Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (4K Blu-ray SteelBook) [USA]


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Jul 20, 2016
Release date: June 14, 2022
Purchase links: Amazon - Best Buy - Target
Price: $24.99
Group buy: hosted by apsmith21

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I have seen Star Wars in the cinema in 1977 there a lot of members on HDN who seen Star Wars film in 1977 when first released or saw when released again in cinemas in 1978/1979/1980 if you not aware so it's not most of us who saw the film with the new title IV A New Hope
The difference with Star Wars was there was sequals that happened later that led to change to the title Episode IV A New Hope in 1981 a year after Empire Strikes Back was released
Cinema re release in 1981 used the new title Episode IV A New Hope and also in 1982 and later years
Later a re-edit of the film in 1997 led to have title on screen also changing to Episode IV A New Hope but was known as Episode IV A New Hope since 1981

When Star Wars was created in 1977 they did not have have plans for sequels to be made
20th century fox did not even know in 1977 if the film was going to be a massive blockbuster hit or a flop until after the film was released and no reason at that time to have the title Episode IV A New Hope

George Lucas himself officially retitled Raiders of the Lost Ark to Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1999 it was not a Paramount decision
Yes the title is still Raiders of the Lost Ark when watching the film on screen but the title was still officially retitled even if you don't see that name change on screen when watching the film

In regards to The Omen films and Star Wars films they have nothing to do with Indiana Jones films apart from they also had sequals made but so has a lot of other films over the years

The next Indiana Jones film in 2023 wiill have in it's title Indiana Jones and the ?????? (?????? = The rest of the title not officially reaveled yet)

Reason why the next film in 2023 will have in it's title Indiana Jones and the is so it matches the other previous films that have Indiana Jones and the
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
You may well have seen Star Wars in 1977, so did many others, but the fact remains that more people have seen it since then (unless you honestly believe that more people saw it between 1977 & 1980 than in the 43 years since then). That means that to most viewers, it is called Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope.

Regardless, that is the onscreen title. As such, I'd expect any home video release to reflect that.

Until such time that Lucasfilm change the onscreen title, this movie is called Raiders of the Lost Ark, no matter what it might say on the box.

Media packaging will often change titles to better fit with the conventions of their style. That doesn't make them the official title.

For example (onscreen title first, packaging title second)...

Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI
Friday the 13th Part VI Jason Lives

A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 The Dream Child

The Final Conflict
Omen III The Final Conflict

Halloween 5
Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers

The Horror Show
House III The Horror Show

So on and so forth.
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You may well have seen Star Wars in 1977, so did many others, but the fact remains that more people have seen it since then (unless you honestly believe that more people saw it between 1977 & 1980 than in the 43 years since then). That means that to most viewers, it is called Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope.

Regardless, that is the onscreen title. As such, I'd expect any home video release to reflect that.

Until such time that Lucasfilm change the onscreen title, this movie is called Raiders of the Lost Ark, no matter what it might say on the box.

Media packaging will often change titles to better fit with the conventions of their style. That doesn't make them the official title.

For example (onscreen title first, packaging title second)...

Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI
Friday the 13th Part VI Jason Lives

A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 The Dream Child

The Final Conflict
Omen III The Final Conflict

Halloween 5
Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers

The Horror Show
House III The Horror Show

So on and so forth.
Lot's of films original title got retitled after sequels was done it not unusual has happened lot more than likely realize

Star Wars 1977 did not have opening title changed until 1981 simply because here had been no other Star Wars movies prior to 1977
The change of Star Wars 1977 title was due to Empire Strikes Back in 1980 having in opening title as Episode V and subtitle The Empire Strikes Back appeared as the first two lines of the opening crawl of the film
Star Wars 1977 title change was not until 1981

You don't need on screen title to be changed in a film when later it's been retitled years later due to sequels that followed
It was not until 1999 the change was done in regards to Raiders of the Lost Ark but it kept it's original title on screen in regards to cinema re-releases and home media releases
It was advertisred though after 1999 as Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark for home media releases even though on screen has the original title

You mentioned Halloween 5
The opposite happened in regards to this film on screen title
There are lots of films with a original title but on screen title is different

Halloween 5 original full title is Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers
Short Title is Halloween 5 that was used on screen but the original title is Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

That did not happen with Halloween 4
The full title was used on screen Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Short title is known as Halloween 4 but was not used on screen
Halloween 5 original full title is Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers
Short Title is Halloween 5 that was used on screen but the original title is Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

That did not happen with Halloween 4
The full title was used on screen Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Short title is known as Halloween 4 but was not used on screen
Sorry Paul, but you have completely made this up. At no point were either of these films released with different titles so the onscreen titles are the original ones.

While I find it quite plausible that the plan for Halloween 5 was to have the subtitle 'The Revenge of Michael Myers', indeed, the theatrical poster featured it, at no point does that subtitle ever, or has ever, appeared onscreen.

After Halloween III disappointed viewers by not featuring Michael Myers, Halloween 4 was always planned to have 'The Return of Michael Myers' as its subtitle. It was part of the marketing, both onscreen and for the poster.

Your insistence that this film is called Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark does not make it so. Recent releases of First Blood now have Rambo: First Blood on the box. In actuality, Rambo was the pre title of First Blood Part II. Realistically, the third one should have been called First Blood Part III, but as Rambo, like Indiana Jones, was more famous as a character than the actual movie titles, it was called Rambo III.
Sorry Paul, but you have completely made this up. At no point were either of these films released with different titles so the onscreen titles are the original ones.

While I find it quite plausible that the plan for Halloween 5 was to have the subtitle 'The Revenge of Michael Myers', indeed, the theatrical poster featured it, at no point does that subtitle ever, or has ever, appeared onscreen.

After Halloween III disappointed viewers by not featuring Michael Myers, Halloween 4 was always planned to have 'The Return of Michael Myers' as its subtitle. It was part of the marketing, both onscreen and for the poster.

Your insistence that this film is called Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark does not make it so. Recent releases of First Blood now have Rambo: First Blood on the box. In actuality, Rambo was the pre title of First Blood Part II. Realistically, the third one should have been called First Blood Part III, but as Rambo, like Indiana Jones, was more famous as a character than the actual movie titles, it was called Rambo III.
I have not made it up the official original title for Halloween 5 is Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers
On screen short title Halloween 5 though was used instead

Films titles often get changed when sequels happen it's nothing new and will happen again with other films in coming years
You don't need to change the on screen title when a film title is changed years later due to later sequels it's not a requirement
Sometimes they do change the on screen title but not always
Your own example First Blood was given a retitle Rambo: First Blood but on screen keeps original title First Blood
That title change again was due to the sequels using Rambo in the titles

Some films even have different title on screen to original title when released and can also have different titles in some countries
There are lot's of examples in this regard