Interview the Person Below You

Windows - gave up on Apple a while back

Tea or Coffee?

Tea without a doubt. Although I don't mind coffee from time to time.

For the men out there what is the one "weird" thing you look at in a girl your interested in or if she's interested in you? Ladies same thing if your answering just change he's and she's in that question or however that question applies to you ;)

(PS. for me its the girls shoes... weird I know, hence, why I asked lol).
Tea without a doubt. Although I don't mind coffee from time to time.

For the men out there what is the one "weird" thing you look at in a girl your interested in or if she's interested in you? Ladies same thing if your answering just change he's and she's in that question or however that question applies to you ;)

(PS. for me its the girls shoes... weird I know, hence, why I asked lol).

Dietary habits. To most it may be weird but i'm vegan so I'd never date anyone that wasn't...

Would you rather be rich with health issues or poor but in excellent health?
Dietary habits. To most it may be weird but i'm vegan so I'd never date anyone that wasn't...

Would you rather be rich with health issues or poor but in excellent health?

poor but in excellent health. I would given you the opposite answer a few years go but not anymore. Good health is the most important thing in life IMO (followed closely by money, lol).

who's your favourite actor or actress ?
Right now storage wars. The people on there crack me up and I always hope Dave loses money cause he's a giant douche.

What's your biggest fear? (seriously)
Definitely the beach paradise! I love the beach!

Do you spend more time with HDN or with your boy/girlfriend?:D
Easily HDN! But then I don't have a girlfriend... or boyfriend. Although, even if I did, HDN would still be my #1 :D

Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend/#2?
Easily HDN! But then I don't have a girlfriend... or boyfriend. Although, even if I did, HDN would still be my #1 :D

Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend/#2?

Sorry Noodles I wont. :p But we can be bro's instead or E-Twins since you know the whole Dec 18 thing, happy? :D

Whats your dream car?
Right now, the pub! Though Bali would be a close second :D

How long can you hold your breath without fainting? Please be sensible when working this one out though!!
Sorry Noodles I wont. :p But we can be bro's instead or E-Twins since you know the whole Dec 18 thing, happy? :D

Lol I guess I'll settle with being bros then. We can always work up to making it a bromance though. :naughty:

How long can you hold your breath without fainting? Please be sensible when working this one out though!!

Why was I lying on the floor? My head hurts. What was the question again? Seriously though, I can't hold my breath for very long due to having asthma as a kid. I'd say 2 minutes at best, if that.

What's your favourite type of cheese?
Lol I guess I'll settle with being bros then. We can always work up to making it a bromance though. :naughty:

Why was I lying on the floor? My head hurts. What was the question again? Seriously though, I can't hold my breath for very long due to having asthma as a kid. I'd say 2 minutes at best, if that.

What's your favourite type of cheese?

^^^ sure thing Bro... :p

Im a sucker for the typical in cheese... so Cheddar Cheese!

What are you looking forward to most next (can be anything really) ?