Alternatives to "holy grail" steelbooks


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Aug 4, 2012
I consider myself a selective but avid steelbook collector. I was wondering if other collectors feel the "holy grail" steelbooks are worth the $100+ prices are worth the purchase.

Ex. I like the JJ Abrams Star Trek, but to me I don't think a steelbook is worth the price it is currently going for because I collect with no intention of selling. I collect steelbooks VMBs etc because I prefer metal over plastic amarays and digibooks. I bought the DVD steelbook of Star Trek and put my Blu Ray in it since it has the same artwork. To me steelbooks are just movies with premium packaging.

So I guess what I am asking is whether "holy grail" releases like Iron Man Future Shop are really worth it or is the Play or other releases are comparable for your collection?

This thread is not to argue but share opinions so, thoughts?
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I think collecting the "grail" editions is for hardcore collectors or those who we in the game from the go and only paid retail for them.

I personally would never spend $200+ on a steelbook because no steel is that valuable to me. If I can get a good deal than that is a different story.

Trying to get all of these limited releases is a bit overwhelming, both mentally and $$ wise. There are just too many out there. I have a few limited releases but thanks to this forum and it's group buys I have only had to pay retail prices!
Well its not in the budget for me to be spending $100 - $500 on any one steelbook.

Would I love to have the grails?? Sure! but I am limited to what I can spend and keep it that way.

Part of the fun for me is getting steels at good prices too, I try to never pay more than close to original retail if I can help it.

The most I have ever spent on a Steelbook was $75 for Transformers ROTF FS.
I'm about to drop a lot on one particular steelbook, but its one that I've been looking for for like a year.

I haven't really been buying steels for the last 6-8 months do that's how I'm rationalizing the purchase :) I don't plan on buying any more of the "grails" cause it's simply just not in my budget
IMO its not worth it if you are thinking of a budget. I have never dropped more than $65 on a single steel and that was a 1 time deal. My advice is to find a suitable steel. For example I am quite happy with my play IM2 instead of the target iron pack or any Asian release. Working on acquiring IM play but only within my budget. Do not over extend yourself in collecting grails. I am quite happy with reprints if I missed out on the first releases. Put you and family first. Things come second. Don't get caught up in this grail madness.
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No offense frankfish44, I think the content of your rebuttal is more of failed (MISSED) to get the holy grail in the first place and you fall under the dilemma of balancing now your conscience with "I wont go spend more than $65", "Family First".

Your mindset is after the fact - its not about budget its about a built-in excuse to your own conscience.

IMO its not worth it if you are thinking of a budget. I have never dropped more than $65 on a single steel and that was a 1 time deal. My advice is to find a suitable steel. For example I am quite happy with my play IM2 instead of the target iron pack or any Asian release. Working on acquiring IM play but only within my budget. Do not over extend yourself in collecting grails. I am quite happy with reprints if I missed out on the first releases. Put you and family first. Things come second. Don't get caught up in this grail madness.

---------- Post added at 09:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 AM ----------

bgmat58, I disagree on your 1st paragraph statement. Its a contradicting, vague and inconclusive association between "Hardcore Collector" and "Collecting from day 1"

Holy grail only rises up (in my honest opinion) due to "demand", "buzz", and "envy".

Whats your definition of Hardcore Collector? (because from your succeeding statement, seems that Hardcore Collectors are those who "spent more than $200" for a steelbook, if so - I dont see them as Hardcore, I see them as falling into a mental state of acquisition")

I think collecting the "grail" editions is for hardcore collectors or those who we in the game from the go and only paid retail for them.
To each their own? If the hobby becomes a passion, I guess you'd go to a certain length to get what you want. And if what you want happens to be a 'grail', maybe you'd spend more than a few $$$$ on it too... Worth of an item is very very subjective in my opinion and its not necessarily a millionaire who would be willing to pay what a lot of other folks may consider a lot of money to acquire a particular SB.

