Digibook Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Blu-ray DigiBook) [Korea]

Mar 21, 2013
South Korea
Release Date : July 1, 2016
Purchase Link : Novamedia - Sold out
Price : $36.99
Note : 2D+UE, Lenticular Cover.

BvS digibook KOR.jpg
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Reviews of the film or the blu-ray?

well of ''the movie'' or ''blu-ray'' it is the same thing :dunno: ...but I never watch previews and try to stay away for people's opinion on the message board but it is sometimes hard I have caught many messages indication that it wasn't that great. Of course I ordered it and will make my own mind. And will order other versions as well :emb: ...But it's hard when you hear many ''not so great comments'' not to be worried that the movie will not be as good as expected.

In any case I will see. Usually my first watch would be the 3D, but for this time it will be the UE as I heard that this was the version to watch from the director and what he had to say about it(of course I read diagonally not to read movie content but just his explanation that the UE is not just a regular extended cut but really adds to the content of the movie, to make it what it was supposed to be)

Excited about it though :thumbs:
Glad I ordered this one, shipped as well :happy:

WOW just love the flip flop effect and it is sealed...love that the Batman and Superman signs(logos) changes as well. Very Cool :woot:
So glad i got an order in for this version. Cant wait to have her in my arms :hilarious:

I wonder is the lenti is actually better? I want someone to compare as i didnt pick up the NA digibooks...

This is just my personal Opinion/observation, but from what I know how it works when it is a worldwide release as every country has a version of this Digibook, is that Warner probably will use the same lenti on all the Digibook releases, only digi content including Disks will vary from country to country.
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So glad i got an order in for this version. Cant wait to have her in my arms :hilarious:

I wonder is the lenti is actually better? I want someone to compare as i didnt pick up the NA digibooks...
Most probably they're all the same. I want to pick up the Target exclusive but I will have 3 version of this film already. I'm really trying hard not to double dip on a film let alone triple or quad dip.
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Most probably they're all the same. I want to pick up the Target exclusive but I will have 3 version of this film already. I'm really trying hard not to double dip on a film let alone triple or quad dip.

If you have a digibook already and like me the amaray blu-ray slipcover, then I would say wait for Hdzeta and FAC to complete your collection :thumbs:
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If you have a digibook already and like me the amaray blu-ray slipcover, then I would say wait for Hdzeta and FAC to complete your collection :thumbs:
I used to be in the game of collecting multiple editions but I'm trying really hard not to go back. :D
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This is just my personal Opinion/observation, but from what I know how it works when it is a worldwide release as every country has a version of this Digibook, is that Warner probably will use the same lenti on all the Digibook releases, only digi content including Disks will vary from country to country.
Yes, you might be right. If so, that is unfortunate. Because Korean lenticulars usually nice.

Most probably they're all the same. I want to pick up the Target exclusive but I will have 3 version of this film already. I'm really trying hard not to double dip on a film let alone triple or quad dip.
I already have 2. 3 on the way and 1 pre-orded. You're allowed to infinite dip for a movie that you loved and enjoyed. :D
C'on. You're not gonna do it for all films :naughty: