[Give-Away] Nyrvana's 1 Year on HDN


Premium Supporter
Mar 12, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Hi guys! Today is my 1 year anniversary at HDN! (Seems longer when you're here like everyday) To celebrate the occasion I'll be doing my first giveaway!!! Now since I only usually buy 1 copy for myself I don't really have many doubles, so I thought I would do something a little different:

So the Prize,... - I will source "The Winner" with a future release from Canada of their choice & ship it to them! Yes your choice! (So if there is a Future Shop or WalMart Canada exclusive release in 2014 the winner wants - the winner gets as their prize! Woop, woop ,woop! We'll try and keep this around $30 (most new releases/steelbooks are around that price point here anyways.)

Now the homework:-
"You need to go pick a fight, and lose! & youtube it." j/k. :hilarious: Just thank the Op to show you read it, & tell me this: "What release are you hoping/looking forward to getting -the steelbook treatment- in 2014?"
You can post a pic of the poster art you hope they go with but not necessary for winning.

If you are "Ninja'd up" (a premium HDN member) by the time this giveaway closes you will get a bonus entry! Added to the list a second time, thus doubling your chances of winning! Woohoo,... the giveaway will close April 4th. Winner selected at random from those who qualify. Have fun!

BONUS Give-Away!


I'm doing a bonus giveaway inspired by Mnementh's "pay it forward giveaway". Winner will receive this sealed/mint Inglorious basterds CA Steelbook! & shipped too. You can be entered up to 4 times in this giveaway. Here's how:

1- Tell me your Basterd name! What knickname would you love to have if you we're a Basterd & why? Bear Jew is taken.

2- Tell me how you've contributed to HDN! Be it group buys/hubs, posting pictures, putting links to deals etc.

3- Thank a members collection and post the link.

4- Bonus entry for premium Ninja's! ;)

:thumbs: Hope you guys have fun with it! I'll randomly select the winner after the g/a closes on April 4th.

Thanks HDN for an awesome year!

1 - gregavfc
2 - samwinchester10
3 - tridon
4 - ben6212
5 - bloodsnake007
6 - mmz41
7 - harry
8 - dfoles
9 - spass
10- jbsolo
11- MovieMan31
12- Leafs17
13- heavymetal100
14- PunkNinja
15- Colombianlove41
16- Average Box
17- scorpius
18- adrenaline78
19- severo
20- pmwhelan
21- hansgruber
22- ihategiantspiders
23- Tacozilla
24- vivablu
25- M and J
26- stinkofdefeat
27- mnementh
28- Marcuszoller
29- Asopp
30- YellowCake
31- justboy

--Bonus Entry (NINJAS)

32- tridon
33- ben6212
34- bloodsnake007
35- mmz41
36- harry
37- dfoles
38- spass
39- jbsolo
40- heavymetal100
41- PunkNinja
42- Colombianlove41
43- adrenaline78
44- stinkofdefeat
45- mnementh
46- Asopp
47- justboy


Winner: #29 - Asopp - Congrats!

1 - gregavfc
2 - samwinchester10
3 - ben6212
4 - mmz41
5 - harry
6 - dfoles
7 - spass
8 - heavymetal100
9 - PunkNinja
10- Colombianlove41
11- Tacozilla
12- Marcuszoller
13- Asopp
14- justboy

--Bonus Entry (CONTRIBUTION)

15- gregavfc
16- samwinchester10
17- ben6212
18- mmz41
19- harry
20- dfoles
21- spass
22- heavymetal100
23- PunkNinja
24- Colombianlove41
25- Tacozilla
26- vivablu
27- Marcuszoller
28- Asopp
29- justboy


30- gregavfc
31- samwinchester10
32- ben6212
33- mmz41
34- harry
35- dfoles
36- spass
37- heavymetal100
38- PunkNinja
39- Colombianlove41
40- Tacozilla
41- Asopp
42- justboy

--Bonus Entry (NINJAS)

43- ben6212
44- mmz41
45- harry
46- dfoles
47- spass
48- heavymetal100
49- PunkNinja
50- Colombianlove41
51- Asopp
52- justboy


Winner: #35 - dfoles - Congrats!

PM's incoming! Thanks again to everyone who participated! :)
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Thanks for the giveaway! The release I'm most looking forward to are Godzilla, X-Men Days of Future Past, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and Interstellar. For reissued releases I would love it if zavvi released a steelbook of Pinocchio!