How many of you collect sb's of same title but...


Nov 22, 2012
from different countries? I mean an addiction is one thing, but this is downright killer lol. Looking to collect the same title from different parts of the world makes it that much harder to keep any money at all lol. Do any of you do this? Reason i'm asking is Batman comes out in like 8 different places tomorrow. Aren't they usually all the same as far as front and back cover go? Are there any benefits or anything different between releases especially if we leave them unwrapped? :confused:
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The main draw for people is the different slips i think. The only movie i've got two separate steels of is Inglourious Basterds, mainly as its my favourite movie and two very different steels (Canada + France). But i know many members on here love the rarity of the Asian steels and the distinct languages on the slips. I think anyway :)
on the same note, where would one be able to see a list of a certain title as to how many different releases there have been for it? For example, i'd like to see all the Kill Bill steelbook releases that were out and where and when. Does such a place exist? Maybe even somewhere here? :)
I have no idea what you're talking about... :p
on the same note, where would one be able to see a list of a certain title as to how many different releases there have been for it? For example, i'd like to see all the Kill Bill steelbook releases that were out and where and when. Does such a place exist? Maybe even somewhere here? :)

Collection Manager at the top of the page is as good a resource as anything i've found. You can search the name of the film and it'll show you which countries released it and more often than not, a scan of the front cover.
i only buy more than 1 steelbook of the same movie if it has different artwork, the dark knight rises has the same artwork on all steelbooks released except the french version which in my opinion has the best front cover although it is g1 in size and the rest are g2

then you have to decide if you want to pay extra to get it with a nice asian slip/ j card
although some look great, i cant justify paying the extra money for a printed piece of card that i could make myself, if your keeping them sealed fair enough the will look great all lined up together but if you plan on opening them dont waste your money on duplicates with just a different j card to differentiate them, just my opinion, everybody to their own anyway

you should take a look at oxfordnicks batman steelbook collection in the link below
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Drum18 i cant see this steel in your collection ;)
]And i only buy more than one if i like the movie :)
You got a PM! :thumbs:

Now for the question, I always choose steelz with different artwork. What's the point of having the same 3-5-7-etc...?
Also, I open all my steels because I love to see the interior art too...

There are some hardcore fans here that will go after EVERY TDKR steelbook release... ouch... it's gonna hurt...
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I have no idea what you're talking about... :p

Your collection I can understand. But the people that collect every steelbook of the same title that is the same exact artwrk on the front, I think is crazy. IMO. I try to show my friends and family a new steel I got and they are like eeh! So who really sees the data sheet on the back, and can you read in the language?
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I didn't initially but I seem to have succumbed on a couple of titles, namely Kill Bill & Sucker Punch and have now got multiples of those. I'm managing not to double dip on others though thankfully :D
It has here in Sweden :) at 5.30 in my Dvd steel collection you can see it.

Thanks gruff, I had never seen it before!:)
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I'm working on my batman collection sobfar have the fs UK german steelbook and media book copies Korean steels also looking to get *** but it's costing me a fortune loool I don't care tho the latest trilogy is awesome I can take or leave the original series apart from of course the 1989 original which is still one of my favourite films of all time but with additions like the batpod ed and joker mask and of course the latest cowl blu ed its crazy expensive also as a side note have pre ordered the joker v2 hot toys figure as it's amazing!
i only buy more than 1 steelbook of the same movie if it has different artwork, the dark knight rises has the same artwork on all steelbooks released except the french version which in my opinion has the best front cover although it is g1 in size and the rest are g2

then you have to decide if you want to pay extra to get it with a nice asian slip/ j card
although some look great, i cant justify paying the extra money for a printed piece of card that i could make myself, if your keeping them sealed fair enough the will look great all lined up together but if you plan on opening them dont waste your money on duplicates with just a different j card to differentiate them, just my opinion, everybody to their own anyway

you should take a look at oxfordnicks batman steelbook collection in the link below

Yo Flip, I just find it funny that you stated that you can't justify spending extra money for a J card that you can make yourself. But right below that, in big bold bright red color, you have "LOOKING FOR IRON MAN 2 TAIWAN" Why specifically Taiwan? All these asian IM 2 looks exactly alike, save the J card, which you said you couldn't justify paying extra for lol. Just an observation buddy, nothing personal.

As for my self, I do collect alot of multiples, but not from different countries. My multiples are based more on collectibility, and liquidity, and not "country exclusives". Thats why you see many multiples of "grails" and Disney exclusives in my collection. The only way I'd have same titles from different countries is if the steel itself has exclusive art. Rebelle from France is a good example. It has great artwork that I really like, so I got it. But if the art was exactly the same as the FS version, except with exclusive stickers that proclaim that "only 1000 produced".........I couldn't care less.
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I will entertain getting a different artwork version of the same title if Im a big fan. Buying the same artwork steel from different countries is just a no go for myself.
I only double dip when a title I already have is released in a new, more beautiful steel (Full Metal Jacket CA & DE, Top Gun DE & UK), or if there's an alternative artwork (Kill Bill black & yellow suit, Boondock saints) I really like.

Collecting the same steel from every country is really useless, especially if the artwork is the same. Spending your money on the same steel 10 times, and being excited over a different J Card is kinda dumb imho.

But to each his own ...
Yo Flip, I just find it funny that you stated that you can't justify spending extra money for a J card that you can make yourself. But right below that, in big bold bright red color, you have "LOOKING FOR IRON MAN 2 TAIWAN" Why specifically Taiwan? All these asian IM 2 looks exactly alike, save the J card, which you said you couldn't justify paying extra for lol. Just an observation buddy, nothing personal.

it has different inside art than the others
