Avengers: Endgame - In theaters April 26, 2019


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Nov 4, 2010
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4.71 star(s) Rating: 4.71/5 7 Votes
Title: Avengers: Endgame

Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction

Director: Joe Russo, Anthony Russo

Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Brie Larson, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Josh Brolin, Don Cheadle, Paul Rudd, Bradley Cooper, Karen Gillan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff, Vin Diesel, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Evangeline Lilly, Chadwick Boseman, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jon Favreau, Tilda Swinton, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfeiffer, Cobie Smulders and much more...

Release: 2019-04-26

Plot: The turning point of the beloved heroes' epic journey, as they come to truly understand how fragile their reality is and the sacrifices that must be made to uphold it.

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‘Avengers: Endgame’ Crushes $2 Billion Milestone in Record Time

Disney’s “Avengers: Endgame” has officially surpassed the $2 billion mark in its second weekend in theaters, obliterating the record for the fastest film to reach that milestone.

“Avengers: Endgame” is now the second-highest grossing movie of all time with $2.188 billion globally, passing “Titanic” in just 11 days. It took “Avatar,” the previous record-holder for quickest film to $2 billion, 47 days to reach that benchmark.

“Avengers: Endgame” is one of only five films to ever cross $2 billion in ticket sales, joining the company of “Avatar” ($2.78 billion), “Titanic” ($2.187 billion), “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” ($2.06 billion), and “Avengers: Infinity War” ($2.04 billion).

The tentpole has earned $620 million at the domestic box office, becoming the 9th biggest title ever in North America. Overseas, “Endgame” has amassed a monster $1.56 billion, with $575 million of that bounty coming from China.

via Variety
How did Marvel come up with the now beloved line, "I love you 3,000"? Easy. They didn't.

One of the most emotional lines to come out of "Endgame" is "I love you, 3,000."
  • According to screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the line was originally different. It was changed to 3,000 because of some inspiration on Robert Downey Jr.'s part.
  • During a conversation at the 92Y in New York City Thursday, which INSIDER attended, the two explained it's a line Downey Jr.'s children say to him. So they allowed it in the final film.
  • Excuse us while we cry all over again.
One of most memorable lines of dialogue to come from "Avengers: Endgame" is from an exchange between Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr.) and his daughter, Morgan. As she goes to bed, she tells her father, "I love you, 3,000." The line is reiterated later in the movie as part of one of the film's most emotional moments.

After the movie's release, "I love you, 3,000" has become ubiquitous among Marvel fans, with many sharing the line on social media as a way to thank both Marvel Studios and Robert Downey Jr. for more than a decade of movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

What was the inspiration for "I love you, 3,000"?

"Robert [Downey Jr.]," said "Endgame" screenwriter Stephen McFeely during a conversation at the 92Y in New York City Thursday night, which INSIDER attended.

"The line went, 'I love you tons. I love you tons,'" said McFeely of the original version of the line in "Endgame." "And so, he says, 'I love you tons,' but his children say to him, 'I love you, 3,000.'"

"In real life," "Endgame" screenwriter Christopher Markus clarified.


During the hour-long conversation with New York Times' reporter Dave Itzkoff, the screenwriting duo recounted their journey from meeting at University of California, Davis to working on the "Chronicles of Narnia" franchise at Walt Disney Studios, and, eventually the first "Captain America" movie.

The two have written screenplays for several Marvel movies, including the two last "Avengers" movies. After years of working with "Avengers: Endgame" co-directors and brothers Anthony and Joe Russo, the two will continue their working relationship at a studio they started with the brothers.

Though McFeely said they're executive producing a number of "bigger" projects there, Markus teased the two have been contacted about another potential Marvel project.

McFeely, hesitant to say anything more, said it may be best for them to take a breather for a while after spending the past five or so years with Marvel Studios.

"[Marvel] should really get some fresh blood in there," said McFeely. "We're a couple of tired old mules."

via Insider
Avengers: Endgame – Katherine Langford's Deleted Character Revealed

Talking on the Happy Sad Confused to Josh Horowitz, the directors spilled the beans on Langford's planned role, which ended up on the cutting room floor. Langford was cast last October in Endgame, and we now know that she played a future version of Tony Stark's daughter in the film Morgan. The sequence was designed to take place when Tony snapped with the Infinity Stones in his gauntlet and transported to a metaphysical "way station" where he'd meet the older version of Morgan.

"The intention was that his future daughter, because these films are dealing with magic, his future daughter forgave him and sort of gave him peace to go," says Joe. "And the idea felt resonant. But it was just too many ideas in an overly complicated movie." Test screening audiences agreed, and were confused by the addition. "What we realized about it was we didn’t feel an emotional association with the adult version of his daughter. So it wasn’t ringing to us and resonating with us on an emotional level." Instead, we have Pepper Potts letting Tony know it's okay to move on.

Why Robert Downey Jr. deserves an Oscar for ‘Avengers: Endgame,’ according to its directors


Robert Downey Jr. signs autographs as he arrives at the premiere of "Avengers: Endgame" last month at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Eleven years ago, Robert Downey Jr. took a risk with a head-turning dual role of sorts — as both brash civilian and costumed fighter — that helped launch him back into the Hollywood stratosphere.

