Avengers: Infinity War (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Blufans Exclusive #50) [China]


Premium Supporter
Jun 30, 2014
Alexandria Safe-Zone
Release date: 2018 TBC
Group buy: To be hosted by cooey
Price: TBA
Note: Limited to 4000 copies

Group buy update - click the spoiler for info

GB will be live Friday 16th November at around 7:30 - 8:00 PM UK time.

All editions will be available apart from fullslip and quarter slip. Limited quantity of complete package and one click.

Notes - If you have transferred your Black Panther purchase to this, you cannot join the GB. If you do, your purchase will be immedialtely cancelled and refunded. And these are extremely limited at 1 edition per member - if you buy a Complete/One Click/DL/SL, you cannot then purchase any other edition, if you do your order will be immediately cancelled on the additional item and refunded.

Double Lenticular | Single Lenticular | Full Slip | One Click | 1/4 Slip

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Next week is when’s we can expect more Chinese based movement on Blufans orders right.(this is the second week of the Chinese New Year holiday right?)
My one click arrived in the U.K. today.

Hopefully delivered tomorrow or Thursday
I wonder what @Alf_1 has to say about these lentis. Has he unsealed? Has he already threatened to kill half of Asia over this? How do you rate them Alf? Does looking at them enrage or soothe you?

Oops, meant to post this in the Avengers IW thread (mod help?).

Hahaha I will unleash the wrath of Melmac down upon Asia and I will eat all there Cat Burgers!
J/K, ALF loves Asia, but not so much the factories...

Fortunately, for this release I have only good news to report!

As I feel like I was one of the last to Recieve my OC it finally arrived after cooey assured me that it can take a while. So, I was parient and it just came on Saturday... Wooohooo, I am super Happy!

As my Storage Box and the 1/4 slip steel came a while ago Minty Fresh and no loose discs I had my fingers crossed the OC would arrive the same way.

Luckily, it did arrive Minty Fresh and I can verify that mine has NO loose discs! Super Happy about that as I think I am keeping this SEALED.. Sorry guys, I cant comment on the Lentis inside, but my OC is prestine! Just knowing its sealed Mint makes me happy. Thanks again Cooey for the smooth transaction! I Appreciate it tremendously!

I shook my OC to Hell making sure no Discs are loose and I can relate to others it is very annoying once you know they are loose. I will not keep any sealed copies with loose discs unless I plan on opening it. I honeslty dont know if I will keep this sealed forever, but I do know the current home I’m staying in now I will definitely not open it until I move out and get my own place again where I can properly display my collection.

Until then, it remains sealed!

I thank the Blu-Ray Gods And whoever handled my package; thank you for not doing a Hulk Smash to the box and thanfully no loose discs.

I usually dont care too much about shrinkwrap if there are any tiny tears, but I must say the perfect Shrink wrap on my Ragnarok and Avengers IW are perfect as well as they look Amazing on Display!

To be honest though, my favorite OC I own is not Blufans. I actually feel that my OC Spiderman Homecoming OC Maniacs set from Film Arena is way better as well as my OC Manta Labs Ready Player One!

I like the OC Box to have much better Art work like the Manta Labs and the FA have on theirs and the art work on the FA OC is embossed making it pop out at you.

I honestly think the Blufans OC box needs much more improvements with all of their releases as a better standard. For instance, HD Zeta on my Wonder Woman OC on the bottom of the box it has the numbered edition which I like it to say on the outside of the box just like it does with the separate versions that are inside.

The OC box should be numbered on the bottom, but it is not. If it’s not going to be opened and the box is sealed then how does someone know how many OC boxes were really made? It should definitely be numbered if it’s limited on the bottom of the OC box.

My Manta Lab RPO, Wonder Women Zeta, and Spidey FA all have the Holo stickers on the OC box on the outside, underneath the shrink-wrap verifying the edition number.. Why does Blufans put no numbers on their OC’s outside?

I love the Holo Sticker Film Arenas puts on their OC’s and makes it look more premium as well as official!
I also feel the FA spidey has a larger OC box and is way better then even my Thor Ragnarok Blufans..

So, why is Blufans considered one of the favorites from many when I only got one FA OC and just from that one set I feel like they are better then Blufans?

