Killzone 2 Megathread - New DLC Coming (Map Pack 3!!!) - Patch As Well!!!!

Jan 29, 2009

Killzone 2 is an upcoming science fiction first-person shooter for the PlayStation 3, currently in development by Guerrilla Games and to be published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the third installment in the Killzone franchise that began on the PlayStation 2 with Killzone and was continued with Killzone: Liberation on the PlayStation Portable. First announced at E3 2005 in Los Angeles, California,[5] Killzone 2 is due for release in February 2009.

Killzone 2 follows the events of Killzone and Killzone: Liberation, and will take place entirely on the planet Helghan, the home-world of the Helghast, who invaded an Interplanetary Strategic Alliance (ISA) colony. Two years after the Helghast assault on Vekta, the ISA has launched an assault on the enemy's home world of Helghan. The ISA goal is to capture the Helghast leader, Emperor Scolar Visari, and bring the Helghast war machine to a halt. Players assume the role of Sergeant Tomas "Sev" Sevchenko, a battle-hardened veteran of the special forces unit known as "The Legion", who go on a mission to take out the Helghast threat.

During the invasion of Helghan, Sev's unit is deployed behind enemy lines to assist the main invasion force. Tasked with securing the enemy capital of Pyrrhus, the team quickly discovers that the Helghast are a more formidable enemy on their home planet. Not only have they adjusted to Helghan's hostile conditions, they have also harnessed a source of power they can now use against the ISA - the very planet on which they live. A barren, unforgiving world, Helghan provides a ready defense with thick, acidic air, dust clouds, and violent surgical lightning storms. Sev discovers his squad is not just fighting enemy forces – their fiercest opponent may be the planet itself




















Killzone 2 - Superbowl Commercial *Probably a spoof*
Click Here

Killzone Biography - Getting You Up To Speed Story Wise
Click Here

Killzone 2 - HD Video Blowout "The Weapons Of Killzone 2"
Click Here
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wreck where you at, its been 1.5 hours, lol

bailey and i are just sitting in a room by ourselves right now waiting for some poor noob to come in and get dominated. lol. or maybe we'll get impatient and start killing each other :)
im loving the shotgun right now i dominated people with it tonight including wreck when he was on the other team

yah, you were rocking the shotty tonight. got me a good many times with it ;). and then when we were on the same team i remember a couple times we just crushed anyone in our way :scat:
Man .... I got dominated by everyone ... eariler was not fun, I had to get off and do some site work to calm down.
I was playing bodycount on vekta cruiser earlier using the shotgun and boost and went 17-3 and 20-4 the whole other team was bitching about me using boost with the shotgun a couple of them told me to stop using the gun or get the **** out of the room i couldn`t stop laughing when they said that
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Why hello there, Killzone fans! Glad you could make it!

Many of you have been asking when we would have a ‘Snipe the dev’ event again like we had with Killzone 1 and Killzone: Liberation, and let me tell you that time is NOW!

Killzone 2 Steel & Titanium Pack

Well, tomorrow anyway. Close enough. At 10:00AM Pacific on Tuesday, May 5 we are holding a “Guerrilla Warfare” event on the US servers to celebrate the release of our first DLC Pack: “Steel & Titanium,” and to generally kick some ass. I have assembled the most battle-hardened and skillful developers at Guerrilla Games to go onto the servers and take you through our two newest maps: “Wasteland Bullet” and “Vekta Cruiser,” now available on the Playstation Store.

The developers at Guerrilla Games will be hosting some “Official games,” which some of you will be able to join with passwords provided by the staff here at PlayStation.Blog. If you join those games, we’ll take you on a tour of the new levels, talk about their development and generally hang out. To receive the password and find out the room names, you’ll have to follow the PlayStation.Blog Twitter account: There will be plenty of Guerrillas roaming the servers too, picking fights and generally acting as target practice. Also, we will be holding a similar event on the EU servers very shortly after, so no need to all flood over.

So, to recap:

WHAT: Play two of the newest Killzone 2 maps online with Guerrilla Games.

WHEN: Games start at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern tomorrow, May 5.

WHERE: “Official” Guerrilla-hosted Killzone 2 games (US only)

HOW: Check at 9:30AM Pacific / 12:30PM Eastern for passwords to the official games.

So see you tomorrow, and if you see a [GG] tag in front of the name of a passing enemy, say hi to him before blowing his brains out and tea-bagging him. He’ll appreciate it more that way.

Seb “motherh” Downie

PS: Voting for the Golden Joysticks has opened and us being a bunch of attention-seeking media-whores, we always like to see our names in lights, so take a minute and vote for Killzone 2 for the ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year,’ Playstation GOTY, Soundtrack OTY and Ultimate GOTY here. Thanks a lot!
wow. so radec is um...hard to beat on elite. i just spend over an hour and i cant even get to the part where the dudes with rockets come out.

whats frustrating about the difficulty isn't that is hard, its that it takes half a clip to kill just any regular enemy. i mean sometimes it takes 5 melee's just to kill a guy on elite difficulty on this level. thats just wrong. im fine with increasing the amount of enemies on a level to make it harder, but when they change the damages you inflict on an enemy, thats just stupid.

i can get to the part where they come upstairs and try to flank you, but i always choose wrong as they typically rush one side. ill go to one side and kill the 1 or 2 guys coming up the steps, then i see rico's dead and turn around to see 4 or 5 guys coming up the other way. by the time they get past the hallways that are burning, its over.

we'll see how long it takes for me to beat this part. im gonna take a break for now cause my blood pressure is rising :D
Hi folks,

just a quick update. Today is my last day before I have a few weeks of rest planned. haven't really stopped all that much since we hit gold master and am owed a bunch of time off, which I am going to try and use now that its warm outside. So I wont be here much in the coming weeks, but I'll pop by a couple of times to see how its going.

Patch 1.27 is well under way and will be released a little later this month. It is a pretty sizable patch with some excing features. More on that later on when we get closer to releasing it. There is also a lot of server related maintenance coming with that and a lot of other things still in the works. (DLC 2 anyone?) But more on that later.

So, behave yourselves and a press-release with the changes in patch 1.27 will be released when a date and time for release has been agreed upon with all regions.


PS: Patch 1.26 has been released in Japan which will help with some of the 3505 errors as well as the resulting hangs they have been experiencing. Was to do with some crazy unicode character in their PSN names that was causing an out-of memory issue, but you don't need to know that. take care.
SCEE just announced a Flash and Thunder Map Pack for Killzone 2.

The DLC will include the Beach Head and Southern Hills maps from the first Killzone, remade for PS3.

It’s out on June 11.

Full press release after the break.

Second downloadable Killzone®2 Map Pack announced

Fight your way down memory lane with the Flash and Thunder Pack: two original Killzone® maps remade for PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™)

London, 20th May 2009: The next wave of downloadable content for Killzone®2 on PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) has now been announced. Prepare for a literal blast-from-the-past in the form of the Flash and Thunder Pack: a download from PlayStation®Store featuring the Beach Head and Southern Hills maps. They’re two of the best maps from the original Killzone® for PlayStation®2 – now completely remade for PS3, overflowing with brutal combat between the ISA and the merciless Helghast and offering gamers even more ways to play the first-person shooter that everyone’s talking about.

The Beach Head map sees the ISA tasked with defending a coastal stronghold against a Helghast landing force. This rain-lashed and windswept battlefield is limited in size – which means more action, more hand-to-hand combat, plenty of sneaking up on the enemy and melee kills galore. The Southern Hills map sees the ISA attempting to storm a Helghast compound on top of a hill. A mixture of built-up terrain and wide open spaces – perfect for headshot sniper kills – this map is full of hiding places and offers the perfect battlefield for a large-scale game with lots of players.

The Flash and Thunder Pack is the second awesome instalment of downloadable extra content for Killzone 2 on PS3 and will arrive in PlayStation®Store on (11th of June 2009). To find out more, please contact your local PR manager.