That prizewinning performance was not in “Iron Man” but, rather, the Ben Stiller comedy “Tropic Thunder,” which garnered the actor the second of his two Oscar nominations.

And what of that same year’s “Iron Man,” which would not only provide Downey with an iconic role but also kick off a $20 billion-and-counting Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Despite the praise at the time for Downey’s work as both arms industrialist Tony Stark and the alter-ego title superhero in the weaponized red suit, the Bafta-winning actor did not receive a single major-award nomination for “Iron Man.” That streak of critical disregard has continued across his MCU movies, even as fans worry that Marvel has perhaps seen the last of Downey.

Joe and Anthony Russo, the sibling directors who have worked with Downey on “Captain America: Civil War,” “Avengers: Infinity War” and the new “Avengers: Endgame,” say the Academy should finally recognize Downey for his Marvel Studios work — even if it means overcoming apparent bias against actors in superhero movies. (The late Heath Ledger is the only actor to ever win an Oscar for a superhero role, for 2008’s “The Dark Knight.”)

“His cumulative body of work from these movies is staggering,” said Joe Russo, while promoting the record-breaking “Endgame” this week in Washington. “If you look at the work over just even the last four [Marvel] films he’s done, it’s phenomenal. . . . He deserves an Oscar perhaps more than anyone in the last 40 years because of the way that he has motivated popular culture."

The early “Iron Man” movies relied heavily on Downey’s quick-tongued charisma. But one benefit of “Endgame” running over three hours is that the directors are able to let scenes of emotional dialogue breathe between the battles. And because Downey’s character is given a textured arc involving multiple generations of family, the actor reminds viewers of his seemingly effortless range.

With some of his scenes, “it’s heartbreaking,” Joe Russo said. “He has the world in tears right now.”

A decade ago, I sat with Downey at Comic-Con International in San Diego, as he and director Jon Favreau were riding the high of “Iron Man” and making its first sequel. Downey can be a deceptively complicated performer, and you could sense he was still sculpting just what he wanted his Tony Stark to be.

“I’m really strong at coming in and saying: ‘There’s something behind that wall [creatively], so let’s knock it down and be bold there . . .’ ” Downey said. “I know it sounds weird, but I have equations in my head, and those equations apply to where people should be and [what] the frequency of the interactions should be — and the words and the dialogue and the props come in later.”

“He has a very involved process — a more involved process than any actor we’ve ever worked with,” Anthony Russo said Tuesday. “He digs deeper, and he works harder than anybody. . . . Downey really just goes the extra mile for everything — it’s like everything he’s doing is something to his core.”

The actor is so kinetic in his on-set approach, in fact, that it can be a challenge for the directors. “He’s one of the hardest actors to stage a scene for,” Anthony Russo said, “because he loves to move so much.”

Although 17 Oscar-winning actors have appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, none has won for their Marvel work. Beyond them, a wealth of Oscar nominees have also worked for Marvel Studios and received no recognition.

Joe Russo noted that a larger issue here could be how the Academy has come to view popular entertainment, compared with Hollywood’s past.

“I go back and look at past Oscar winners like ‘Ben-Hur,’ ‘West Side Story,’ ‘Lawrence of Arabia,’ ‘My Fair Lady,’ ‘The Sound of Music,’ ‘The Godfather,’ ‘Godfather 2,’ ‘The Sting,’ ‘Rocky’ — we’re talking about some of the most popular films ever made,” he said.

“It feels like there’s now a prejudice against popular cinema,” the filmmaker continued. “In a way, that’s somewhat sad.” (That trend could be changing, if only somewhat: This year, “Black Panther” earned seven Oscar nominations, including for best picture, and won three trophies.)

Besides Downey’s twin nominations, other Avenger-playing actors have seen a stark difference when stepping into a superhero franchise. Mark Ruffalo has been nominated for three Oscars in the past decade, but none for his run as the Hulk. Scarlett Johansson has been nominated for four Golden Globes since 2003’s “Lost in Translation” — but none since taking on the role of the Black Widow, beginning with 2010’s “Iron Man 2.”

At that Comic-Con in 2009, Johansson told me that she loved joining this “weird magical universe” and that she “was convinced I was the right person for the job.”

Today, the Russos revel at how Johansson has continued to deepen her role as Black Widow, the once-villainous Russia-trained assassin.

“She’s incredibly nuanced, and I think what’s interesting about that character is [what’s] morally gray,” said Joe Russo, praising Johansson’s ability to play a hero who engenders trust from her fellow Avengers, even when they are bitterly divided, and who deftly conveys “a journey from individualism to community.”

The Russos also praise the layered comedic performance of Chris Hemsworth as a traumatized, self-loathing Thor.

“Very few folks as good-looking as Hemsworth” can do that, said Joe Russo, “because it’s hard when you’re really good-looking to play vulnerable. He can merge comedy and pathos.”

But as some of these actors face uncertain futures in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, will the major acting award bodies finally take notice?

via Washington Post