DirecTv will Carry ESPN 3D at Launch!!

Jan 27, 2009


Not that we ever doubted they would, but DirecTV and ESPN have made official plans to make ESPN 3D available to the satellite broadcaster's millions of customers as soon as it launches June 11 with the South Africa / Mexico World Cup game. Better news? There's no additional charge for ESPN 3D, at least for now, though of course you will need a 3DTV to make any use of the signal. The only other new news is a name for DirecTV's native Panasonic-sponsored linear 3D network, now dubbed N3D (Get it? In 3D? ...Yeah, we didn't either.) Now the only wait is to see if DirecTV can shove its own 3D exclusive in the competition's face (doubtful) or if we hear about any other carriage announcements between now and NAB 2010

What an event to get this launched!!! :scat:
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This is pretty damn awesome!! Rick I am going to be in your pad early on June 11th!!!

They couldn't have picked a more deserving sport to do this with!! :oohyeah::scat:
i assume since you work at directv (right?) you should know about dish as well right? any idea when they plan to join the 3d party?

Dish is always hush about their future plans. No one really knew about the satellite that just went up for them. There has been a rumor that by this years end, but until Dish confirms its all speculation. Once I hear anything and I'm able to share it I will let you know.
Dish is always hush about their future plans. No one really knew about the satellite that just went up for them. There has been a rumor that by this years end, but until Dish confirms its all speculation. Once I hear anything and I'm able to share it I will let you know.

sweet thanks. i may end up switching, i'm not under contract anymore, and it seems directv's hardware is catching up. and i'm totally not a fan of the touchscreen remote dish has for that new dvr thats never going to launch
sweet thanks. i may end up switching, i'm not under contract anymore, and it seems directv's hardware is catching up. and i'm totally not a fan of the touchscreen remote dish has for that new dvr thats never going to launch
I'm surprised it has taken them this long to launch the Vip922. The HR24 for DirecTv was just shown off earlier this year and its already available in about 5 markets.