Completed Game Of Thrones (Season 8) [HBO]


Steelbook Viking
Premium Supporter
Jan 3, 2011

Seen the first 5 episodes now and must admit it is growing on me. The characters and character development is really great. Not that much action so far but I have a feeling that will change.

Anyone have some views on this series? :scat:



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Here's the promo for episode 304, in spoilers for those who may not wish to watch it:

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OH MY GOD :ohno:.

I know you guys are spoilers tags on everything and QUITE RIGHT TOO :thumbs: . I just can not stop clicking them though, I have NO SELF RESTRAINT AT ALL :naughty:.

Keep it coming as I have got to wait until the series 3 Blu Ray as the other half wont let me have Sky for 10 weeks a year :( .
Episode 304's ten hints:

1. Three standout scenes from the book go down. One only begins, one is about what we expected, and one is everything we could have wanted and more.

2. “One misfortune, and you're giving up?”

3. One set of characters who have been in all three episodes so far are MIA this week.

4. "I distrust you because you're not as smart as you think you are."

5. There's an added scene between two non-Book POV characters that is pure gold.

6. “He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes.”

7. "We mothers do what we can to keep our sons from the grave. But they do seem to yearn for it."

8. The Spider is back, and better than ever.

9. “I made a choice, and I chose wrong.”

10. Many people's suspicions about one mysterious character seem to be confirmed.

Cannot believe I had to wait 48 minutes to see Dany do what I wanted to see her do! Yes it was awesome, but I wanted more awsomeness.

Also forgetting Dany speaks valaryian, I have to go back and watch the first few episodes again, since it pus a whole new spin on her apparent calmness when dealing with the slaver. He is insulting her, she knos, but inside shes just calculting it out and waiting her time

Answers in red

Episode 304's ten hints:

1. Three standout scenes from the book go down. One only begins, one is about what we expected, and one is everything we could have wanted and more.
Baeric/Hound Fight, Craster, and Dany

2. “One misfortune, and you're giving up?”
Brienne/Jamie Hand

3. One set of characters who have been in all three episodes so far are MIA this week.
not sure, maybe stannis

4. "I distrust you because you're not as smart as you think you are."

5. There's an added scene between two non-Book POV characters that is pure gold.
Maybe I don't remember this in the book, Queen of Thorns and Varys

6. “He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes.”

7. "We mothers do what we can to keep our sons from the grave. But they do seem to yearn for it."
Queen of thorns/Cersi

8. The Spider is back, and better than ever.
his sorcerer

9. “I made a choice, and I chose wrong.”

10. Many people's suspicions about one mysterious character seem to be confirmed.
You little bastard ;)

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Do not read the below if you have not read the books, major spoilers for the season if you do.

You've been warned

What did I say, did I not just warn you against opening the spoiler, seriously!



I really don't like the idea of them ending the season with the 'red wedding' and killing Robb Stark. So many people I know were so annoyed at that scene and stopped reading then to take a year break until the next season. Also like in Dexter when
they killed Rita
a lot of people I know stopped watching cause it was not popular. Obviously it needs to happen just not sure about as the season finale. I think they alomost have to go as far as killing Joffrey at his wedding this season so at least you feel there is justice and it's not just the 'good' that die.

What did I say
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Do not read the below if you have not read the books, major spoilers for the season if you do.

You've been warned

What did I say, did I not just warn you against opening the spoiler, seriously!



I really don't like the idea of them ending the season with the 'red wedding' and killing Robb Stark. So many people I know were so annoyed at that scene and stopped reading then to take a year break until the next season. Also like in Dexter when
they killed Rita
a lot of people I know stopped watching cause it was not popular. Obviously it needs to happen just not sure about as the season finale. I think they alomost have to go as far as killing Joffrey at his wedding this season so at least you feel there is justice and it's not just the 'good' that die.