Yes, by all means, if a particular price is too much to pay from a budget perspective, by all means go ahead and do the best you can to grow your collection - a G1 IM FS case with BRDs may not be the grail, but it doesn't hurt the collection, does it?
No offense frankfish44, I think the content of your rebuttal is more of failed (MISSED) to get the holy grail in the first place and you fall under the dilemma of balancing now your conscience with "I wont go spend more than $65", "Family First".

Are you suggesting that every collector out there should be after the grails??
Yeah, I missed out on the grails. It is not my lifelong mission to get them. I can't drive an expensive car. I'm quite happy to drive an affordable one. Get my drift. Let's not hype up that it is grails or nothing. To many collectors out there. You may not have a budget but many of us do. Its not mentality but rather REALITY.
Don't knock others down cause their thinking is different from yours. I now select whichever release I want. Many are into slips. I'm not. Does that make me less irrelevant?
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Ok folks lets keep this civilised please. We are all in this hobby for the same reason, because we like to collect!;) There is no right or wrong way, so whatever you are comfortable with whether that be spending $10 or a $200 on a steelbook. We all have different priorities and different budgets to work with so some people will drop a lot of money on a grail whereas others wouldn't dream of it, to each their own.:)
Ok folks lets keep this civilised please. We are all in this hobby for the same reason, because we like to collect!;) There is no right or wrong way, so whatever you are comfortable with whether that be spending $10 or a $200 on a steelbook. We all have different priorities and different budgets to work with so some people will drop a lot of money on a grail whereas others wouldn't dream of it, to each their own.:)

Well said Simon!

Everyone is different. I keep telling collectors this. If we were all had the same collecting ethics this hobby be boring. There are hundreds of steels for everyone to enjoy.

You collect what you want, and if your happy to spend X amount that's entirely upto you.

If I want to spend $500 for a steel (and yes I am open to declare I have done) that's my decision. I don't expect everyone else to follow my traits. I missed out on the grails and the only way for me to get them is to buy them or trade for something of equal value. It's that simple.

If your unhappy that the rare steels you want are too highly priced - no one is asking you to pay them. Part of the hobby is trying to hunt for a good deal :)

If you missed out on the grail and complain the steel is too expensive then your going to have to wait for a bargain :) or get the wallet out! :ohno:
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If I can find an alternative to a holy grail steel then I actually feel great. I now have quite a large collection and I do have a few fairly-rare steels but I'm not so much bothered about minty mint steels.

I've got gladiator & predators (as well as many others) very cheap in my local 2nd hand shop. They both aren't perfect but I only paid just over £15 for the pair so very cheap.

Another one I see is iron man & zombieland. Cheap alternatives (well I preordered both) to their foreign rarer versions but still look great.

I would look for a new cheaper Star Trek, Rambo etc to be re released so that I can get them in my collection.
This is a nice thread ... but I thought by the title of the thread it was more so about finding the 2nd best version of a movie (steel) that was more affordable.
Since I will never own the (hard to find/too rich for my blood) G2's from FutureShop; I have their G1 counterparts. Watchmen, with the artwork and gloss combined, is still my favorite steelbook I own even though it's a G1. I'm perfectly happy with these and don't see the purpose to spend on the 'holy grails.' I'm into collecting for the alternate artwork of some of my favorite movies on steel and I rather spend that money on more future releases to grow that collection.

Just wait for the re-releases from Zavvi.

It wouldn't surprise me. Zavvi doesn't want to work to make money. Why don't we start up our own company and re-release all the old rare steels before Zavvi since exclusive means nothing in this business?

We would make a killing and I think I know how to copy and paste it's control c, then control v right?
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It wouldn't surprise me. Zavvi doesn't want to work to make money. Why don't we start up our own company and re-release all the old rare steels before Zavvi since exclusive means nothing in this business?

We would make a killing and I think I know how to copy and paste it's control c, then control v right?

I think they copied to the tee as to how to establish oneself in the steelbook market. It just happenned that when play released star trek and IM, there were no releases of those titles in the UK. Play having released most of the titles, IMO Zavvi had no choice but to re release important titles to establish and distinguish istelf in what is now a crowded UK market.