Horror Chat Last Horror movie watched for Halloween-Join the 2016 watch party!

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Apr 12, 2009
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Hello ninjas!

It's time!

It's that time of year where we get together for our annual hidefninja.com Halloween and horror tradition, and share the latest horror films or tv we've watched. Just jump in to the thread, now until Halloween, and let us know what is making your skin crawl! Recommendations, reviews? Share them!

Plus stay on the lookout for mini-contests and more!

Have fun all!
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Trick or treat ninjas! 2 randomly selected people who pm me today after seeing this Halloween candy meme will receive a $5 Amazon gift card. Good luck! More contests coming through 10/31. Good luck!

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Last couple for me;
  • The Burning (I dug it, wasn't as good as I thought it would be but I enjoyed it)
  • Prom Night (first time watch, it was grand, average enough slasher movie. I think I couldn't get past Jamie Lee Curtis coming off Halloween in to this.)
  • The Greasy Strangler (To quote a wiser man than me - "I hated this movie. Hated, hated, hated, hated, hated this movie. Hated it.")
  • Shaun of the Dead (Classic, it just gets better with every watch.)
  • Nina Forever (Loved it, kind of a different vibe than the trailer sold it as but I really enjoyed it!)
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The Burning- I'm not a slasher fan but I thought this one was better than The Mutilator which I found very boring (although the extras on The Mutilator were great)
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Over the past week I've watched

Trick r treat - love the film anyway and guessing most have seen it on here. I've only seen it once and that was 2 years ago and a few things I forgot

Antichrist - I've attempted this a couple of times and clearly I still haven't learned my lesson because I just couldn't get through it again. Such a grim and depressing film that I just can't sit through it all without feeling weird and like no one else is on the planet lol which unsettles me.

Scream - after watching the 4th I was in the mood, classic. That's all I can say. Also Lillard is soooo good in this

What we do in the shadows - okay if you haven't seen this and love horror comedies then just check this out. It's up there with Shaun of the dead and Zombieland for me. Plus if you like the flight of the conchords humour you will most likely love this.
It's a vampire mockumentary about a house share of vamps from different eras living in New Zealand and it's genius. Jermaine clement stars, helped write and direct with Taika Waititi who directed eagle vs shark (with jermaine), a few episodes of conchords and his next venture is Thor 3 (impressive)

• Holidays - I watched this purely of the back of what you guys were saying @tridon @Sigill and I feel the same. I didn't mind it and all stories had potential including smiths (which wasn't as bad as I had read others mention but it could of been miles better and it wasn't halloweenie at all). Valentine's Day was my least favourite but I loved that final 10 seconds and the music was quality with her smile. I liked parts of st Patrick's day but the end end looked cheap and the Irish guys acting was weird (Zuko). I didn't mind Mother's Day either, could of been better but that final second was amazing and looked very well done. Father's Day was creepy and eerie, well acted but still not 100% sure on what the ending meant (I have some theories). Christmas was cool but again had potential to be a bit better. Liked the idea (got a recommendation on something simular on the next thing I watched for you two). But New Years and Easter was my favs.
I love Eli's wife anyway Lorenza and she was quality and a cool twist. Again that last scene with the axe was sooo cool. And graphic

But Easter. Wow. Ca-reepy as ****!
Man that thing freaked me out. A mixture of you know who and you know who and also oldman from Hannibal. Didn't see that design coming.
I loved the questions the girl was asking the mum. I felt so sorry for her and not getting solid answers lol but man that things voice and the way it moved its head when it spoke. A bit like a the frank voice from donnie darko. "Magical things" lol that creeped me out

I really want to see more of that short.

yoga hosers - what the **** did I just watch? I really enjoyed Tusk and was hoping for something similar but I'm just not sure what I think! The sausage nazi soldiers well made me laugh though

Black mirror - @Noodles @tridon @Sigill you have to see this if you haven't already

Okay so the great mind of Charlie brooker created this series a few years back (he's behind brass eye, Nathan barley etc) and it's hour long episodes all different and weird and most I would put in the horror or sci fi box. Some great actors have featured in these and also great directors for each episode. Toby kebbel, John Hamm, Ralph spall have featured and the new series has made the jump from ch4 to Netflix with 6 new unique episodes (series 1 is 3 eps, 2 is 3 eps, a Christmas special and this series 3 is 6 eps) the new series has Bryce Dallas Howard, wyatt Russell and directing are joe Wright, Dan trachtenberg and others.
You have to check out episode 2 called "play test" directed by the 10 cloverfield lane director trachtenberg (i think this guy is going to be huge) with wyatt Russell (Kurts son from cold in July). It's amazing and because I know you two are gamers (not sure if you are sigill but still check it out) I think you will appreciate this. It's mental. All I will say is it's like inception meets cabin in the woods (take both comparisons with a pinch of salt) also I watched holidays after this and the Seth green Christmas segment kinda reminded me of this but far more weirder.