What did I say

I think they are going to end this season with Joff's wedding. It's a logical cliffhanger and makes up for the red wedding a little. Honestly though I still think Jon Snow is the most important character in both the book and show. I think that will begin to show over time. This is what I don't understand, why would magester alerio help daenarys and help varys? Varys is trying to kill dany because he hates magic but is trying to get Aegon Targaryen on the iron throne??? Makes no sense. I hope this gets cleared up in book 6. It was awesome to see spider tell his cutting story.Ramsay is as much a bastard in the show as books. Although Theon never told anyone about not killing the Stark boys. How will this info affect things? I loved the fact that he said my real father died in kings landing when his head got cut off. It makes me respect him as much as I ever will.
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I think they are going to end this season with Joff's wedding. It's a logical cliffhanger and makes up for the red wedding a little. Honestly though I still think Jon Snow is the most important character in both the book and show. I think that will begin to show over time. This is what I don't understand, why would magester alerio help daenarys and help varys? Varys is trying to kill dany because he hates magic but is trying to get Aegon Targaryen on the iron throne??? Makes no sense. I hope this gets cleared up in book 6. It was awesome to see spider tell his cutting story.Ramsay is as much a bastard in the show as books. Although Theon never told anyone about not killing the Stark boys. How will this info affect things? I loved the fact that he said my real father died in kings landing when his head got cut off. It makes me respect him as much as I ever will.

Thats what I hope as well

Everyone seems important until they are gone. I think Jon Snow, I assume you finished book 5,
who I do not believe is dead
is important but I think it's Dany whos the most. I think Dany is going to get to the iron throne and have one of her dragons melt it and set up a council

I'm slightly confused about your comment. Varys does want the Targaryen's in power. I believe he smuggled out Aegon and was only watching Dany based on Robert Baratheon's wishes but would never have acted.

I'm ok with this especially as Davos is eventually sent off to find Rickon and Bran, maybe they will change the story. I forgot this but apparently according to wiki Lord Manderly (who sends Davos to find rickon) knows this because of Wex Pyke who was Theons squire and I agree about his confession
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Thats what I hope as well

Everyone seems important until they are gone. I think Jon Snow, I assume you finished book 5,
who I do not believe is dead
is important but I think it's Dany whos the most. I think Dany is going to get to the iron throne and have one of her dragons melt it and set up a council

I'm slightly confused about your comment. Varys does want the Targaryen's in power. I believe he smuggled out Aegon and was only watching Dany based on Robert Baratheon's wishes but would never have acted.

I'm ok with this especially as Davos is eventually sent off to find Rickon and Bran, maybe they will change the story. I forgot this but apparently according to wiki Lord Manderly (who sends Davos to find rickon) knows this because of Wex Pyke who was Theons squire and I agree about his confession
Jorah got a full pardon from King's Landing and Dany was about to be poisoned and he saved her from it. Who tried to have her poisoned? Mindless answer is Robert but who has reach in the East? Varys or someone else? If Varys and Alerio are working together I don't understand the story line in the show right now. Jon isnt dead but keep in mind who his mother might be. If he ends up being the love child of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, he will end up being as important as Dany. He is learning to be a king right now and has amassed a wildling army. Dany has amassed a unsullied army. My guess is they join forces to fight the white walkers, fall in love and get assassinated at their wedding by Tyrion. LOL. No seriously, I think they will eventually meet.
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Jorah got a full pardon from King's Landing and Dany was about to be poisoned and he saved her from it. Who tried to have her poisoned? Mindless answer is Robert but who has reach in the East? Varys or someone else? If Varys and Alerio are working together I don't understand the story line in the show right now. Jon isnt dead but keep in mind who his mother might be. If he ends up being the love child of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, he will end up being as important as Dany. He is learning to be a king right now and has amassed a wildling army. Dany has amassed a unsullied army. My guess is they join forces to fight the white walkers, fall in love and get assassinated at their wedding by Tyrion. LOL. No seriously, I think they will eventually meet.

Varys maybe could have tried to poison Dany, but again it makes no sense to me. I believe he is faithful to the Targaryan's.. I'm on level with Robert wanting Dany out of the way

You know some of the finer details escape me such as implications of who Jon's parents are. Again I do believe he is important and could like you say provide a link between stark and targaryen but who rides the third dragon. Already Quentyn has failed.

