*CONCLUDED*[NINJA WEEK 2013 GIVE-AWAY] Superman Returns empty Steelbook

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
RANDOM WINNER CHOSEN-Post 31, by sproutyrouty! Congrats!

superman ca no.png

Hi All,

Ninja week 2013 is in full swing and in this contest we are giving away a free Superman Returns Canada Steelbook case!

Simply answer this question-If there were any super hero you could be, or power you could have, what would it be?

Have fun! :scat:


:ninja:Week 2013:
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If I were to be any superhero, it would definitely be Superman. I'm not sure how you could pick anyone else.

But, if it were just one superpower, then I'd probably take telekenisis. So many practical applications...
Teleportation. It would be incredible. Go anywhere in the world, not need a car, not waste time. Awesome!

Now if I could be invisible/shapeshift and teleport.. oh my! That would be fun!
time control (travel/manipulation) as it would also allow teleportation, and the ability to jump ahead in time and see if we invent ways of giving people powers :D
[NINJA WEEK 2013 GIVE-AWAY] Superman Returns empty Steelbook-what's your supe...

I would want to fly........invisibly. Just cause I could.

Thanks for the top giveaway. Never seen it! :scat:
Meat vision - the ability to turn anything into meat.
Super strength.

Remember with great power comes great responsibility.
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