He really touches odd ideas in black mirror that half the time you think he's ahead of the curve with what could possibly happen and usually with an unsettling ending

All episodes are on 4od (I think) and the new series hit Netflix last week

(I've only seen the first 2 of the new series but it don't matter what order you watch as all are individual stories)
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@Flloydo Been hearing a lot good things about Black Mirror lately... it had never been on my radar before that, but I also saw a trailer for it on TV just yesterday and I thought it looked pretty interesting before even realising it was an advert for BM. Will definitely check it out at some point anyway! Not sure if to start from the very beginning or just jump straight in to the latest series, since that apparently seems to be the best... what do you reckon mate?
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@Flloydo Been hearing a lot good things about Black Mirror lately... it had never been on my radar before that, but I also saw a trailer for it on TV just yesterday and I thought it looked pretty interesting before even realising it was an advert for BM. Will definitely check it out at some point anyway! Not sure if to start from the very beginning or just jump straight in to the latest series, since that apparently seems to be the best... what do you reckon mate?

Okay so you can watch any of the 13 episodes in any order. From what I remember none of them interlink or lead on from the last. I would personally start from the start but then there's probably going to be the odd episode you won't like. But all ideas are crazy but also really makes you think that certain elements could happen.

The first episode of the new series was interesting and directed by joe Wright. That's called nosedive and has Bryce in. It's about a world where everyone and everything you do is rated on apps no matter what you do. It's all about popularity and narcism with this horrible idea and he takes it to the extreme with things like you can only buy certain houses or get into certain places or drive certain cars unless your a 3.4 or 4.2 etc.
Where we rate everything and everyone is their own critic and boys can rate girls and vice versa on dating apps etc he used that idea and taken it further.
Things then spiral out of control.

But I reccomend starting on episode 2 of season 3, play test. I know you will like that. Sooo f*cking good

Some of the themes you might not be in the mood for so try reading a spoiler free synopsis of them to see what you like the sound of.
The crimbo special with Hamm and spall a few years back is amaizng too and a crazy idea

Also it's usually only adverised on c4 but now Netflix has taken over hopefully it means more budget and I love 4 but now he can widen the audience with Netflix. Well you can already tell more budget is included with play test.

Brooker and Chris Morris (brass eye, the day today, jam, four lions) together are two of the U.K. Greatest minds when it comes to satrical comedy, out there and weird issues too. Same as armando innanuci (time trumpet, the thick of it, Alan partridge)
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Over the past week I've watched

Trick r treat - love the film anyway and guessing most have seen it on here. I've only seen it once and that was 2 years ago and a few things I forgot

Antichrist - I've attempted this a couple of times and clearly I still haven't learned my lesson because I just couldn't get through it again. Such a grim and depressing film that I just can't sit through it all without feeling weird and like no one else is on the planet lol which unsettles me.

Scream - after watching the 4th I was in the mood, classic. That's all I can say. Also Lillard is soooo good in this

What we do in the shadows - okay if you haven't seen this and love horror comedies then just check this out. It's up there with Shaun of the dead and Zombieland for me. Plus if you like the flight of the conchords humour you will most likely love this.
It's a vampire mockumentary about a house share of vamps from different eras living in New Zealand and it's genius. Jermaine clement stars, helped write and direct with Taika Waititi who directed eagle vs shark (with jermaine), a few episodes of conchords and his next venture is Thor 3 (impressive)

• Holidays - I watched this purely of the back of what you guys were saying @tridon @Sigill and I feel the same. I didn't mind it and all stories had potential including smiths (which wasn't as bad as I had read others mention but it could of been miles better and it wasn't halloweenie at all). Valentine's Day was my least favourite but I loved that final 10 seconds and the music was quality with her smile. I liked parts of st Patrick's day but the end end looked cheap and the Irish guys acting was weird (Zuko). I didn't mind Mother's Day either, could of been better but that final second was amazing and looked very well done. Father's Day was creepy and eerie, well acted but still not 100% sure on what the ending meant (I have some theories). Christmas was cool but again had potential to be a bit better. Liked the idea (got a recommendation on something simular on the next thing I watched for you two). But New Years and Easter was my favs.
I love Eli's wife anyway Lorenza and she was quality and a cool twist. Again that last scene with the axe was sooo cool. And graphic

