Has anyone managed to put together a complete US steelbook collection

Mar 28, 2012
This is something I am trying to do, I love going into the collection manager and once I sort out the digibooks seeing how small its becoming as I added another one tonight. Battle LA I have never seen the movie hopefully its not as bad as it looked to be.

Down to 29 but dear gravy they are the meat of what is going to cost me with 10 of them being the Disneys, I might need to hook myself out for those :hilarious:

Would be awesome to know if someone has completed a US steel collection (I also have a goal of completing my G1 US collection too). I don't think I have any hopes of ever finishing say a Canadian or UK collection but US is doable.
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I have been collecting steelbook since 2004

As for North America Blu-Ray Steelbook/Ironpack/Metalpack/Metalbox it all begun back in 2008 - and I promise myself "NOT TO MISS A SINGLE NORTH AMERICAN RELEASE" as it was an effect of not obtaining "X-Men:Last Stand Futureshop DVD Steelbook"

Wow Xage... you know your history! :D
I have been collecting steelbook since 2004

As for North America Blu-Ray Steelbook/Ironpack/Metalpack/Metalbox it all begun back in 2008 - and I promise myself "NOT TO MISS A SINGLE NORTH AMERICAN RELEASE" as it was an effect of not obtaining "X-Men:Last Stand Futureshop DVD Steelbook"

I fear to tell you how much I spent for my X3 Futureshop DVD exclusive. Do you still have all your G1s?

I had to skip a lot of the Canadian ones over the years and it becomes way too costly after awhile especially if you ever fall behind. But I have always wanted a complete US collection even back in the G1 days. I would love to have a North America collection but just to catch up on the Canadian ones would kill me luckily I never fell too far behind on the US ones.
I fear to tell you how much I spent for my X3 Futureshop DVD exclusive. Do you still have all your G1s?

Need not telling me .. I knew already (you post on this other site called j*bl*)

I trashed out all my DVD G1s except

1. Transformers
2. 300
3. Iron Man
4. Dark Knight
5. Animes
Xage I knew your name sounded familiar. I haven't posted at Jo in a year or two, although I still have the honor of starting the first ever steelbook thread there. Why did you trash out your g1s (and what do you mean trashed out). Man you should have given them to me haha. Xage did you used to collect every single variation of a steel I think I remember that.
Xage you've been collecting steels longer than me and I always get the feeling being on here that I have been collecting them way longer than anyone else here and I only started collecting in 2006. You've seen the cycles, in the beginning there was only maybe a steel every 2-3 months in the US. In 2005 they only released 3 Region 1 NA steels, then 21 in 2006 but 12 of those 21 were the last 3 months of the year, then 34 in 2007, 58 in 2008 (the only year that saw a G1 NA steel every single month), then 30 in 2009 as G2s started to take over and it ebbed back down.

They really didn't push a lot of G2s in the US at first either, we saw was 13 G2 region 1's in 2008 and 9 of those were the Bond films. 2009 was mostly just Disney's and Futureshop exclusives and we only saw 20 G2's that year with 13 of those being the Disney's. G2s seem to be revving up in the US and North America like it started to in 2008 before First Look killed the G1's.

Also the US has almost all become Best Buy Exclusives and you never see any non exclusives anymore. Sure they throw a Target or a Wal-mart exclusive out every now and then but its almost all Best Buys. It was the same for the G1s Best Buy started to grab all the exclusives and you just saw the occasional FYE exclusive by 2008 (I liked these in the beginning as we had a FYE in the mall and I remember getting stuff like Beowulf and Transformers there but then it became a pain as the closed the store and I had to work hard to get the titles after that). Then First Look came along and it was all downhill from there.

I like that we have cheap alternatives to steels now, sure the Canadian releases might be a little nicer but they are much more of a hassle to obtain with shipping and having to go through 3rd parties. I like to be able to walk into Best Buy and grab steels again like its 2008 again, there for several years there were no steels in US stores (we would get the occasional steel but they would sell out and be gone or they would be the preorders and were gone the moment the movie came out).
And another one bites the dust and it was a Disney. I saw a Wall-e pop up must have been a 2 day auction (these are always great for buyers not so much for sellers as you have less time to attract bidders) and managed to get it for $38 that way less than it normally costs. So tick off one of my expensive steels and make it 28 haha also Ricker and me are making a deal on Monday to take me down to 27 with Atlas Shrugged :)