10 Cloverfield Lane - In theaters March 11, 2016


Est. 2011
Dec 5, 2011
Thunder Bay
[CONTAINER][MOVIE1]Title: Valencia (2016)

Genre: [GENRE]Thriller[/GENRE]

Director: [DIRECTOR]Dan Trachtenberg[/DIRECTOR]

Cast: [ACTOR]Mary Elizabeth Winstead[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]John Goodman[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]John Gallagher Jr.[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Maya Erskine[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Douglas M. Griffin[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Cindy Hogan[/ACTOR]

Release Date: [RELEASE]2016-03-11[/RELEASE]


Plot: Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he's saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable.[/MOVIE1][POSTER1]

From IMDb:
Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he's saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable.


VALENCIA revealed to be 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE ... From Collider.com, January 14th, 2016:

In 2014, news broke that filmmaker Dan Trachtenbergwho helmed the short filmPortal: No Escapewould be directing a post-apocalyptic thriller called Valencia(also referred to as The Cellar) for Bad Robot and Paramount Insurge, produced byJ.J. Abrams. While it’s true that the film is a post-apocalyptic thriller and was produced by Abrams, it appears that the Star Wars: The Force Awakens director has pulled another fast one on us—the movie’s actual title is 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Yes indeed, it appears as though that long-talked-about sequel to the secretive Abrams-produced 2008 film Cloverfield is not only happening, it’s already in the can. Abrams is taking the exact same marketing approach to this film as he did withCloverfield, as a Collider reader who caught an east coast screening of Paramount’s13 Hours hipped us to the news that the teaser trailer for 10 Cloverfield Lane is attached to Michael Bay’s Benghazi film. Surprise!

We subsequently reached out to Paramount Pictures for comment, who provided Collider with this exclusive statement from J.J. Abrams himself:

The idea came up a long time ago during production. We wanted to make it a blood relative of Cloverfield. The idea was developed over time. We wanted to hold back the title for as long as possible.

The film stars John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and John Gallagher, Jr. and when we previously spoke with Winstead while she was promoting her indie Faults, she told us the story revolves around a woman who wakes up in a cellar where she’s being kept by a stranger, played by Goodman. The actress previously elaborated a bit on the plot by saying the following:

He tells me that basically the world is over outside because there’s been a nuclear fall-out. It does have similarity to Faults, in some ways, because you don’t know who’s telling the truth or who to believe. There’s a lot of, who’s manipulating who, and all of that. Tonally, it’s very different, but it has some of those same themes.

Now that we know the title of the film, this “post-apocalyptic” setting appears to make much more sense, but how exactly it ties to Cloverfield remains unknown. Abrams tells us it’s a “blood relative”, which seems to suggest that the movie isn’t a direct sequel to Cloverfield but instead takes place within the same universe. Clearly it’s not found footage so it’s taking a different visual style than the Matt Reeves-directed original, but is it set within the New York City area? And how long after the events of Cloverfield does it pick up? That’s all unclear, but seeing as how the first trailer is set to arrive imminently, I’m sure we’ll have plenty more questions once that’s officially released.

Luckily, we don’t have to wait long at all to see the film. 10 Cloverfield Lane is set to hit theaters on March 11th.

What do you think, folks? 8 years later, are you still eager for another Cloverfield story? Sound off in the comments below.

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That sure sounded like either Clover or Godzilla!!:rofl:
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The start of the noise really sounds a bit like goodman screaming but then goes into full clover/zilla


Make out what you can but I can see something above the lower left balcony part and the to the left of the smaller top left peak of the house and then also where the light is. I'm super excited now

The below isn't actually spoilers but some guesses after this second trailer and also just incase I drag on a little lol

