*CONCLUDED*[NINJA WEEK 2013 GIVE-AWAY] Superman Returns empty Steelbook

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
RANDOM WINNER CHOSEN-Post 31, by sproutyrouty! Congrats!

superman ca no.png

Hi All,

Ninja week 2013 is in full swing and in this contest we are giving away a free Superman Returns Canada Steelbook case!

Simply answer this question-If there were any super hero you could be, or power you could have, what would it be?

Have fun! :scat:


:ninja:Week 2013:
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Timetravel yes, BUT the ripple effect would be scary! Don`y you guys watch any films? :)
Great contributions! We're happy to celebrate our community with Ninja Week each year! You all make the site as exciting and fun as it is! Keep the superpowers coming! Winner chosen tomorrow 2/6/2013. Have fun! :scat:
Well which one would i like..... Shape shifting, be anyone at anytime would be great. But i guess it would have it's temptations to use for the wrong things :D
The power to turn any amaray I want into an awesome G2 steelbook. Save me a lot of money too
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