WINNER CHOSEN Flloydo’s giveaway #2 - Batman Pop vinyl


That's not a skirt girl, that's a sawn off shotgun
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Jun 4, 2013
Ur mum
Once again, a bit late with this but it is what it is. (Couldn’t find the Sunday option so it’s down as Saturday)

Up for grabs - Batman Pop Vinyl Underground Toys Exclusive

How to enter:

•Thank this thread

•Name who you’d love to see play bats next and who you think would make a great joker (im personally interested in seeing what Phoenix does)

- and if anyone wants to follow me on instragram I’m “zissoumurray”. Mention in your post that you followed me and your insta name and I’ll follow back

Winner: I’ll announce a winner on Monday/Tuesday evening

-Shipping - winner pays shipping

Good luck


Awesome giveaway, thank you!!

Would like to see Jake Gyllenhaal as Batman! Also interested in seeing what Phoenix does with Joker.. I would like to see more of Jared Leto's joker as well..
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Thanks for the giveaway! I'm gonna flip the script a bit. I think Jake Gyllenhaal would be a great JOKER. As for Batman, maybe Chris Pine? He's such a great actor, I can see him making it work.

I'm following you on IG right now. My name is @dpct22 just like on here.
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•Thank this thread - Done

•Name who you’d love to see play Bats next and who you think would make a great Joker -

Jake Gyllenhall - A younger Batman but approaching middle age. Give him (and the below) a run together.

Bill Skarsgard!!! Not because he has already played a clown, but because he's already played a clown brilliantly! Besides, The Joker isn't an actual clown so take the ruthlessness and evil traits, encompass them into just a man. The Joker needs to move away from this 'make up and green hair' approach (yes I get it, it's part and parcel of who he is) and show us something different. The nickname can come later on in the film and set up for what will eventually be 'The Joker'.

•Instafollow - Ages ago

Thanks @Flloydo
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Thank you for the giveaway!

I am very much looking forward to the new Joker movie with Phoenix. I think Chris Pratt could pull it off.
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Thanks for the giveaway! I'm gonna flip the script a bit. I think Jake Gyllenhaal would be a great JOKER. As for Batman, maybe Chris Pine? He's such a great actor, I can see him making it work.

I'm following you on IG right now. My name is @dpct22 just like on here.

I’m with you on gyllenhaal for joker

He’s one of my fav actors anyway and I remember hearing he and depp was offered the dark knight joker role before it went to ledger. But he turned it down. Not sure if it’s true but that’s what I heard
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

I'd go for Joseph Gordon-Levitt for Batman (would like to pick up his story a few years after the Nolan Batman trilogy) and for the Joker, it would need someone a bit left field, as you couldn't recreate Ledger's version, so maybe someone like Adam Driver who would bring a totally different energy

& following you on Insta (spikeschip)
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Thanks for the giveaway. Anything Batman is awesome.
I kind of think Armie Hammer would be good as Batman (despite his ridiculous name).
For Joker, could you do better than Gary Busey?
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Jake gyllenhall as Batman for me :)

As for the joker uhm? Keith Lemon??

Thanks for the giveaway :)

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Thank you to everyone who took part in the giveaway. Some excellent choices and similar choices to my own.

The winner of the batman pop vinyl is ........ @Robles

Congratulations mate, drop me a PM with address details and we will go from there

Thank you
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