Evil Dead (2013) (4K Blu-ray SteelBook) (Scream Factory) [USA]


Contributor Steels/Arrow
Premium Supporter
Sep 10, 2012
Release date: August 20, 2024
Purchase links: Shout Factory - Target - Amazon - Walmart
Price: $39.99 (Shout Factory) - $37.49 (Target) - $35.99 (Amazon - Walmart)
Notes: UHD disc only - Special Offer: Order from ShoutFactory.com and get an EXCLUSIVE 28.5” X 16.5” ROLLED POSTER featuring our Steelbook artwork, available while supplies last!


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Back artwork nonexistent - hate these empty 'wraparound' ones, won't be buying (UHD is not an incentive for me, most of the time).
Managed to preorder from US amazon. Phew... expensive as hell with shipment!

But this is my favorite Evil Dead movie and I don't own it on 4k.