Microsoft to XP Users: 'Don't Press F1'

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA

If you're still using Windows XP, Microsoft has a piece of security advice for you: don't hit F1.

A recently discovered vulnerability is disrupting how Windows XP handles VBScripts that are used to load Help files. Hackers could disguise malicious code as a Windows Help file (with the extension ".hlp"), and then launch a pop-up window prompting users to press F1 for help. Pressing F1 would in fact load the malicious file, and execute the code, thus infecting a PC. Fortunately, the vulnerability does require user interaction, so those who refrain from using Help (or who turn it off entirely) will remain safe. Details for how to turn off Help can be found here.

The vulnerability applies to IE6, IE7, and IE8 on Windows XP. Vista and Windows 7 users, meanwhile, are unaffected.

Microsoft is currently working to patch the flaw, but has not announced a time by which to expect a fix. This is just one more reason to join the 21st century, and leave XP behind as the quaint memory of a bygone era that it is.

God I miss that show... Space Madness was my absolute favorite episode evar... "I've had this ice cream bar since I was a child. People always trying to take it from me. Why won't they leave me alone!"

"Our country reeks of trees, our yaks are really large, and they smell like rotting beef carcasses. And we have to clean up after them, and our saddle sores are the best. We proudly wear women's clothing and searing sand blows up our skirts. And the buzzards they soar overhead, and poisonous snakes will devour us whole, and our bones will bleach in the sun. And we will probably go to (BLECK) and that is our great reward for being the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen!"

"It's log it's log it's big, it's heavy, it's wood! It's log, it's log, it's better than bad it's good!"

"Don't whizz on the electric fence!" *ding*