If anyone owns the FA Homecoming OC would you agree that the box they used is much better then the Blufans?

I like the layout design of the Blufans OC box with the magnetic flap, but they really need to put the holo sticker on the bottom. Blufans should also do special art work for the cover of the OC box like Manta Labs and FA did with there OC’s.

I like busy art and I would have liked for the Avengers IW OC to have actual art work from the movie like all the other Premium companies do for their OC.

I love my Blufans Avengers IW, but they can definitely be more creative for the cover. Especially, companies should recognize that their are 2 forms of collectors and if you put nice art work on the box that is a win-win for sealed collecters as well as open box collectors!

That is the reason the OC Manta Labs RPO is a masterpiece as well as the FA OC both have amazing art on the cover. The HD Zeta Lenti of Wonder Women, Gal Gadot looks super crisp with nice depth. And that nice Lenti is on the cover of the OC.

Why cant Blufans be more creative then this or be on that level for their OC’s? Why are Blufans so praised when the 3 OC’s I mentioned when it comes to the OC box are better?

Even the design of the steelbooks for Homecomong with FA are stunning and Blufans are as well, but I dont see them being the best in my opinion.

I also, feel when it comes to the special stickers that Blufans places on the OC as well as the individual copies should also include doubles of all the stickers so collectors if opening can use the included second stickers still on the sticky sheet to place anywhere they desire.

I dont like the fact that if you want to keep the sticker after opening you have to carefully like a surgeon remove it from the opened shrink wrap. That is a pain to keep the sticker looking mint and when removing a sticker from its shrink wrap no matter what will lose some of its adhesive making it not stick as well as it initially did.. In time it can even start to peel off without the sufficient amount of adhesive that has been peeled away when taking it off the shrinkwrap.
How hard is to add double the stickers when these stickers cost pennies on the dollar to produce?

I am in the printing business and to add doubles of the stickers on a sticky sheet is super duper cheap and would not raise costs for them; next to nothing.

I hate when I open the shrinkwrap and have to carefully do my best to salvage the sticker is just whack to me and if I were the owner of the company I always think of the collector first since I am one myself.
I look to always improve and would definitely have the stickers on the shrinkwrap as well as a double for the collector to use as they please.

I added a pic of some art work I feel would be better on the OC cover or even Just Thanos with his evil henchmen would be better. Or Thanos on it like the Best Buy steelbook... Anything is better then Just a freakin “A”. The OC box is part of the whole ensemble and it deserves steller art just like the content inside gets the royal treatment, but the lack of creativity for thier cover of the OC Box Is underwhelming. The “A” looks great, but I rather have better art work on my OC’s.

Imagine if they took the Thanos cover from the Best Buy steelbook turned that into a crisp Lenti and had that displayed on the front of the OC cover like the HD Zeta Wonder Women and then on the back the OC box they could have added Thano’s Henchemen! ENOUGH “A” logo and “Avenger” titles plastered everywhere...

These companies need to start hiring fans and I bet even some would do FREE designs just to improve a better product we all want!

Premium companies no offense, but you lack in your creativity and why do I see fans making better mockups most of the time versus the final design the professionals put out? I wish people can be more passionate about their work and not just care about the bottom line profits.

A HUGE “A” on a box is not passion and just the most lazy design they could possibly make.
I rather the box have the galaxy with stars and Thanos using his power to smash down a planet on his foes.

All in all, I am super happy with everything arriving Mint and Love this Bluefans OC, but I still would like to see better ideas when it comes to the art work on the OC box itself.

Please, add HOLO sticker to bottom of your boxes with edition number just like you do with your individual versions and whatever # is inside my OC should be the same on the outside displayed on a nice Holo sticker!

Blufans also needs to make a there Holo sticker slightly larger because theyvlook nicer when they are the Film Arena Size or maybe even a little bigger then that would be better. If you look at Film Areans HOLO stickers they are a work of art in their own right with vivid colors and great design work. Whoever makes the FA HOLO stickers knows what hey are doing and other companies should take notice!

The Blufans HOLO sticker is Amazing as well, but just needs to be bigger and placed on the outside underneath the shrink wrap on the OC and then I will be a very happy camper!








