Apr 2, 2012
Release date: October 4, 2013
Purchase links: Amazon DE - Cede.de
Price: €7.99 (Amazon) - €17.99 (Cede)
Notes: Matte finish, printed info on back, inside artwork, fixed blu-ray banner on top of front and back covers
Group buys: g0bl1nk1ng & Masterblaster


Actual pics: (Thanks to Engelskind)
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I believe Wreck even wrote somewhere that the Zavvi SB will have an exclusive artwork.

Anyway, I hope Zavvis artwork matches the play steels so I can cancel my preorder of the german version
Thanks MK50. Its like The Mission Impossibles, 3 similar then Ghost protocol different. Its a bit annoying, hence why I hope these stay similar. At least they may look like a set if they keep the blue border.
Thanks MK50. Its like The Mission Impossibles, 3 similar then Ghost protocol different. Its a bit annoying, hence why I hope these stay similar. At least they may look like a set if they keep the blue border.

Yeah, at least the german IMs will look good together then :hilarious:

I hope the zavvi exclusive will match the previous UK exclusive IMs from play though :ohno:

And then we can have some asian Steelbooks with "another" artwork... PLEASE :naughty:
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Came on here to say just had same email. Hope this doesn't have a printed back?

It WILL, I can almost guarantee it. The last 2 Iron Man releases by Concorde did, 3 if you include the IM/IM2 double pack. it will also be Matt. My IM2 rusted up like an old Skoda. Hate to think what 8 months in a secure lock up in Philippines have done to it.
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