Iron Man 3 (3D) - In theaters May 3, 2013

How do you rate Iron Man 3 (5 is best, 1 worst)?

  • 1-Horrible

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • 2-Bad but not worst I've seen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3-Bearable, eh

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • 4-Pretty good!

    Votes: 14 42.4%
  • 5-I loved it!

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Didn't see it yet

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Not interested in seeing it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-Horrible

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • 2-Bad but not worst I've seen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3-Bearable, eh

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • 4-Pretty good!

    Votes: 14 42.4%
  • 5-I loved it!

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Didn't see it yet

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Not interested in seeing it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-Horrible

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • 2-Bad but not worst I've seen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3-Bearable, eh

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • 4-Pretty good!

    Votes: 14 42.4%
  • 5-I loved it!

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Didn't see it yet

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Not interested in seeing it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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Apr 12, 2009
From IMDB:
The plot is unknown at this time. Rumor has it Tony Stark/Iron Man will head to China to face his toughest opponent, Mandarin.
With: Robert Downey Jr., Guy Pearce, Cobie Smulders, Gwyneth Paltrow, Paul Bettany, Rebecca Hall, Ben Kingsley, Jon Favreau, Don Cheadle and more....


Old infos:

Per Firstshowing:
Earlier this month we heard Lethal Weapon writer and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang director Shane Black was in contention to helm Iron Man 3, the next installment in the lucrative comic book sequel. While his directing the project was far from a sure thing at the time, apparently Marvel likes what Black is bringing to the table and Deadline reports the filmmaker is currently in final negotiations to direct the blockbuster sequel. Though initially it was said that Black would also write the script, apparently the details remains to be confirmed. But considering how well Black worked with Robert Downey Jr. in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, I have high hopes.

Of course, there's a bit of a concern since the only film in Black's filmography is the aforementioned dark noir comedy, but Jon Favreau hadn't directed any action tentpoles either before taking on Iron Man. There's still no news on when Iron Man 3 may start production, and a release date isn't being set prematurely either, so it's unclear how soon Black will begin working for Marvel. Right now he's working on Doc Savage for Sony and he was recently linked to an American adaptation of the Japanese manga series Death Note. Even with those projects in line, this will undoubtedly be Black's biggest project to date.
Older discussions:
- Favreau not directing Iron Man 3
- Jon Favreau Wants the Mandarin For Iron Man 3 Villain; Will the Film Be 3D?


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From Screenrant:
Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow will not be joining the adventures on this one. The actress told us she would not be appearing in Iron Man 3 at the start of our interview with her and The Hulk himself, Mark Ruffalo, at The Avengers Los Angeles press event last week.

From ComicBookMovies:
Over in Las Vegas, the annual CinemaCon convention is well underway. And according to ComingSoon, Disney's presentation kicked off with a Marvel Studios feature. Apparently focused on the studios' upcoming slate, a sizzle reel was shown featuring soundbites with head honcho Kevin Feige & Iron Man 3 helmer Shane Black.

Declaring the movie a "technological thriller" and "crisis movie," Black says it's set in the world of "international war, arms and terror." And he adds that they'll "put Tony Stark through the wringer" as they explore the trials of being Tony Stark. Regarding the villain, Black said he'll be one that will "frighten in today's world."

In other Iron Man 3 news: The Hollywood Reporter suggests that actress Jessica Chastain, who is in talks for a "sexy scientist role," will play a supporting role rather than female lead. That spot belongs only to Gwyneth Paltrow's Virginia Potts, who THR's insiders say will be a beefed-up presence in the new movie.
Here's the article:

The Avengers has only been out for about a week in US theaters —and is rapidly adding to its massive box office total — so naturally, it's the perfect time to start talking about what's next for Marvel Studios.

Luckily, we know the answer to that: Iron Man 3, directed and co-written by Shane Black, starring Robert Downey Jr. and slated for release on May 3, 2013. Filming is scheduled to start this month, and earlier this week Variety reported Rebecca Hall looks to be added to the cast in an important yet unspecified role.

