Apr 2, 2012
Release date: October 4, 2013
Purchase links: Amazon DE - Cede.de
Price: €7.99 (Amazon) - €17.99 (Cede)
Notes: Matte finish, printed info on back, inside artwork, fixed blu-ray banner on top of front and back covers
Group buys: g0bl1nk1ng & Masterblaster


Actual pics: (Thanks to Engelskind)
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Hopefully the final artwork gets announced soon. I'm still torn about whether I want different artwork or not. If its the same artwork as everywhere, its a cheaper price but if its different artwork then it seems its the only country so far with different artwork.

I'm fully exspecting Korea to do different artwork so its going to be even harder to decided.
NONE of these has the 3D version :(


I could but the normal 3D Iron Man and swap the discs, then sell the 2D one.. Hmm..

Too much hassle! Gone for the Italian! Cheers guys.

*EDIT* - changed my mind again >.< Gone for Amazon.de & Iron Man 3D from Sainsburys. I'll go through the hassle, save some moneys.
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Sorry if this has been asked before, but it seems as though there's 2 stores that are selling this, will they be different per store or is it the same steel for both? Only reason being is that because the UK 1 has generic artwork I'm contemplating ordering this and wasn't sure which store to go for....
Sorry if this has been asked before, but it seems as though there's 2 stores that are selling this, will they be different per store or is it the same steel for both? Only reason being is that because the UK 1 has generic artwork I'm contemplating ordering this and wasn't sure which store to go for....
Same steel. ;)
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Sorry if this has been asked before, but it seems as though there's 2 stores that are selling this, will they be different per store or is it the same steel for both? Only reason being is that because the UK 1 has generic artwork I'm contemplating ordering this and wasn't sure which store to go for....

Cede.de is a store based in swiss. They sell the same steel (cover) but without the german green fsk sticker.

Its like the same with tron germany and swiss
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