development for PlayStation 4.

We'd also heard from an industry insider that Microsoft was aggressively trying to sign exclusive games for Durango. Given the lack of internal development at Microsoft—their internal studios, while talented, are outnumbered by those of Sony and Nintendo—and given some of the apparent recent stumbles and slowdowns internally, signing an exclusive Respawn-EA game would suit the Durango quite well.
Next Xbox Reveal Set For May 21, 10:00 A.M. PST, Livestreamed

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Worldwide Times

Game Informer has just received word that Microsoft is about to send out invitations for an unveiling event for the next Xbox. According to our source, who has asked to for anonymity, the proceedings will take place on May 21 in Redmond, Washington.

While the presentation will be held in an intimate setting, it will be streamed live on, Xbox Live, and Spike TV in the US and Canada. Invitations to the press and publishing partners are expected to go out shortly. Game Informer has reached out to Microsoft for comment.

On Tuesday May 21st, we’ll mark the beginning of a new generation of games, TV and entertainment. On that day, we’ll be holding a special press event on the Xbox campus and we invite you to join us via the live global stream that will be available on, Xbox LIVE and broadcast on Spike TV if you are in the US or Canada.

On that day, we’ll share our vision for Xbox, and give you a real taste of the future. Then, 19-days later at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles, we’ll continue the conversation and showcase our full lineup of blockbuster games.

We are thrilled to pull back the curtain and reveal what we’ve been working on.

A New Generation Revealed
Xbox Campus, Redmond WA
Tuesday, May 21st @ 1p ET/10a PT/17:00 GMT


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Didn't see it in the OP of that thread or in the title, so I made it to get the news out. You can merge or delete thread as need be. My fault.
Michael Pachter just destroyed them for this article on the pach Attack show.But me personally ,i don't see MS releasing this holiday.Maybe March of next year,with a big third party exclusive,because there is no way Halo 5 is already made.

Or maybe i could be wrong if the rumors are true about a some kinda exclusive deal with Cod Ghost and EA.
I am looking forward to this, although I may hold off at launch judging by the problems which beset the 360 launch.

I'm sure both companies have learned from their mistakes this generation and will put out quality hardware.MS won't have overheating issues,since they remedy that with the slim launch and Sony won't have and insane price point and over developed hardware.