That still leaves a lot of unknowns, so we've taken what's publicly known, added in some educated guesses, and tried to tackle a few of the biggest questions fans might have about Iron Man 3, a film that's becoming increasingly important with each financial record that Avengers breaks. (And, oh yeah, no Iron Man 3 art exists yet, the main image above is from The Avengers.)

What does "Extremis" have to do with it?: A lot, probably. It's long been speculated that Iron Man 3 would be based on "Extremis" — a popular, influential storyline by writer Warren Ellis and artist Adi Granov that started in 2004 and ran through Iron Man #1-#6. Now it's completely out in the open, and it's known that Guy Pearce has been cast as one of the key figures in the story, Dr. Aldrich Killian.

For those unfamiliar, Extremis is essentially an injection of nanotechnology intended to replicate the super-soldier serum that transformed Steve Rogers into Captain America. In the case of one test subject, Mallen, it had distinctly negative results, turning him into a dangerous and powerful villain.

In an effort to defeat Mallen, Tony Stark received a specific version of Extremis that allowed him greater interaction with technology, making the Iron Man armor a physical part of him, with crucial underwiring stored in the hollows of his bones and the rest controlled mentally. Though he's had some ups and downs with it since, it's still a part of him in current comic books.

It's important to keep in mind that as an adaptation, characters and plot details might be changed, combined or dropped. Still, it's clear that "Extremis" is a huge source of inspiration for the Iron Man 3 filmmakers, and looks to be driving a significant part of the story.

Who will be in it: RDJ is back as Tony Stark/Iron Man, of course. As is Gwyneth Paltrow as Petter Potts and Don Cheadle as Rhodey/War Machine, plus Paul Bettany as the voice of JARVIS.

In addition to new cast members Ben Kingsley and Rebecca Hall (more on them later) and Pearce, multiple sources have reported that Andy Lau (a main actor in Infernal Affairs, the Hong Kong film that was the basis of The Departed) will play an "old friend" of Tony Stark.

Who won't be in it: It's known that Scarlett Johansson, who initiated her role of Black Widow in Iron Man 2, won't be in the this movie. Additionally, it's not known yet if Samuel L. Jackson will reprise his role as Nick Fury in this production, though it's always possible he could at least sneak in for a cameo.

As far as a cameo from any of the rest of The Avengers, nothing has specifically been ruled out, but Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige told ABC News that Iron Man 3 will be a departure from past efforts.

"It’s going to be very different, very unique and I think not ascribe to any specific formula that they think they may have pegged us on," Feige said. "

Ben Kinglsey is Mandarin, right?: As soon as Ben Kingsley was announced as playing a villain in Iron Man 3, conventional wisdom targeted him as long-time Tony Stark nemesis The Mandarin. The fact that the movie is filming partially in China — the character's home country — only sped up speculation. The Mandarin has been foreshadowed since the first Iron Man film — "The Ten Rings," and all that. Also, The Mandarin has been involved in Extremis-related storylines, attempting (and failing) to release it to the human race en masse.

There are a couple of stumbling blocks, though. One, it would be a rather un-PC move to cast Kingsley, born in England and of partial Indian descent, as a Chinese character. Sure, comic book characters change ethnicity in their transition to screen fairly frequently — Nick Fury and the Kingpin both did it — but seeing as how he's called "The Mandarin" and all, it would take a rather extensive retooling to make it work.

Also, it seems that Shane Black really isn't a fan of The Mandarin — CBR reported that he dismissed the character as a "racist caricature" at last fall's Long Beach Comic Con — which could either be taken at face value or a possible smokescreen.

So if not Mandarin, who is Ben Kingsley playing? Maybe Mallen, the previously mentioned character established in the "Extremis" arc.

How about Rebecca Hall?: Hall's prospectively (reportedly originally offered to The Help's Jessica Chastain) is also a question mark.