Initially I thought possibly helicopter behind the thing because I can see some kind of tentacles - but also the inside house is really lighting up! Strange),
Or what if the Clovie survived the NY hammer down and has become more like Godzilla?, or finally aliens too (looks a little war of the worlds) as well as clovies (NY), or a portal like pacific rim with clovies coming through, or as its set in Louisiana (see the trees) is it some kind of angler fish Clovie, or the craziest of all-
John goodman has a barrel (from trailer) of pure seabed nectar (which is a ingredient in the slusho swamp pop drink that drink in these films and same company owned by the oil drilling company TAGRUATO Corp that was keeping the clovies a secret) and he is transforming into a beast himself (tag line - monsters come in many forms - which can also mean him as a human being) but that sound at the end really sounds like him screaming in agony and then full on monster)lol

Also if that is goodman starting off the roar it could just be for the trailer to signify two monsters - him as a human and then an actual monster

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Just found something else a bit weird.
Not sure what it means though because these numbers are appearing in a lot of places as you know and matching up with other numbers and I think it might be coincidence but who knows.
Also not seen anyone mention this either

in the Philippines the film is released 2 days earlier on the 9th March. Now if you put that date in Google 09/03/16 then it turns out there will be a solar eclipse on that day. "Hmmm"your thinking....

Well it links to a wiki page and look what number is next to "greatest eclipse" minus the "19"

Lol I don't even know what greatest eclipse means plus I googled the date the English way

Prob means nothing
@Flloydo So many odd coincidences like that keep popping up... it's kinda freaking me out a little lol.

Im not going to lie but this whole thing is also freaking me out and scaring me a little lol also when I spot or find something I have a little tear (like a little freaked out tear lol - how sad)

I've noticed some people mentioning this could share a universe with super 8 now which I would kind of like but he apparently denied it years ago but his mind could of changed now.

Just a downer we get this a month after the US

I'm going to loose my mind trying not to read stuff after the US release date for a month
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Okay so this game for the new film is blowing my mind and the amount of research and things some people are finding and posting on Reddit is just amazing

There seem to be so many websites in on this (some may not be) and so many coincidences and links to all these random places and postcodes and websites that it's a little creepy. Basically the numbers goodman punches into the juke box (4813) is leading to so many things for instance a shop in austraila that sell juke boxes or postcodes to places and addresses that seem to be linking to the info he speaks of in the letter to Megan like where he bunkers are. Also a lot of speculation that his daughter is in France etc.

People are finding the photos on that original site Luke posted where you have to put the code "do you want to talk?" In of things like Eiffel Towers, beads, ice cream to websites that share postcodes to the numbers (and they are actual shops) Google seem to be in on it. Plus goodmans letter has typos and some of these sites randomly have typos that others are clocking like the ice cream site, people have linked stuff to etc and Eiffel towers seem to be popping up everywhere!

someone even decoded a bunch of photos and unlocked this

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Apparenty there is a creature designer involved with the film too and some of the pics of monsters are crazy so it looks It could possibly pay off (possibly)

The secret present for Megan's birthday hasn't been unlocked yet and the ARG game might need to get to the next level for us to find out more plus there is speculation that there might be a new trailer at the Super Bowl half time or something like a random clip of a 13 year olds birthday (Megan) and half the people won't even have a clue, which if that does happen will hopefully unlock the next bit.
Here is some of the efforts people are going to

And there are loads more of leads and possibilities here it's just getting insane weird but cool insane lol

ive literally spent hours reading through the threads (except the spoiler and script threads) and it's starting to get so creepy. There are some pointless threads but there are pages and pages and better to click on the lead ones I suppose if you going to have a look

@tridon , @luke98

@Noodles (and anyone) also mate (and I've only just found this out) if you have the cloverfield blu Ray or DVD go to scènes and hover over scene 16 and wait roughly 1 minute (should be less). It will unlock scene 17. Click on it and you will have all the viral videos from when the ARG was around for the first film and you can watch all the videos they did including the oil station getting destroyed by the cloverfield monster (you can see shots being fired at it and then it swimming away - but the news report says its things like oil spillage but you clearly see a monster swimming away to the right, and this all happens on a date before the film starts and satellite drops proving they were keepin the monster hidden) plus a few other videos.