But Easter. Wow. Ca-reepy as ****!
Man that thing freaked me out. A mixture of you know who and you know who and also oldman from Hannibal. Didn't see that design coming.
I loved the questions the girl was asking the mum. I felt so sorry for her and not getting solid answers lol but man that things voice and the way it moved its head when it spoke. A bit like a the frank voice from donnie darko. "Magical things" lol that creeped me out

I really want to see more of that short.

yoga hosters - what the **** did I just watch? I really enjoyed Tusk and was hoping for something similar but I'm just not sure what I think! The sausage nazi soldiers well made me laugh though

Black mirror - @Noodles @tridon @Sigill you have to see this if you haven't already

Okay so the great mind of Charlie brooker created this series a few years back (he's behind brass eye, Nathan barley etc) and it's hour long episodes all different and weird and most I would put in the horror or sci fi box. Some great actors have featured in these and also great directors for each episode. Toby kebbel, John Hamm, Ralph spall have featured and the new series has made the jump from ch4 to Netflix with 6 new unique episodes (series 1 is 3 eps, 2 is 3 eps, a Christmas special and this series 3 is 6 eps) the new series has Bryce Dallas Howard, wyatt Russell and directing are joe Wright, Dan trachtenberg and others.
You have to check out episode 2 called "play test" directed by the 10 cloverfield lane director trachtenberg (i think this guy is going to be huge) with wyatt Russell (Kurts son from cold in July). It's amazing and because I know you two are gamers (not sure if you are sigill but still check it out) I think you will appreciate this. It's mental. All I will say is it's like inception meets cabin in the woods (take both comparisons with a pinch of salt) also I watched holidays after this and the Seth green Christmas segment kinda reminded me of this but far more weirder.

He really touches odd ideas in black mirror that half the time you think he's ahead of the curve with what could possibly happen and usually with an unsettling ending

All episodes are on 4od (I think) and the new series hit Netflix last week

(I've only seen the first 2 of the new series but it don't matter what order you watch as all are individual stories)
Thanks for the reccomendation @Flloydo. I did see the new series was on Netflix but have never checked it out. It sounds interesting mate, I will have to give it a try.:)
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@Flloydo Decided to check out the episode you recommended since I was only sat here watching random Youtube videos anyway lol. I was in to it until it turned in to a horror and became quite predictable (one of the many reasons I'm not a fan of most horrors). The idea was pretty cool though, but I think it would've worked better as a full length film as they could've gone a lot further with it. I actually caught a bit of an interview Bryce did on This Morning last week for Nosedive... I must have missed the part where she said it was a Black Mirror episode, because I thought she was promoting a new film... it looked quite interesting though, so I think I'll check that one out next. :thumbs:
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@Flloydo Decided to check out the episode you recommended since I was only sat here watching random Youtube videos anyway lol. I was in to it until it turned in to a horror and became quite predictable (one of the many reasons I'm not a fan of most horrors). The idea was pretty cool though, but I think it would've worked better as a full length film as they could've gone a lot further with it. I actually caught a bit of an interview Bryce did on This Morning last week for Nosedive... I must have missed the part where she said it was a Black Mirror episode, because I thought she was promoting a new film... it looked quite interesting though, so I think I'll check that one out next. :thumbs:

Man I was hoping you would like that and I did forget you don't like horror.
but have you watched it all? You think it's predictable and it keeps going. That's kinda the point. Plus this is very different to other black mirrors and the first what I would say official in your face horror from black mirror so I'm happy brooker went there

It felt like a film to me and completely agree would like to see that expanded but you get to see quite a lot in test play

The Bryce one is quite colourful for black mirror but still very interesting.

Although I did think something had happened when his mum phoned him just before he went in the machine but i was so gripped by the time the end happened i forgot about it.
Also with brooker it's the little bits like what they log the death as is ironic because he hasn't spoke to her. She was so worried about him it was her that killed him lol

Also loved how the shaddow moves when he closed the cupboard and it turns into that spider thing.

