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Premium Supporter
Nov 12, 2012
Hello Ninja brothers and sisters. Ninja week has started so let the games begin :woot:

The winner wins the bag with plenty of goodies :hungry::naughty::woot:

Winner is @galareta2332



1. Thank this thread ;)


2. If you would were a Jaeger pilot, what name would you name your Jaeger?

Example (I would name my Jaeger Colossus Wrath) :D

3. Which Ninja friend of yours, you would NEVER PICK to be your co-pilot jaeger and why?


Example (I would never pick franky (@bloodsnake007 ) because he would eat all day taccos and candies in the jaeger and he would have us killed by the Kaiju) :p :LOL::rofl::LOL:

The winner will be announce (chosen by random.org) on March 1, Sunday and the winner pays shipping

Good luck everyone and lets have some fun :p
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1. Done
2. I would name my Jaeger - Kickger
3. I would never pick @Masterblaster. Who will be doing thats awesome GB?

Thanks for the great giveaway!
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I would be Jaeger Undertaker!
I wouldnt pick @naughtimus maximus hes too helpful to every ninja he would want to help the kaiju,. not destroy the kaiju!
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Awesome bag o' swag harry.

My Jaeger's name would have to be "Rudra" (as in Rudra)

Do not know about whom do I not choose, but I would for sure choose The heartbeat of craziness that is in this place (@HDN)... @bloodsnake007 . He is a true ninja. And it would for sure be fun to have tacos and sweet candies while you are in fight :p
My Jaeger would be Wricker Wrecker and I would never have @bloodsnake007 as he would make it too top heavy
Top Heavy?! o_O :squint: :mad:


Whatchu talking about @Ricker :squint: Those are my muscles! :D

Awesome bag o' swag harry.

My Jaeger's name would have to be "Rudra" (as in Rudra)

Do not know about whom do I not choose, but I would for sure choose The heartbeat of craziness that is in this place (@HDN)... @bloodsnake007 . He is a true ninja. And it would for sure be fun to have tacos and sweet candies while you are in fight :p
Awww :shy::shy::shy: You got me blushing like a little school girl over here! :emb: :D


That's mighty kind and AWESOME of you @crossbow! I truly appreciate your words my friend! :notworthy: :angel: :cool: :thumbs: :drool:

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