Can Someone Identify This Film For Me?

Apr 23, 2014
Hey everyone.

I didn't know where in the forum to post this, so thought I'd stick it here. Sorry if it's in the wrong place.

My older brother watched a film on TV a long time ago, probably around 1990. The next day he told me the plot and I always thought that one day I'd happen to watch a random film and realise it was this film my brother told me about years ago. But 25 years later and I've still never come across it.

Maybe you can help.

What I remember is that the film is about a girl, possibly a teenager, and that she's put into some kind of hospital/mental asylum. Or it might be a drug rehab place. While she's there I think strange, horrible stuff happens to her, but no one will believe her when she mentions it. Some of this strange stuff may be ghosts and that kind of stuff.

At the end of the film, I think there's a twist where you find out that all the strange stuff that happened to her was faked by the hospital to scare her into going straight, or sober, or whatever.

I've been trying to find out what this film is for around 25 years, and it's driving me mad! Any idea what it might be?
too new but has a bit of Sucker Punch-ish type stuff in there.

Is there no way to ask your brother or he also forgot?
Thanks for the replies!

No, my brother can't even remember watching it. He was mid twenties at the time and I was just 8 or 9, so it meant more to me. The film sounded great the way he told it.

Yeah, Girl Interrupted is way too new. This film would have been on terrestrial TV around 1990, which means it was probably made at least 3 or 4 years before that. It may be really old, but the plot does have an 80s feel to it.

I got the impression that the girl's family put her in the hospital and then at the end there was this big twist/moment where everyone reveals themselves as actors and out walk her family. Kind of the like the end of The Game with Michael Douglas.

This has been driving me mad for decades! There's not much you can't Google these days, but this is one of those few things where Google can't help.
That's a tough one Kris! I know the crazy feeling of trying to find a movie/tv show! :angry: I recently found the cartoon I was searching for!!! :LOL: Good luck buddy! :thumbs:

Could it be Bad Dreams? IMdB page:


It's not impossible that this is the one. I need to watch it now to see. Even if it's not it I get to watch a fun looking horror film from the 80s, which is always good! Thanks for the suggestion!