Do you suffer from completist syndrome?

Mar 28, 2012
I picked up the 3 Lotrs steels from the WB line yesterday because A they were on sale for $9.99 hard to pass up a steel for that price and B they came with a $5 off a ticket to the Hobbit a movie I had already planned on seeing (wondering if I can sell the $5 off coupons for like $3-4 as I got 3 and my wife doesn't want to go so they would go to waste well at least 2 of them). So it was a win win.

But now the completest in me is crying to complete the WB line of steels. I have 14 of the 20 released already and its like cmon you so close even though some of the movies would be double dips and triple dips for me. I already own all 6 movies some in bluray and some in DVD and heck I actually have 2 G1's of the remaining 6 in steelbook already (the original Canadian V for Vendetta in G1 and the Green Lantern in the Best Buy G1). Then of course once I get those I'd have to consider the Departed (another steel I have in G1) and the Superman Returns.

Heck part of me wants to own every US released steel (not too hard of a task as I own a majority of them already, would need to complete my bonds, Battle LA, Cowboys and Aliens, Ironman 2, Salt, some Disney's and some other random steels). I know I will never even own a small portion of what gets releases to the UK much less the rest of the world, heck Canadian steels are more tackle-able then those and even those I am sure there is hundreds I am not even thinking about. But to have every US steel would be nice but then of course I would want to complete my US G1s which is also almost complete.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh the completest in me will be the ruin of me

---------- Post added at 03:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------

Wow US steels missing was a bigger list that anticipated (thanks collection manager). Missing 34 US steels but a lot are of the cheaper variety 8 from the WB line (including the Departed and Superman Returns) can all be had for under $15. Heck even Atlas Shrugged, Battle LA, the 4 Bonds I am missing, This Is It are another 7 at affordable prices. That's 15 of the 34 it's the missing Disney's that would kill me as those are never cheap.


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I would say I get the completist itch 85% of the time. That said, that Itch has never struck me when it comes to 'Batman Forever' or 'Batman & Robin' :hilarious:
I'm sick, and I need help. :p While I dont collect a particular Country, retailer, studio, etc. If I like a movie and they make multiple cool steels for it I just keep buying lol. I dont mind this for certain movies, but why does my list of movies that I do this for keep growing. *shrug*
Elaborating on my earlier post, whilst I have a lot of Steels and many of the same movie from different countries I am sick to death of the dripfeed of opportunism that the Studios have seen with collectors which I believe is potentially detrimental. I've said before but I'll say again I would rather have 5 copies of Hurt Locker (UK, US, IT, MX, KOR) all with different artwork and even size, than 5 copies of a title like Salt, Resident Evil: Afterlife etc with the exact same artwork being churned out so the completionist aspect is really just shelling out for a slip.

Just my 2cents :)
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