Doctor Who: Series 11 (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Amazon Exclusive) [UK]

Apr 21, 2012
Release date: January 14, 2019
Purchase link: Amazon UK
Price: £48.99

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What happens with this release? They now say on amazon page, it will be dispatched between 1 and 3 months.

Its still coming, they just listed it wrong. It was listed as "Order now & we'll ship when stock is available" & they've never corrected it, I kept getting emails saying "We're sorry, we're still trying to source this product" and today got one that said "Delivery between January 21 and March 20".
I'd imagine it'll release in probably March of next year.
Its still coming, they just listed it wrong. It was listed as "Order now & we'll ship when stock is available" & they've never corrected it, I kept getting emails saying "We're sorry, we're still trying to source this product" and today got one that said "Delivery between January 21 and March 20".
I'd imagine it'll release in probably March of next year.

I received a new mail today. The release date seems to be officially January 14th. Expected to receive it between January 25th and 30th.
Mine arrived this morning, but I won't be home until Wednesday to see what it looks like (and check for any damage in transit).
Well, it arrived safely without any damage - despite being in a standard A1 cardboard mailer and having been shoved through the letter box, so a drop of a few feet on to the hall carpet (thankfully, it is carpeted with a Welcome mat, providing some cushioning rather than a hard floor!)...
I've avoided watching it on TV with the intention of watching it together but heard very mixed opinions about this series, the general consensus is that it's newcomer-friendly but does very little to excite long-term fans of the series with weak stories. I'm sure I'll find something to enjoy about it but it doesn't sound like it has been the revelation they were hoping for with the first female Doctor

The Show has been pretty much a disaster with the fans. They have been brutal about the show on the likes of rotten tomatoes. I can't see the show lasting much longer. I'd be amazed if we even get a season 12. I tried to watch a few episodes on iplayer over the Christmas period and I give up after 2 episodes. I haven't seen a show this bad since Star Maidens and the fans are now calling Jodie Whittaker the Jar Jar Blinks of Dr Who. That has to hurt........ It's following the new mantra "Go woke go broke" The excuses the BBC are giving for the poor reactions with the fans has been lame. The critics are seriously out of step with the fans. This is a pretty good overview of the show and this guy sums it up pretty much. I disagree on a couple of points but he pretty much nails the problems with the show. Don't watch this video if you haven't seen the show. Some spoilers in it.

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fans are now calling Jodie Whittaker the Jar Jar Blinks of Dr Who.

Man that's harsh!

I think she has everything to be an amazing Doctor but the writing is terrible and has let this series down in a massive way. Chris Chibnall is what is wrong with this. By trying to change everything and making everything new he's done away with 2-part stories and original villains. This means he has to spend 2/3rds of the episode on set up and exposition and rushing the ending (the Spiders one was the worst case of this). Plus having absolutly no over-ridding arc for the series means you could literally watch any episode (apart from the first one), in any order and it would make zero difference to the season as a whole.

This is the first of the Doctor Who steels I won't be getting as I cannot see myself every watching this season again.
Man that's harsh!

I think she has everything to be an amazing Doctor but the writing is terrible and has let this series down in a massive way. Chris Chibnall is what is wrong with this. By trying to change everything and making everything new he's done away with 2-part stories and original villains. This means he has to spend 2/3rds of the episode on set up and exposition and rushing the ending (the Spiders one was the worst case of this). Plus having absolutly no over-ridding arc for the series means you could literally watch any episode (apart from the first one), in any order and it would make zero difference to the season as a whole.

This is the first of the Doctor Who steels I won't be getting as I cannot see myself every watching this season again.

I'm a loyal and long-term DW fan, completionist, and steelbook collector and I'm not buying this season's sb in part because it's lazy and doesn't even attempt to match the others but also because this season is altogether poor for the reasons you've stated. Don't get me wrong, I'm in it for the long haul and see S11 as a brief dip in quality for New Who. I genuinely believe it'll get better before it's gone.

S11 started out promising: Ep 1 set up potentially dynamic characters and a visual/auditory aesthetic I could get behind and Ep 2 brought in potential arcs that would've been interesting to see smattered throughout the season (like Saxon or Bad Wolf.) But starting with "Rosa" it was very clear Chibnall had no idea how to run a season of DW (and clearly made some very poor personnel choices - like the too inexperienced editor for "Rosa" and "The Ghost Monument.")

At SDCC when he mentioned wanting S11 to be accessible to new viewers and old so he made everything different, it gave me pause but at the time all we'd seen was a trailer and promo images that were intriguing, colorful, setting an expected tone for the yet-to-be-seen season. Unfortunately he forgot this is a kids/family show first and foremost and not a premium drama like he's used to working on. (Even Moffat [despite his faults] understood what the heart of Who is when the series transitioned from RTD to him.) The promo materials for S11 that we see on all merch and DVD/blu-ray releases betray what Chibnall's era has been thus far: bleak, inconsistent, unearned, and narrowing the target audience. So I don't trust him with S12 unless someone comes in to check his work and keep him on a track consistent with what DW is: a fun and compelling time travel adventure for all ages.

