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Nov 12, 2012
Hello Ninja brothers and sisters. Ninja week has started so let the games begin :woot:

The winner wins the bag with plenty of goodies :hungry::naughty::woot:

Winner is @galareta2332



1. Thank this thread ;)


2. If you would were a Jaeger pilot, what name would you name your Jaeger?

Example (I would name my Jaeger Colossus Wrath) :D

3. Which Ninja friend of yours, you would NEVER PICK to be your co-pilot jaeger and why?


Example (I would never pick franky (@bloodsnake007 ) because he would eat all day taccos and candies in the jaeger and he would have us killed by the Kaiju) :p :LOL::rofl::LOL:

The winner will be announce (chosen by random.org) on March 1, Sunday and the winner pays shipping

Good luck everyone and lets have some fun :p
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I would name it Magnus Rex and I would pick jimmy because if we were in cockpit together instead of fighting Kaiju all we would do is talk about our TDK collections :)
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Thanks for the giveaway.
I would name my Jaeger Midland Marauder and Ricker could never be co-pilot as he's far too busy organising secret Santa :p
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Hello Ninja brothers and sisters. Ninja week has started so let the games begin :woot:

The winner wins the bag with plenty of goodies :hungry::naughty::woot:



1. Thank this thread ;)


2. If you would were a Jaeger pilot, what name would you name your Jaeger?

Example (I would name my Jaeger Colossus Wrath) :D

3. Which Ninja friend of yours, you would NEVER PICK to be your co-pilot jaeger and why?


Example (I would never pick franky (@bloodsnake007 ) because he would eat all day taccos and candies in the jaeger and he would have us killed by the Kaiju) :p :LOL::rofl::LOL:

The winner will be announce (chosen by random.org) on March 1, Sunday and the winner pays shipping

Good luck everyone and lets have some fun :p
@harry LOL! :rofl: This is truly an EPIC Start to NINJA WEEK :notworthy: Thanks for the Awesome Give-Away my NINJA Bro! :cool:

So you think I would eat Tacos and Candies ALL day and get us killed by Kaijus!? :LOL: :woot: :rofl:
Thanks for the giveaway!
My name would be, Jaeger Rage-Aholic, and I wouldn't pic @bloodsnake007 as well because, if he could see a Jaeger in real life, he just have passed out like this: :D
@lomadu :hilarious: :rofl: :D
Thanks for the awesome giveaway

My Jaeger name would be be 'I'm gonna **** you up'
I would most definitely not pick @bloodsnake007 cause he be like
@DADDYCOOL187 LMFAO! :D I'd be too damn excited to see the Kaijus, I'll definitely get us killed! :emb: :p
Thanks. I'd call my Jaeger "Dave" and I wouldn't pick @bloodsnake007 because he'd want to take home the Kaiju to add to his Pacific Rim collection.
@Lester Add a Kaiju to my Pacific Rim Collection?! :woot: That's fu**ing PRICELESS! :hilarious: :rofl: :LOL: But you're right, I'd definitely wan to do that! :D
Now for my entry ;)

My Jaegar name would be: The TACO-nator!

And I would definitely NOT have @Ricker as my co-pilot because I would not want to see what's inside his head, once you see certain things... they can't be unseen :dunno: :ohno: I'll probably end up killing myself before a Kaiju would! :squint: :banghead: :p


Thanks again for the AMAZING Give-Away @harry :notworthy:

Thanks for this giveaway, i think when you don't know what you get it's the best chill you can have!!!

My Jaeger would be called Donkey Kong
Who i would't like to team up in the Jaeger -> @mlmaier84 cause if he would like to take his whole awsome collection of steelbooks on the board
it would fall apart from its weight :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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A suitable Jaeger name:

Baron von Robothump the 23rd (my other 22 jaegers all met with unfortunate, but hilarious, accidents).

Alas, I don't have any Ninja buddies as such so cannot belittle them in humorous ways. So I guess I'll just say that no one should pick ME as I'm too much of a layabout to be of much use (hence why my 22 other jaegers got wrecked).
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A suitable Jaeger name:

Baron von Robothump the 23rd (my other 22 jaegers all met with unfortunate, but hilarious, accidents).

Alas, I don't have any Ninja buddies as such so cannot belittle them in humorous ways. So I guess I'll just say that no one should pick ME as I'm too much of a layabout to be of much use (hence why my 22 other jaegers got wrecked).

I'll be your jaeger pilot buddy! We can work on the humorous belittling.
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