Guardians of the Galaxy (3D + 2D Blu-ray SteelBook) [Taiwan]

Nov 11, 2013
Taipei, Taiwan
Release Date: November 28th, 2014
List Price: $1080 NTD
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Guardians of the Galaxy.jpg
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And the quality of the shrinkwrap is the best I have ever seen...Not that cheap easily to tear stuff, thicker and fits snugly round the steel :thumbs:

Yes indeed this was one of my point, Amazing Shrink Wrap nicely folded at top and bottom of steel and true about fitting snuggly it's like when you wrap a present...and they always feel like one when you have it in hands :emb:
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the best buy slip looks better ;)

The slip from BB/FS looks like they are trying to hide as much as possible the steel instead of making a slip cover that would complement the release.
It looks like and over sized j-Card like they are trying to hide the steel as much as possible. It looks awkward.
And all for good reason... ;)

I don't like the title on this steel as FS/BB have done, but I would disagree this steelbook grew on me, at first thought it was just alright but now I really like it... especially with this Taiwan Slip...
But if you say that it is ''for good reason'' that they are trying to hide as much as possible of the steel, why buy a steel of this movie ???
Buying a steel that you don't like ?! :confused:
I don't like the title on this steel as FS/BB have done, but I would disagree this steelbook grew on me, at first thought it was just alright but now I really like it... especially with this Taiwan Slip...
But if you say that it is ''for good reason'' that they are trying to hide as much as possible of the steel, why buy a steel of this movie ???
Buying a steel that you don't like ?! :confused:

As many people have said since the artwork was released (which I won't get into, as I'm sure most people don't want to live through that again :p), it's not a great choice in artwork, IMO.

That said, I was ecstatic to learn that NovaMedia would be making an exclusive slip for their version, which I'm all about. I think that is THE ONE to have, as of now.
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As many people have said since the artwork was released (which I won't get into, as I'm sure most people don't want to get into all that again :p), it's not a great choice in artwork, IMO.

That said, I was ecstatic to learn that NovaMedia would be making an exclusive slip for their version, which I'm all about. I think that is THE ONE to have, as of now.

Yes, cos it will hide all the steelbook :D
As many people have said since the artwork was released (which I won't get into, as I'm sure most people don't want to live through that again :p), it's not a great choice in artwork, IMO.

That said, I was ecstatic to learn that NovaMedia would be making an exclusive slip for their version, which I'm all about. I think that is THE ONE to have, as of now.

and the Nova Media back artwork will be All in English, No Korean writting... so why pay extra for an Asian Release ? when it won't have the feel of one...
and the Nova Media back artwork will be All in English, No Korean writting... so why pay extra for an Asian Release ? when it won't have the feel of one...

I'm fine to pay more for the Asian releases because none of the English speaking countries put the energy into the quality of the releases like the Asian market does (generally speaking). Plain and simple. So to me, the artwork/quality of the release is more important than which lettering is used. Though I don't mind if an overseas release has it's domestic lettering on the item.

As most things with any collectible, to each their own. We have our unique interests/likes with our hobby such as this.
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I'm fine to pay more for the Asian releases because none of the English speaking countries put the energy into the quality of the releases like the Asian market does. Plain and simple. So to me, the artwork/quality of the release is more important than which lettering is used. Though I don't mind if an overseas release has it's domestic lettering on the item.

As most things with any collectible, to each their own. We have our unique interests/likes with our hobby such as this.

it's true to each his own and I agree, I addressed the issue with the right person as to know why Nova was writing all in English when it's a Korean company and Korean releases always have Korean writing in Back Artwork, first company to ever do this,,, I am not gonna get into the logistic of it as I already addressed my concerns but that is what it is...if that is what appeals to you than that is your choice and there is different releases to please every collector :)
This is a cool looking steelbook as taiwan are awesome with their slips no doubt about that but what I want to see is what Nova media plans to bring out on their slip to make it worth the effort for us to purchase it for this release which as of yet no pic has been shown. But end of the day it's all on the customers choice and taste what excites them and where they want to spend their money...
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wanted to give a BumP to this release as I believe this it is the best slip to go with this nice Steel...on it's way to selling out from the rumours I have been hearing...
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