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Hahaha I will unleash the wrath of Melmac down upon Asia and I will eat all there Cat Burgers!
J/K, ALF loves Asia, but not so much the factories...

Fortunately, for this release I have only good news to report!

As I feel like I was one of the last to Recieve my OC it finally arrived after cooey assured me that it can take a while. So, I was parient and it just came on Saturday... Wooohooo, I am super Happy!

As my Storage Box and the 1/4 slip steel came a while ago Minty Fresh and no loose discs I had my fingers crossed the OC would arrive the same way.

Luckily, it did arrive Minty Fresh and I can verify that mine has NO loose discs! Super Happy about that as I think I am keeping this SEALED.. Sorry guys, I cant comment on the Lentis inside, but my OC is prestine! Just knowing its sealed Mint makes me happy. Thanks again Cooey for the smooth transaction! I Appreciate it tremendously!

I shook my OC to Hell making sure no Discs are loose and I can relate to others it is very annoying once you know they are loose. I will not keep any sealed copies with loose discs unless I plan on opening it. I honeslty dont know if I will keep this sealed forever, but I do know the current home I’m staying in now I will definitely not open it until I move out and get my own place again where I can properly display my collection.

Until then, it remains sealed!

I thank the Blu-Ray Gods And whoever handled my package; thank you for not doing a Hulk Smash to the box and thanfully no loose discs.

I usually dont care too much about shrinkwrap if there are any tiny tears, but I must say the perfect Shrink wrap on my Ragnarok and Avengers IW are perfect as well as they look Amazing on Display!

To be honest though, my favorite OC I own is not Blufans. I actually feel that my OC Spiderman Homecoming OC Maniacs set from Film Arena is way better as well as my OC Manta Labs Ready Player One!

I like the OC Box to have much better Art work like the Manta Labs and the FA have on theirs and the art work on the FA OC is embossed making it pop out at you.

I honestly think the Blufans OC box needs much more improvements with all of their releases as a better standard. For instance, HD Zeta on my Wonder Woman OC on the bottom of the box it has the numbered edition which I like it to say on the outside of the box just like it does with the separate versions that are inside.

The OC box should be numbered on the bottom, but it is not. If it’s not going to be opened and the box is sealed then how does someone know how many OC boxes were really made? It should definitely be numbered if it’s limited on the bottom of the OC box.

My Manta Lab RPO, Wonder Women Zeta, and Spidey FA all have the Holo stickers on the OC box on the outside, underneath the shrink-wrap verifying the edition number.. Why does Blufans put no numbers on their OC’s outside?

I love the Holo Sticker Film Arenas puts on their OC’s and makes it look more premium as well as official!
I also feel the FA spidey has a larger OC box and is way better then even my Thor Ragnarok Blufans..

So, why is Blufans considered one of the favorites from many when I only got one FA OC and just from that one set I feel like they are better then Blufans?

If anyone owns the FA Homecoming OC would you agree that the box they used is much better then the Blufans?

I like the layout design of the Blufans OC box with the magnetic flap, but they really need to put the holo sticker on the bottom. Blufans should also do special art work for the cover of the OC box like Manta Labs and FA did with there OC’s.

I like busy art and I would have liked for the Avengers IW OC to have actual art work from the movie like all the other Premium companies do for their OC.

I love my Blufans Avengers IW, but they can definitely be more creative for the cover. Especially, companies should recognize that their are 2 forms of collectors and if you put nice art work on the box that is a win-win for sealed collecters as well as open box collectors!

That is the reason the OC Manta Labs RPO is a masterpiece as well as the FA OC both have amazing art on the cover. The HD Zeta Lenti of Wonder Women, Gal Gadot looks super crisp with nice depth. And that nice Lenti is on the cover of the OC.

Why cant Blufans be more creative then this or be on that level for their OC’s? Why are Blufans so praised when the 3 OC’s I mentioned when it comes to the OC box are better?

Even the design of the steelbooks for Homecomong with FA are stunning and Blufans are as well, but I dont see them being the best in my opinion.

I also, feel when it comes to the special stickers that Blufans places on the OC as well as the individual copies should also include doubles of all the stickers so collectors if opening can use the included second stickers still on the sticky sheet to place anywhere they desire.