I have hope for future seasons but am having a hard time defending S11 as anything but the lowest point in New Who's quality.
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I think she has everything to be an amazing Doctor but the writing is terrible and has let this series down

I think her performance is dire and that's being kind. Every actor that has played the Doctor to date regardless of the quality of the stories involved nailed their version within minutes. Of the 8 episodes I watched on iplayer at random she was struggling all the time. She's simply not up to the job. She's no Helen Mirren or Weaver. I was against the gender bender Doctor from day 1 and Jodie Whittaker simply reinforced my believe in that respect. I thought Peter Capaldi could have been a great Doctor but he was let down by dire stores as well but at least I could believe in him as the Doctor. Every time Jodie Whittaker appeared on screen all I saw was Jodie Whittaker and not the Doctor. The show also flagged up that new saying "Go Woke go broke". The only person that come out of that car crash that was season 11 smelling of roses was Bradley Walsh. I'm so used to watching him in the Chase I forget he's a superb actor. If only he'd been the Doctor. He was just light years ahead of everyone else. Everything else stank. I wont' be watching the show ever again. I'm done with it and this is someone who's been watching the Show since the Tenth Planet back in 1966. By all means I'm happy to rebuy the classic show that's coming out on blu-ray and the 1st 4 seasons of the New Show. Anything after that I'm not interested in. Talking about steelbooks really hope they do season 4 and that's me one happy camper. Hearing a rumour that season 10 of the classic show is next for the blu-ray treatment. For the record there is a lot of bad stuff in the classic show especially during the JNT years like Twin Dilemma and Timelash but there is simply no getting away from the fact that season 11 and New Year's Day special were complete and utter drivel and there was simply no excuse in this day and age for such amateur rubbish.
I think her performance is dire and that's being kind. Every actor that has played the Doctor to date regardless of the quality of the stories involved nailed their version within minutes. Of the 8 episodes I watched on iplayer at random she was struggling all the time. She's simply not up to the job. She's no Helen Mirren or Weaver. I was against the gender bender Doctor from day 1 and Jodie Whittaker simply reinforced my believe in that respect. I thought Peter Capaldi could have been a great Doctor but he was let down by dire stores as well but at least I could believe in him as the Doctor. Every time Jodie Whittaker appeared on screen all I saw was Jodie Whittaker and not the Doctor. The show also flagged up that new saying "Go Woke go broke". The only person that come out of that car crash that was season 11 smelling of roses was Bradley Walsh. I'm so used to watching him in the Chase I forget he's a superb actor. If only he'd been the Doctor. He was just light years ahead of everyone else. Everything else stank. I wont' be watching the show ever again. I'm done with it and this is someone who's been watching the Show since the Tenth Planet back in 1966. By all means I'm happy to rebuy the classic show that's coming out on blu-ray and the 1st 4 seasons of the New Show. Anything after that I'm not interested in. Talking about steelbooks really hope they do season 4 and that's me one happy camper. Hearing a rumour that season 10 of the classic show is next for the blu-ray treatment. For the record there is a lot of bad stuff in the classic show especially during the JNT years like Twin Dilemma and Timelash but there is simply no getting away from the fact that season 11 and New Year's Day special were complete and utter drivel and there was simply no excuse in this day and age for such amateur rubbish.

Capaldi was rubbish. So was McCoy. And Colin.

This series was refreshing. Great to have smaller scale stories. Doesn't need to be end of the world every week.

Your post had a whiff of male privilege about it.
Your post had a whiff of male privilege about it.

No my post has a whiff of a fan who watched Dr Who for over 50 years and watched two producers Moffat and Chibnall completely trash a show and flush it down the toilet to pander to a woke and virtue signaling roadshow (not the only franchise to do it but the most extreme example of it) and I think you'll find a huge chunk of fans out there who feel the same as I do male and female and all colours, shapes and sizes....... People want to be entertained not lectured or have their intelligence insulted from one frame to the next and that season of Dr Who did it in droves. And also bear in mind Jodie Whittaker did not get the role on merit. Chibnall said he would only do the show if the lead was female (His own words) and he'd worked with Jodie Whittaker before. Regardless what you think of the previous Doctors they all got their roles on merit. She didn't........ Back in the early 80's I was lucky enough to met Jon Pertwee with a few mates and one of my mates asked Jon what defined playing the Doctor. I remember his saying "It's like any role you do you have to get into the part right away and have your audience convinced you are that part within seconds. If you fail to connect with the audience, you've failed" and I have to admit he had a point. And yes Capaldi and Colin were poor and don't get me started on McCoy.......... Anyway as I said i'm done with the show for good. Better shows and more entertaining current shows out there to enjoy but at least I have the classic show to enjoy once in a while....
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