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I've been hooked on Ace Combat Infinity. The grinding is pretty brutal, but once I got an F-35b and an A-10 it's been hard to put down. Without buying anything but the campaign missions ($19.99) you get essentially 3 online sorties per day, which if you save all the stocked fuel you get you can fly more missions but I save them for special emergency sorties which can payout handsomely for more stuff.

Revisited Fallout New Vegas the other day. Can't believe some of you are just getting around to Skyrim! lol I put in about 37 hours before my PS3 died and I lost all my save games, including Diablo 3. I miss my Diablo 3 dude. He was tits.
Going through catch up games on PS3. Ripped through Journey in 1 1/2 hours! (Cool game!)
Picked up South Park: Stick Of Truth, Wolves Among Us, and Latest Sniper Elite.
Finally got a PS4 and haven't had too much time to play on it yet - MGSV Ground Zeroes, Grand Theft Auto V and Shadow Warrior. Most of the time obviously being sunk into GTA (held off on it altogether last gen because I anticipated a 'remaster' ) and it's already proven a nice showpiece for the new machine. :joy: