NBA On-Going Thread Chat


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Who you rootin' for?

Spurs, Thunder or Clippers would be fine by me.

Also wouldnt mind Lebron and Bosh finally getting a ring ... tho I like rootin for underdogs a bit more.

I guess I gotta ultimately go for the "retirement home" Spurs vs. the Clips since Im from Texas ... but I wouldnt be butt hurt if the Clips did come back and take the series ... but they got owned last night.
Do yourself a favour and watch this 2 minute video of the Japan inter-elementary school basketball championships
My man jimmy butler dragging the bulls back from 20 down in the 3rd against the worst team in the league 76ers with 53 points and 6 assists!
Yeah I watched it live with whole fam @Bruckle it was AMAZING! Last years was good and brought back energy with Lavine but no one was suspecting he'd have competition this year! ... I wonder if he will even go for a third? ... It would be very nice to see him do so with Aaron Gordon again as I think then AG will get it and it'd be a good passing of torch almost.

@TheStixter tagging this foolio as he's a huge magic fan. haha.

My summmary ... Zach has GREAT posture and thus his dunks just look so perfect/pretty ... I agree that all those OT dunks were still credible enough to be 50's compared to past stuff etc. I think AG's stuff just happens so fast its almost hard to appreciate some of them. Like that last dunk he did the behind the nick then under over I thought was killer as its crazy hang time and thought that he might have won with that. But when it happened fast I didnt think much of it ... slow-mo you really appreciate it.

No matter what tho the more MEMORABLE dunks came from AG and it's his that make me really remember this year's. What was absolutely amazing and what I love was we actually had a year with 2 dudes capable of winning and competing and it made it magical.

besides the last 2 years ... what made the past ones suck for like 7-8 years is guys needing like 10 tries to do their dunk. Last years had that "Zach shut sh!t down" feel cause he was doing them off one try. Nothing beats the 1 (2max) tries to complete a dunk. All about the impact in the arena.....

I would also say that had Zach not had won or competed last year I bet AG would have won this year. So many people made sure to tune in this year cause of Zach ... I'd say like 99% of the all stars who predicted their winners all circled him too. Kinda like movies when you go into see a movie having heard CRAZY "BEST EVER" hype sometimes that hurts the affect it has on you ... you expect so much more. And people EXPECTED Zach to win.
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Hahaha...thanks for the tag @Wreck! It's true, Magic fan here for almost 20 years...I'm sure you're constantly seeing my posts LOL!

My opinion and what I've heard a lot of is simple...AG got robbed...I'm sorry, Zach had some impressive dunks, but AG's were way more creative and had more thought...Zach can jump a long way, but who in the world can sit and/or jump over a person throw a ball completely around them and slam it home 2nd chances were even required. AG was perfect and had his dunks down the first time.

A few more years of growing, building, and putting the pieces together and these guys and the Orlando Magic are going to be a ;)
@C.C. 95 Congrats bud .... Never got a chance to say it but sure your stoked over the finals win. I was pulling for Cleveland even tho in general I like GS better. But its hard not to root for an underdog and/or in this case The Land not having a championship in so long.
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@C.C. 95 Congrats bud .... Never got a chance to say it but sure your stoked over the finals win. I was pulling for Cleveland even tho in general I like GS better. But its hard not to root for an underdog and/or in this case The Land not having a championship in so long.
Thanks so much! It was a helluva thing! Even went downtown to the rally (which was insane- 1.3 Milliin people crammed in down there!). I really started to believe I would never see a Championship in any sport in my lifetime...
A lot of people don't understand what it means to a city that has sports indelibly imprinted in our DNA. (Mostly folks who have new franchises, or a short history with sports teams). But I know you do, as your neck of the woods is the same in that respect (as is Chicago, New York).
It feels great to finally get the monkey off our back.:thumbs:
...and it still feels surreal - like it hasn't truly sunk in!
Is it normal to be so happy you spend $350 on Championship gear?!:rofl:
Thanks so much for your post!:thumbs::thumbs:
@C.C. 95 Oh i know exactly how you feel. My family is "from" louisiana tho I grew up in Houston since age 2. But my Grandfather was lucky enough to see the Saints win a superbowl before he passed. But my Dad and I just want to see the Astros win a World Series just once. He's been a fan since they were the Colt 45's. Having been a fan of the Texans since day 1 and having worked on the stadium once upon a time I'd love to see it happen too. Granted they are a new franchise in the grand scheme of things. I was lucky enough to see the Rockets win 2.... but its getting to be too long since then too!

Definitely buy some championship gear and put it aside brand new too. hats etc. Its amazing how FOND of those you will become if you arent fortunate to have another title in 20 years etc. Hopefully Bron can bring another before he's done in Cleveland. I think he'll retire in cleveland tho when he does.
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Spectacular playoffs and a great win by Cleveland. Lebron was on fire. Triple double in Game 7.

I'll forever remember this block by Lebron and that behind the back pass from Curry that never arrived. Curry is a great player but he failed in the most important games. He was shooting airballs in a row. That's not what champions do. Sorry.

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