And when he goes back home I actually thought that was reality until it happened again and I can't believe he was only in for a second. The paranoia and human mind made all that happen

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Man I was hoping you would like that and I did forget you don't like horror.
but have you watched it all? You think it's predictable and it keeps going. That's kinda the point. Plus this is very different to other black mirrors and the first what I would say official in your face horror from black mirror so I'm happy brooker went there

It felt like a film to me and completely agree would like to see that expanded but you get to see quite a lot in test play

The Bryce one is quite colourful for black mirror but still very interesting.

Although I did think something had happened when his mum phoned him just before he went in the machine but i was so gripped by the time the end happened i forgot about it.
Also with brooker it's the little bits like what they log the death as is ironic because he hasn't spoke to her. She was so worried about him it was her that killed him lol

Also loved how the shaddow moves when he closed the cupboard and it turns into that spider thing.

And when he goes back home I actually thought that was reality until it happened again and I can't believe he was only in for a second. The paranoia and human mind made all that happen

Yep, I watched it all mate. Sorry if I sounded overly negative about it... I do that a lot, even with things I did enjoy lol. I certainly didn't dislike it and it's still made me want to check out the other episodes... I guess I just expected more though.

One of my favourite genres is thriller, so when watching films/shows I'm constantly taking mental notes about minor things that are said and done that might not seem significant at the time, which is probably why I found it so predictable...

The fact the machine picked up the signal noise from his phone made me think it'd probably interfered in some way, and no one made a big deal about it at the time, so that immediately made me think it was going to have an effect later on. It did also cross my mind that he may still be plugged in even when he returned home, then that was made clear when his mum started acting weird.

Haha I hadn't thought about that though... her worrying is what killed him. Although he could've avoided that if he'd just answered one of her previous calls or rung her back... OR turned his damn phone off after he took that photo. :p

I see the very last episode of the new series is feature length and some are calling it the best one, so I'm looking forward to giving that one a watch! :)
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Yep, I watched it all mate. Sorry if I sounded overly negative about it... I do that a lot, even with things I did enjoy lol. I certainly didn't dislike it and it's still made me want to check out the other episodes... I guess I just expected more though.

One of my favourite genres is thriller, so when watching films/shows I'm constantly taking mental notes about minor things that are said and done that might not seem significant at the time, which is probably why I found it so predictable...

The fact the machine picked up the signal noise from his phone made me think it'd probably interfered in some way, and no one made a big deal about it at the time, so that immediately made me think it was going to have an effect later on. It did also cross my mind that he may still be plugged in even when he returned home, then that was made clear when his mum started acting weird.

Haha I hadn't thought about that though... her worrying is what killed him. Although he could've avoided that if he'd just answered one of her previous calls or rung her back... OR turned his damn phone off after he took that photo. :p

I see the very last episode of the new series is feature length and some are calling it the best one, so I'm looking forward to giving that one a watch! :)

I obviously bigged it up too much lol.
Damn i wanted you to love it.

I did think it interfered but I had forgotten by the end lol
And yeah when the mum started acting weird that's when I clocked on.
I just loved how much his brain put him through in like 1.5 seconds. The layers his paranoia reached. To the point his own mind had warped his own mind and like inception he technically went into 2 layers but obviously the signal clash made it more vivid for him and killed him

At one point i genuinely thought that girl set it all up until he pulled her face off. Because the knife thing and the lady saying they can't harm him and he won't feel pain but then I also thought what if they are lying.

Same with her directing him to the top room, I thought is this the next wave of his fear or are they really doing this

Thought it was shot and acted well to with good use of effects for a tv episode. Even his travelling segment. And that chick from thrones is hot :)

Looking forward to whatever trachtenberg does next

Okay cool, didn't know it was feature length and I haven't even seen what the synopsis is. I don't actually read them with black mirror myself becuase I'm a fan of all of the previous. I just know it will be weird but an eye opener each time (for me anyway).
I'm gona watch episode 3 tonight before I go to bed (after first dates lol)
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Reactions: Noodles
Over the past week I've watched

Trick r treat - love the film anyway and guessing most have seen it on here. I've only seen it once and that was 2 years ago and a few things I forgot

Antichrist - I've attempted this a couple of times and clearly I still haven't learned my lesson because I just couldn't get through it again. Such a grim and depressing film that I just can't sit through it all without feeling weird and like no one else is on the planet lol which unsettles me.

