Blu-ray/Movie you just purchased or watched thread

Jan 30, 2009
i picked up batman forever and batman & robin last night :)


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The only downside on the Criterion Blood Simple- They did not include the comic introduction to the film by fictional film historian "Mortimer Young", who claims the "Director's Cut" removes some of "the boring bits" and adds other parts...and they did not include the Audio Commentary by "Kenneth Loring", the fictional artistic Director of the equally fictional "Forever Young Films". (Pretty hilarious commentary). If you want those features, purchase the earlier US blu ray (or the Coen Brothers collection box set) or the S. Korean Blu ray.

This blu ray shows why Vilmos Zsigmond was one of the greatest cinematographers in film history.
(He also shot Close Encounters, Deliverance & Scarecrow). This film also introduced me to the music of Leonard Cohen when I was very young. I am forever grateful for that.
There is no other western like this. A tone poem, with majestic images lit by natural light and candlelight.

*NOTE: MISHIMA is DVD Release. Criterion has not made a Blu ray version available yet.
This is one of Schrader's masterworks. (Yes, up there with his writing for Taxi Driver and Raging Bull). A lost classic that deserves more attention. The visuals, music, sets and costumes are amazing. It may be the first commercial film to use Philip Glass' minimalist hypnotic music. This was Eiko Ishioka's very first film as costume designer (uncredited).
She would go on to win the Oscar for the Costume Design in Bram Stoker's Dracula.
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