I dont like the fact that if you want to keep the sticker after opening you have to carefully like a surgeon remove it from the opened shrink wrap. That is a pain to keep the sticker looking mint and when removing a sticker from its shrink wrap no matter what will lose some of its adhesive making it not stick as well as it initially did.. In time it can even start to peel off without the sufficient amount of adhesive that has been peeled away when taking it off the shrinkwrap.
How hard is to add double the stickers when these stickers cost pennies on the dollar to produce?

I am in the printing business and to add doubles of the stickers on a sticky sheet is super duper cheap and would not raise costs for them; next to nothing.

I hate when I open the shrinkwrap and have to carefully do my best to salvage the sticker is just whack to me and if I were the owner of the company I always think of the collector first since I am one myself.
I look to always improve and would definitely have the stickers on the shrinkwrap as well as a double for the collector to use as they please.

I added a pic of some art work I feel would be better on the OC cover or even Just Thanos with his evil henchmen would be better. Or Thanos on it like the Best Buy steelbook... Anything is better then Just a freakin “A”. The OC box is part of the whole ensemble and it deserves steller art just like the content inside gets the royal treatment, but the lack of creativity for thier cover of the OC Box Is underwhelming. The “A” looks great, but I rather have better art work on my OC’s.

Imagine if they took the Thanos cover from the Best Buy steelbook turned that into a crisp Lenti and had that displayed on the front of the OC cover like the HD Zeta Wonder Women and then on the back the OC box they could have added Thano’s Henchemen! ENOUGH “A” logo and “Avenger” titles plastered everywhere...

These companies need to start hiring fans and I bet even some would do FREE designs just to improve a better product we all want!

Premium companies no offense, but you lack in your creativity and why do I see fans making better mockups most of the time versus the final design the professionals put out? I wish people can be more passionate about their work and not just care about the bottom line profits.

A HUGE “A” on a box is not passion and just the most lazy design they could possibly make.
I rather the box have the galaxy with stars and Thanos using his power to smash down a planet on his foes.

All in all, I am super happy with everything arriving Mint and Love this Bluefans OC, but I still would like to see better ideas when it comes to the art work on the OC box itself.

Please, add HOLO sticker to bottom of your boxes with edition number just like you do with your individual versions and whatever # is inside my OC should be the same on the outside displayed on a nice Holo sticker!

Blufans also needs to make a there Holo sticker slightly larger because theyvlook nicer when they are the Film Arena Size or maybe even a little bigger then that would be better. If you look at Film Areans HOLO stickers they are a work of art in their own right with vivid colors and great design work. Whoever makes the FA HOLO stickers knows what hey are doing and other companies should take notice!

The Blufans HOLO sticker is Amazing as well, but just needs to be bigger and placed on the outside underneath the shrink wrap on the OC and then I will be a very happy camper!








Look at you go!! Once you get going you just can't stop lol Keyboard fuming?
Those paragraphs about the stickers not being peelable and asking them to add more on a separate sheet, that could be said about all retailers... and I actually agree.
Not sure I agree about the A not being passionate enough. There was plenty of passion in this A :LOL::LOL:


  • f4ec16475bfe9e811d5f835e37b0f39b.jpg
    55.2 KB · Views: 175
  • Haha
Reactions: Alf_1
So...I opened my OC....EEK!

First, I opened my BF Stark Civil War steel to fix the loose disc and DAMN that's a good looking steelbook! Also, this was the first blufans I've ever opened...I feel dirty.

In my IW OC the fullslip and double lenti had loose discs but the single lenti was fine (which kinda sucks because the SL is my least favorite.:squint:) The nekid IW steel looks really good but after opening the CW steel, it pales in comparison. The FS is my favorite and the DL looks really good but the SL is so hard to look at, it's too blurry. What's weird, and reiterates what others have mentioned, is that both discs were loose in both editions. I concur about the discs likely being loose before shipment.

RE: the SCF9 protector for the IW box - It fits really well with room on the width and height. The lip on the OC box's enclosure creates a slight bulge in the depth but because the width is slightly wider, the protector compensates just fine. For giggles I checked my SW TFA BF OC and there's absolutely no way it can fit in an SCF9 box.

