47 Ronin - In theaters December 25, 2013


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May 3, 2011


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Universal's 47 Ronin won't open in North America until December 25th, but it kicked off its international run this weekend in Japan. However, the samurai movie (which is heavy on the CGI and light on star power) took only $1.3 million, finishing third behind two local-language films.
While the majority of foreign releases struggle in the country, it's not a good sign for the studio that a movie about a story famous in Japanese folklore starring popular Japanese actors like Hiroyuki Sanada and Rinko Kikuchi has failed to find any real success this soon. Such a sluggish start is an indication that the same will happen elsewhere, especially as awareness of 47 Ronin domestically is extremely low. Analysts are already predicting an opening of only $10 million, with a final total of around $50 million. Not a good result for a movie which cost $175 million to produce...

Doesn't sounds good... :ohno:
OUCH!!! You're right Drum! This doesn't sound good :( ... not good at all :angry: Flop or not, I'm still gonna see it! :LOL:

I can see the damn headlines already! "47 Ronin joins The Lone Ranger as this years biggest box office bombs!" "Keanu Reeves should pray for another Matrix! Maybe then he'll have another success!" :angry: :p
I've had the opportunity to see and this, and all I can say its a mixed bag.

It works on many levels and looks fantastic, however overall it does just end up being an average fantastical film.

Your are more likely to get better performance out of pinewood tree than what Keanu gives here.

This could have been great but it definitely lacks something.

That's the feeling I got from watching the trailer when it first came out. I really want this movie to be great once I get to watch it but after the highs and lows it got during production it must have ended up affecting the final result big time.
As we all know it's been universally panned & floped world wide but i must be an exception because i loved it Keanu is still Keanu i've seen more emotion in a rice pudding :hilarious: but Hiroyuki Sanada gave a good performance as Oishi, the photography & colour is stunning and the 3D was used well for depth and background but like other people i was hopeing for more harder action and blood but maybe there'll be a harder unrated cut for the bd release either way it's a day one purchase for me.
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As we all know it's been universally panned & floped world wide but i must be an exception because i loved it Keanu is still Keanu i've seen more emotion in a rice pudding :hilarious: but Hiroyuki Sanada gave a good performance as Oishi, the photography & colour is stunning and the 3D was used well for depth and background but like other people i was hopeing for more harder action and blood but maybe there'll be a harder unrated cut for the bd release either way it's a day one purchase for me.

+1 100%!!!!!! I really enjoyed this film! I do hope Universal releases an Extended/Unrated/Directors Cut on Bluray! :LOL:
Saw this on Christmas Day with a thin crowd which was odd. I liked it but wished it had a little more intensity in the fight sequences with bloodier consequences. I suspect the PG13 rating hurt its opening draw on Christmas Day which was another mistake imo.
From the trailers, looked like a very promising movie, but in the end was very average. It could've been so much more.

On a different note, the "silver samurai" in this movie should've been in The Wolverine rather than that robotic mess they created.