But the creepiest parts is the certain number and also 1:58, 70 (on his shirt) they just seem to be leading to some strangest places or have the strangest meanings which fit in to goodmans background of what we know from his employee of the month and the letter

Anyway I'm really into this and appologies if others are not and sick of me posting but like the first film i feel this is going to lead to some crucial info about goodmans character and the organisations behind it all that you prob won't find out in the film just like the first one

If you don't like it then just ignore my post lol
Your crazy :rofl::naughty::p
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Your crazy :rofl::naughty::p

(In the joker voice)

"No I'm not"

Lol nah, but this thing is literally driving me crazy.

I've also noticed something else extremely crucial that I haven't seen one person mention about the 2nd trailer (in the first 2 seconds to do with the crash) but I'm leaving this alone for a few days until the secret present is guessed. I can't be asked anymore lol
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Im not going to lie but this whole thing is also freaking me out and scaring me a little lol also when I spot or find something I have a little tear (like a little freaked out tear lol - how sad)

I've noticed some people mentioning this could share a universe with super 8 now which I would kind of like but he apparently denied it years ago but his mind could of changed now.

Just a downer we get this a month after the US

I'm going to loose my mind trying not to read stuff after the US release date for a month
Just remind youself that these are people in L.A. on computers making an ARG. Nothing to be scared of!!;)
(now you got me thinking about John Goodman going all "The Thing" !!!")
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Just remind youself that these are people in L.A. on computers making an ARG. Nothing to be scared of!!;)
(now you got me thinking about John Goodman going all "The Thing" !!!")
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Lol I'm not actually scared scared like for my life lol
It's just eerie and freaky and im liking it but it's also frying my brain for many reasons. How weird it is but Mostly how much I'm reading taking quite a chunk out of the day. Can't help it though.
I've stopped for a bit anyway.

Yeah imagine that. He just beasts out lol

Another cool thing in the trailer when she's running from the car and the alarm is going off and lights flashing she seems to be on some home made hazard suit (she's also in it in a few other scenes) and originally I thought the car was moving and maybe Goodman was driving after her but Notice there's no one in the car. Maybe she's set a trap for it?
Or she set the alarm off and running for dear life because someone or something will notice

I am starting to think possibly aliens are involved too but that is a long shot

She also might be running from clover or another monster at the end shot of the super bowl trailer and then that's something else coming over top of the house to maybe help. She's literally caught in the middle of two things about to Maybe fight (that light could be something man made or alien space craft)

Some also think it's a explosion in the background (further away) becasue some seem to think it resembles a kind mushroom cloud or something but I'm not sure. I can personally see faint structure coming over the house
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Lol I'm not actually scared scared like for my life lol
It's just eerie and freaky and im liking it but it's also frying my brain for many reasons. How weird it is but Mostly how much I'm reading taking quite a chunk out of the day. Can't help it though.
I've stopped for a bit anyway.

Yeah imagine that. He just beasts out lol

Another cool thing in the trailer when she's running from the car and the alarm is going off and lights flashing she seems to be on some home made hazard suit (she's also in it in a few other scenes) and originally I thought the car was moving and maybe Goodman was driving after her but Notice there's no one in the car. Maybe she's set a trap for it?
Or she set the alarm off and running for dear life because someone or something will notice

I am starting to think possibly aliens are involved too but that is a long shot

She also might be running from clover or another monster at the end shot of the super bowl trailer and then that's something else coming over top of the house to maybe help. She's literally caught in the middle of two things about to Maybe fight (that light could be something man made or alien space craft)

Some also think it's a explosion in the background (further away) becasue some seem to think it resembles a kind mushroom cloud or something but I'm not sure. I can personally see faint structure coming over the house
Ha ha! I just think it's funny over at Reddit the people are all freaked out! Yes. There are freaky coincidences- because guys in a room on computers are making it that way!! It is designed to be so!
(For the record- I still think the best viral ARG-tie in with a movie ever done was for The Dark Knight. That was masterful.)