Also, in opening the FS, I FOUND THE GREEN INFINITY STONE!!! :LOL: It's on the back of the Thanos card!

View media item 26155
View media item 26156
Just received my SL today.

While the DL effect is all messed up , the SL is quite good actually.

I don't know what to think of BF lenticulars these days :bored:
I don't know what to make about all the contradicting info!!! :LOL:
(and I don't mean you ty233, but in general)
Received my 1click .
No loose discs!!
Nothing really wrong with the lentis.
Blufans was just overambitious with the crowded images used and ONLY the tiniest characters in the lentis are blurred.
Now which one to keep and which ones to trade?
Received my 1click .
No loose discs!!
Nothing really wrong with the lentis.
Blufans was just overambitious with the crowded images used and ONLY the tiniest characters in the lentis are blurred.
Now which one to keep and which ones to trade?
No loose discs and you still opened it? :dizzy: Such a copy is worth a lot. When selling it you could have easily bought 2 OCs for it....:D
Received my 1click .
No loose discs!!
Nothing really wrong with the lentis.
Blufans was just overambitious with the crowded images used and ONLY the tiniest characters in the lentis are blurred.
Now which one to keep and which ones to trade?
One of the blurred characters on the SL is Thanos and he's pretty huge. ^^
  • Thanks
Reactions: el barto
Okay. I’m not listening to anyone on here again :LOL:

Just opened my one click. This is a lovely release. There is **** all wrong with the lentis. Like @StifflersDad said and I’ve said it in this thread before but some of the smaller characters are a bit harder to see but then this is somthing I see often. Even on the Thor Ragnarok DL and lentis like HDzetas ready player one DL.

I prefer the front of the DL lenti but the back in direct light looks very cool and 3D.

Okay maybe not their best but this is only due to the posters/ artwork being a lot darker for this film unlike Thor Rag

Haven’t opened the full slip yet but it looks cool through the wrap.

No loose discs for me and my numbers are in the 100 bracket.

So far impressed
One of the blurred characters on the SL is Thanos and he's pretty huge. ^^

Considering he’s quite hard to see in the original background of the poster and used more of a silhouette (with only some features showing) looming over them, I think they did a f*cking good job. Like I said, the film has just dark art. They did their best with what they had to work with

Considering he’s quite hard to see in the original background of the poster and used more of a silhouette (with only some features showing) looming over them, I think they did a f*cking good job. Like I said, the film has just dark art. They did their best with what they had to work with

View attachment 412310
Gamora is blurry too on the DL and she's right in the center and not tiny.

Well, really, if you guys like the lentis, I really don't wanna rain on your parade. ^^ I sold my DL and SL right after I got them coz I prefer crispy lentis like the latest ones Manta graced us with but to each their own. No matter how you look at it though, I think it's important that people form their own opinions and don't just blindly listen to praise or criticism.
  • Thanks
Reactions: el barto
Gamora is blurry too on the DL and she's right in the center and not tiny.

Well, really, if you guys like the lentis, I really don't wanna rain on your parade. ^^ I sold my DL and SL right after I got them coz I prefer crispy lentis like the latest ones Manta graced us with but to each their own. No matter how you look at it though, I think it's important that people form their own opinions and don't just blindly listen to praise or criticism.

Maybe I was expecting awful (even tho I had seen vids of the lentis) and then pleasantly surprised when I opened them.
Imo I’ve seen better from blufans however these are far from how some where making them out. But yeah just my opinion.

Looking at gamora on mine, she is quite tiny.But she’s also not blurry (on mine)

I mean I think the back of mantas shape of water dl lenti is utter pointless but the front makes up for it. Again imo

These are no different to half the lentis I see on premiums
Maybe I was expecting awful (even tho I had seen vids of the lentis) and then pleasantly surprised when I opened them.
Imo I’ve seen better from blufans however these are far from how some where making them out. But yeah just my opinion.

Looking at gamora on mine, she is quite tiny.But she’s also not blurry (on mine)

I mean I think the back of mantas shape of water dl lenti is utter pointless but the front makes up for it. Again imo

These are no different to half the lentis I see on premiums

I think the whole general consensus can be summed up into that it’s just not perfect.

Its great, not as bad as made out, but it’s what, 9-9.5/10.