While there are plenty of females in Tony Stark's life — from Sasha Hammer to Madame Masque to Bethany Cabe — the simplest solution targets her as scientist Maya Hansen, one of the creators of Extremis, who also happens to have a romantic past with Tony Stark.

I dunno if Extremis would be a good story to base it on. I guess I need to watch it again.
Oh great another iron man steelbook is all I can think about reading these posts.
Only just got my hands on no2 (sealed MM (steel of course) :D) Avengers has cost me an arm and a face.
Didnt know about steelbooks when Iron man 1 came out :emb: UK release please! I'll settle for a trilogy steelbook, but not with 3 seperate pictures of the same iron man :angry:
Current storyline in Invincible Iron Man has the Mandarin playing a pivotal role...

People, if you're not currently reading the Invincible Iron Man comic, you're missing out on a great storyline. It's got the Mandarin, Ezekiel Stane (Obadiah's son) and Justin Hammer's wife and daughter joining forces to destroy Tony Stark. But instead of killing him outright, they want to discredit him, humiliate him and plunge his life (personal and professional) into chaos.

The story started in Invincible Iron Man #510. The Mandarin has never looked more dangerous. Why is this relevant here? If the Mandarin is indeed the next Iron Man villain, then this story will be setting the stage for what is to come in the 3rd film.

From issue #510 up to and including issue #517, we have the following:
  • Tony, being a recovering alcoholic, has a relapse and gets drunk. The US government subpoenas the biometric data for his suit as someone knows that Tony was drunk while in the Iron Man suit.
  • Most of Iron Man's previous villains, such as Living Laser, Blizzard, Firepower, etc., have been upgraded to practically 1st-tier status by Stane and the Mandarin.
  • Rhodey is almost killed by Meltdown and the Living Laser. The War Machine armour is no more.
  • Tony resigns from the Avengers, but not before trying to punch Steve Rogers. Twice. And then telling Steve and Ms. Marvel to get lost.
  • Tony allows the US government to place an inhibitor on the repulsor unit in his chest. On 2 distinct occasions, when he was winning the fight against Stane-powered and Mandarin-sponsored villains, the government (via Justine Hammer) powered him down. Result: no Iron Man suit.
  • Tony has Reed Richards (yes, Mr Fantastic) remove the Extremis solution from his body and hands it over to the US government. He's no longer Iron Man.
Like I said, the current storyline is pretty good. It's still ongoing, and I'm not sure when it's going to end. If you can get the back issues from #510, please do so. Matt Fraction and Salvador Larocca's storytelling has kicked up a few notches.

And no, I don't work for Marvel. I'm just a huge fan of Iron Man, from the first Armor Wars story (circa 1987).
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From CBM:
According to the ever reliable lads over at Latino Review, the budget for Iron Man 3 has been increased from $140 million to $200 million following the box office success of Marvel's The Avengers. The success of the superhero ensemble has apparently resulted in the studio deciding to spend a lot more on their solo efforts, and Shane Black has been tasked with not only making the best Iron Man movie yet, but also the best Marvel movie too (so, uh, no pressure then...). The site also reveals that they were in Wilmington recently (visiting the set of another film which was being filmed there) and spotted the construction of what they describe as, "a large underwater tank and what looked like the interior of a jet fuselage (though it could also be some fancy windows in an underwater structure, it was just a skeleton when I peeped it)." The fact that Marvel Studios decided to up the budget can surely only be good news for fans. Principal photography officially kicked off on Iron Man 3 today so stay tuned for more details over the coming weeks and months.
If they're planning on putting Tony Stark through the ringer, another storyline from the Bob Layton / David Michelinie era comes to mind; when Tony was shot and paralysed by a (psychotic) former girlfriend. He almost lost his sanity as well as his company. This happens between the 2 Armor Wars stories.

Off the top of my head, the person that can fulfill this role is the journalist he slept with in the first Iron Man movie, the one where Pepper Potts referred to as "taking out the trash"...


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