DVD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Die Komplette Saga (amazon.de)


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Dec 10, 2012
United Kingdom
Link: HERE
Price: €43.99, £37.91
19 Disc Set

I bought the US set from eBay, & it was a bootleg so i went with this set, theres lots of US Bootlegs going round on eBay that look very convincing so stay away from eBay. If you live in Europe this set is the best to get, the episodes and menu language are in english, but outer box text is in german.


Heres a video i made for you guys:
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Do you have any images of where to tell if they are bootleg? I just got a set from fleabay and it looks pretty legit to me. I have yet to open it yet tho.Everything seems legit. If you have links to sets or anything that I can compare please pm me.
I plan on having Jason David frank sign my set next month

Glad you got a set tho :LOL:
Do you have any images of where to tell if they are bootleg? I just got a set from fleabay and it looks pretty legit to me. I have yet to open it yet tho.Everything seems legit. If you have links to sets or anything that I can compare please pm me.
I plan on having Jason David frank sign my set next month

Glad you got a set tho :LOL:

ill go one better, got a video from the offical distributors of the US set:

If the back is not reflective silver and is just a reflective looking white then its a fake.
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ill go one better, got a video from the offical distributors of the US set:
If the back is not reflective silver and is just a reflective looking white then its a fake.

awesome thank you very MUCH ! looks like i got a legit set . I have a friend who is out of town and they have the Original set from shout. I will have to compare. But it def is a shiny silver for sure. What got me a little suspicious is the print in the spine of the Dvd cases seemed a little light.
awesome thank you very MUCH ! looks like i got a legit set . I have a friend who is out of town and they have the Original set from shout. I will have to compare. But it def is a shiny silver for sure. What got me a little suspicious is the print in the spine of the Dvd cases seemed a little light.

Another way to test to see if the set is legit, is check out the bit rate, it it runs at a constant 2.1 to 2.9mbps then theres a good chance its fake. The real set runs between 3.7 - 6.0mbps as its dual layered and the fakes are not.

The bootleg set i had made my ps3 vibrate like crazy, i made a video here:

I paid £57 of ebay for it, when i found it was a fake i was furious. I got this german set but have ordered the proper US version from amazon US, i dont trust ebay at all.

Also the ebay listing claimed the set i recieved was region free which it was (as i live in the uk) but this set is a strict region 1 set, that should have thrown me off really... But ho hum.
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Wow that's crazy!

Well after a deep review of both videos it looks like I got shafted . After further inspection of a friends set they hardly match up. First off the bootleg is actually a bit smaller sadly . Colors are darker on the bootleg and the fuzziness on the spine color that first caught my attention for the volumes are now a dead giveaway .

Going to order a set from amazon and also try to contact the seller who sold me this.

I guess it's what I get for trying to save $$$
Wow that's crazy!

Well after a deep review of both videos it looks like I got shafted . After further inspection of a friends set they hardly match up. First off the bootleg is actually a bit smaller sadly . Colors are darker on the bootleg and the fuzziness on the spine color that first caught my attention for the volumes are now a dead giveaway .

Going to order a set from amazon and also try to contact the seller who sold me this.

I guess it's what I get for trying to save $$$

Im with you there bud, i imported my copy from amazon US to the UK, cost me £75 ($117) all together, but it was well worth it as this set is much nicer than that crappy bootleg i was sold.

You will notice everything has a nice shine to it, the box is reflective silver which looks great, and the booklet is much thicker and has a more premium feel to it. Also color on the discs are very vibrant, my past set i sent back the disc colours were all washed out also you will notice the video quality on the offical set much much better, the bootleg set i had was all pixelated to $hite.

Order new from amazon, cant go wrong, its a smexy set.
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