Also- No one seems to talk about the THIRD character in the bunker!! What about THAT guy?!!:LOL:
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Ha ha! I just think it's funny over at Reddit the people are all freaked out! Yes. There are freaky coincidences- because guys in a room on computers are making it that way!! It is designed to be so!
No one seems to talk about the THIRD character in the bunker!! What about THAT guy?!!

I wouldn't say it's all been created for this. There are some weird coincidences with a few things on sites that I think have nothing to do with it.

I've been wondering about him for a while but there's just nothing in the trailers giving any hint to him.
He could be another random Goodman brought in or he may be that guy who goes missing by the Japanese company (is it Jamie? Can't remember. Anyway the guy with the gf in viral vids who you don't see) or he may be in on something with Goodman but he certainly looks worried/ surprised when goodmans going for the barrel. Plus whats with the arm?
Has he been bitten? (you see a blury quick clip of him in the background with his sleeve up and it's red) maybe he's taking raw nectar to stop him going into what happens to marlena.
Also on one of them ARG sites for the company (can't remember if it's the employee of the month site or another) it mentions the seabed nectar giving superhuman strength and rapid cell regrowth among other things after it was tested on a human. That's if Goodman has the raw nectar.
Beardy is intriguing and I really want to know more about him.
But then has he been brainwashed becasue he try's to stop her at the dinner table when she smashes the glass just begore they look like they are having a laugh.

I like the theory that the original cloverfield tape (that we know as the film) is in that VHS case they seem to watch and Goodman managed to get it for research or something and put onto VHS and the other guy is realising what it is before she looks up

The whole blood relative comment has me thinking too.

Oh also this is quite cool (not saying they are connected at all but team JJ certainly go for a theme with his posters)


Another interesting find was someone had messed around with the colour on the pic of the strawberry shapped thing on the fun and pretty website turned it upside down and it looks like the shape of a monsters head with horns and the top of the braclet highlights a couple of "Z Z Z" above its head and it looks like it could be a clue to a "sleeping monster"
Thought that was actually quite cool and clever
If I find the pic I'll post it
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Lol now that pic is creepy

This is the pic
This is a screen shot of all the 16 photos and someone has flipped reversed etc and done something to the colour and if you look in the middle of the pick then to the right a little and down a tad you can see pinky red silhouette of a beast head worth horns and the Z's above as if to say it's currently sleeping
I like that one
. Apparently other stuff too in each photo (like different letter sticking out etc) oh and those letter spell a word in German for a pig monster and the pics of it (drawings) look like the beast silhouette head shape too.

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4 new trailers coming this weekend all for different cinema chains all apparently lasting 1:41 long :)
I hate this sooooo much.

I hated the bloody build up to cloverfield and the same is happening to this.

It starts to feel like that serious film with Jim Carrey (23).


Ohhhhhh sweet.
Awesome trailer.

So want to know what that is knocking at the door. Looks like a giant slug thing or something. Creepy

Those 5 trailers were released the other day and they all were the same trailer as the first one (or Super Bowl trailer - can't remember) and they all had an image pop up at the end so people are linking those now and they all have numbers in the images.

Also runtime is 1 hour 45 mins and this one is labelled as sci fi!!!
Cloverfield was horror I think
So I'm happy about both those

Also the website was updated the other day with another message from Goodman to Megan and that interesting with parts on how to make survival stuff and also with news articles linking to events in our news plus he mentions about a train in it too about a New Orleans train to get to him and mentions not to take a plane and this particular train track caught on fire the other day on actual news which is a bit freaky but some on Reddit think it was planned for the ARG as that has now popped up on the website for the news sections lol

Seem to be something with soviets and satellites but weirdly enough as paranoid as goodmans character seems in his messages to Megan with the bunkers, what he knows, his fear of y2k and what he's seen in the navy he don't once mention monsters or Clovie in New York

Edit: just noticed it looks like a woman at the bunker door at the end
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