Scream - after watching the 4th I was in the mood, classic. That's all I can say. Also Lillard is soooo good in this

What we do in the shadows - okay if you haven't seen this and love horror comedies then just check this out. It's up there with Shaun of the dead and Zombieland for me. Plus if you like the flight of the conchords humour you will most likely love this.
It's a vampire mockumentary about a house share of vamps from different eras living in New Zealand and it's genius. Jermaine clement stars, helped write and direct with Taika Waititi who directed eagle vs shark (with jermaine), a few episodes of conchords and his next venture is Thor 3 (impressive)

• Holidays - I watched this purely of the back of what you guys were saying @tridon @Sigill and I feel the same. I didn't mind it and all stories had potential including smiths (which wasn't as bad as I had read others mention but it could of been miles better and it wasn't halloweenie at all). Valentine's Day was my least favourite but I loved that final 10 seconds and the music was quality with her smile. I liked parts of st Patrick's day but the end end looked cheap and the Irish guys acting was weird (Zuko). I didn't mind Mother's Day either, could of been better but that final second was amazing and looked very well done. Father's Day was creepy and eerie, well acted but still not 100% sure on what the ending meant (I have some theories). Christmas was cool but again had potential to be a bit better. Liked the idea (got a recommendation on something simular on the next thing I watched for you two). But New Years and Easter was my favs.
I love Eli's wife anyway Lorenza and she was quality and a cool twist. Again that last scene with the axe was sooo cool. And graphic

But Easter. Wow. Ca-reepy as ****!
Man that thing freaked me out. A mixture of you know who and you know who and also oldman from Hannibal. Didn't see that design coming.
I loved the questions the girl was asking the mum. I felt so sorry for her and not getting solid answers lol but man that things voice and the way it moved its head when it spoke. A bit like a the frank voice from donnie darko. "Magical things" lol that creeped me out

I really want to see more of that short.

yoga hosers - what the **** did I just watch? I really enjoyed Tusk and was hoping for something similar but I'm just not sure what I think! The sausage nazi soldiers well made me laugh though

Black mirror - @Noodles @tridon @Sigill you have to see this if you haven't already

Okay so the great mind of Charlie brooker created this series a few years back (he's behind brass eye, Nathan barley etc) and it's hour long episodes all different and weird and most I would put in the horror or sci fi box. Some great actors have featured in these and also great directors for each episode. Toby kebbel, John Hamm, Ralph spall have featured and the new series has made the jump from ch4 to Netflix with 6 new unique episodes (series 1 is 3 eps, 2 is 3 eps, a Christmas special and this series 3 is 6 eps) the new series has Bryce Dallas Howard, wyatt Russell and directing are joe Wright, Dan trachtenberg and others.
You have to check out episode 2 called "play test" directed by the 10 cloverfield lane director trachtenberg (i think this guy is going to be huge) with wyatt Russell (Kurts son from cold in July). It's amazing and because I know you two are gamers (not sure if you are sigill but still check it out) I think you will appreciate this. It's mental. All I will say is it's like inception meets cabin in the woods (take both comparisons with a pinch of salt) also I watched holidays after this and the Seth green Christmas segment kinda reminded me of this but far more weirder.

He really touches odd ideas in black mirror that half the time you think he's ahead of the curve with what could possibly happen and usually with an unsettling ending

All episodes are on 4od (I think) and the new series hit Netflix last week

(I've only seen the first 2 of the new series but it don't matter what order you watch as all are individual stories)

I just watched the 2st one on Netflix. All I can say is it's F*&)ing bloody brilliant. Going to end up binge watching all night now
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I just watched episode 4 "San Junipero" of black mirror and it's my favourite I think

It's perfect! And I need the 80s soundtrack. It has a real film fill too which I'm liking so far from this series.

Stunning performances from both girls (one of them Has been cast in new blade runner film)

But not sure this episode will be everyone's cup of tea

Only read if you watch the episode

I had no idea what was going on and found it weird each week the films changed by a few years on the cinema sign and the music too and then that kid in the quagmire when she was looking for kelly he mentionins "oh she's got you too, what year was she in last" and then said "2002" when this is set in the 80s.
It completely threw me and then when she's on the roof and asks "how many of them are dead?" I seriously thought I missed something.
All of a sudden it clicked when they were sitting on the beach when kelly asks yorkie "where are you now?" and I instantly thought of the film surrogates.
I actually thought when they meet in the real world after we was going to see some wrongens at the end playing the real life sims but it was such a touching and lovely ending for once with black mirror

After the wedding dress scene on the beach it then made sense too when she's getting ready and trying out the outfits and her hair keeps changing. She can make it happen just like that.

Cool little sci fi

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