Also have to see where the Greyjoys and Tyrells fall into place. The Tyrells seem like they could go the way of the starks

---------- Post added at 11:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 PM ----------

Also I'll admit I have only ever read the books once in 2011 in the cousrse of 4-5 months right before the release of the 5th book and then at the release, so some of the finer details and nuances I may not fully remember and will have to go to a wiki article or it is just speculation
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Varys maybe could have tried to poison Dany, but again it makes no sense to me. I believe he is faithful to the Targaryan's.. I'm on level with Robert wanting Dany out of the way

You know some of the finer details escape me such as implications of who Jon's parents are. Again I do believe he is important and could like you say provide a link between stark and targaryen but who rides the third dragon. Already Quentyn has failed.

Also have to see where the Greyjoys and Tyrells fall into place. The Tyrells seem like they could go the way of the starks

It is set up in the books that not all Dragons are rode. Perhaps one of them is killed? Maybe Tyrion or Theon become the 3rd rider? I'm going with long shots. lol
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It is set up in the books that not all Dragons are rode. Perhaps one of them is killed? Maybe Tyrion or Theon become the 3rd rider? I'm going with long shots. lol

Big book spoilers

I can't believe you still opened this after I warned you, also this talk should go into the book thread as we really have divereged from Season 3 talk at this point, so my last point will be

I know Bran is supposed to become the last greenseer/three eyed crow but as we all know not everything that is planned that is supposed to happen happens, maybe we Bran going into a dragon, huzzah
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Che and mllNY, I really don't want to quote everything you've both been saying, but I will be responding to points made by the pair of you.

Yeah, spoilers. (Book ones too!)
I think the Purple Wedding will be the season finale. The Red Wedding has been confirmed for 309 "The Rains Of Castamere" which would make a nice line up of weddings: Tyrion/Sansa in 308, then the RW and finally the PW in 310. Don't forget that the Littlefinger rescuing Sansa/ Sansa marriage plot is being heavily set up in this season, and I think it will conclude with Sansa's escape during the chaos of the PW.

Varys is accustomed to, and plans for, failure. He's the antithesis to Littlefinger, who seems to always manage to succeed. When Littlefinger finally fails, he'll be ruined. Illyrio and Varys, if you can recall, were partners from childhood. Varys would steal things from people, and Illyrio, a young sellsword would 'reclaim' them for a reward. Their enterprise scaled up from there.

At the time of GoT, Varys' plan was Viserys, who would invade Westeros with a Dothraki horde (If you look at Illyrio's comments in DwD, he didn't think Dany would even make it out there). Verys sending out an assassin to kill Dany + child was probably a necessary concession to maintain his cover. In fact, it could have been done with the hope of inspiring an attack, looking at how Drogo reacted to the mere attempt of Dany's murder.

I honestly believe Aegon is a fake, the 'mummer's dragon' before a cheering crowd. He'll take King's Landing in the next book, and be seen as a restorer of peace, hence the cheering crowd. but he belongs to Varys, the ex-mummer. He's cloth, and cloth burns.

mllNY, if you want to remind yourself of some of those finer details of Jon's potential parentage, break out GoT, and find the few chapters of Ned's where he's in the black cells before he gets the chop. In one, he has a fever dream about a place called the Tower of Joy. Read it bearing in mind the possibilites and you'll wonder how you ever missed it! EEK!

I agree Che, Jon isn't done. If you bear in mind what we learned about warging from Varamyr's prologue, and the imagaes from Rh'llor in Mel's chapter, it's clear that Jon has both time and a person with the knowledge and and reason to save him.

This is going to upset a lot of people (many of whom think that the three riders will be Dany, Jon and Tyrion) but I don't think Dany will have control of three dragons for much longer. I have no doubt that Euron's horn works (though not in the way he told Victarion) and that he will end up in control of either Rhaegal or Viserion or even both). The Ironborn are going to become major major players in book six, even if we all know that they wont win.


Forgot to address a point brought up about 'Boy' from last episode

I'm not sure that the fact that Theon has told Boy about Bran and Rickon being alive is much of a change; in the books he knows this too, as he was there with Theon when the orphan boys were slaughtered. If anything, the fact that the showrunners have gone out of their way to make sure Boy ends up with this information suggests to me that they've been told that it must be very important for Boy to know further down the line.
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And like clockwork, here's the promo for episode 305:

Looks like it could be another great one!
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