Multi No Man's Sky (2016)


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Nov 4, 2010
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Released: August 9, 2016
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No Man's Sky


No Man's Sky is an upcoming science fiction video game developed and published by Hello Games. It will feature a procedurally generated open world.

The game is seen to feature planetary exploration, deep oceans, space-based battles, and potential predators on the various procedurally-generated worlds. Each world has its own ecosystem with potentially unforgiving conditions, such as desert worlds with large carnivorous worms.

Players are initially given a totally uncharted universe to explore, where information about any planet's characteristics and lifeforms may be shared and updated with others.

VGX Trailer:

E3 Trailer:

No Man's Sky will be making its console debut on PlayStation 4.
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Well I hope you think the wait was worth it mate. Personally, I got bored of this game after the second day of playing... it literally just feels like you're constantly grinding to be rewarded with nothing. (n)

I read something on Reddit yesterday which pointed out a lot of stuff that was promised in the game, but they either turned out to be a complete lie or were removed from the final release for whatever reason.

I honestly can't remember the last time I regretted buying a game this much, but I've no one to blame but myself... despite not being too impressed by the trailers, I got caught up in the hype. And to think I cancelled other orders just so that I could afford this... :(

Sorry to hear that the hype train hit you hard, bud. I almost pulled the trigger like you, but every time I was about to, I'd hear about a new bug in the game. Seems like an incomplete product was released... which is a shame. These days, it's hard to get a finished game at launch. Everybody is basically just a beta tester now, except you're paying full retail price to do the testing.

I first saw this video on Facebook and it made me laugh so hard. I've been watching this video more than any actual gameplay over the past week. :p
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Sorry to hear that the hype train hit you hard, bud. I almost pulled the trigger like you, but every time I was about to, I'd hear about a new bug in the game. Seems like an incomplete product was released... which is a shame. These days, it's hard to get a finished game at launch. Everybody is basically just a beta tester now, except you're paying full retail price to do the testing.

I first saw this video on Facebook and it made me laugh so hard. I've been watching this video more than any actual gameplay over the past week. :p
I should've gone with my gut... or at least waited for a price drop. I originally thought I'd be able to get most of my money back by selling the LE, but it turns out that it's not all that limited after all, as almost everyone owns it and it's still in stock at Game. :sour:

Yeah, the game definitely went out incomplete... after all those delays too. There's already been around 4 bug patches released. You definitely dodged a bullet with this one mate! One of the things I was most looking forward to was finally upgrading my ship, which I did, and then immediately turned it off and haven't touched the game since, because it's like... "now what?" lol.

To be fair, that video sums the game up way better than any trailer. :LOL:
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I still think I'm going to take this for a spin eventually, but I'll most likely wait for a sale on the PS Store.
Definitely give it a go mate... you may end up really enjoying it! I'm glad I gave it a go... I just wish I'd waited for a price drop too. :facepalm:
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Definitely give it a go mate... you may end up really enjoying it! I'm glad I gave it a go... I just wish I'd waited for a price drop too. :facepalm:

Remember the good ol' days when we had those wonderful things called demos? Or those wonderful stores where you could rent games? Yeah, I miss those days.
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Remember the good ol' days when we had those wonderful things called demos? Or those wonderful stores where you could rent games? Yeah, I miss those days.
Haha I remember the good ol' days when all I had were demos... it took me so long to save up for a PS1 that I had nothing left over for games. My mum would occasionally treat me to the official PlayStation magazine which came with a demo, and I'd literally replay it until I got a new one... how times have changed!
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Haha I remember the good ol' days when all I had were demos... it took me so long to save up for a PS1 that I had nothing left over for games. My mum would occasionally treat me to the official PlayStation magazine which came with a demo, and I'd literally replay it until I got a new one... how times have changed!

Oh yeah, I remember those days, too. I had only three games on my PS1 for the longest time and only played demo discs when I wanted to try something new. The Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine was the bomb! :D
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Oh yeah, I remember those days, too. I had only three games on my PS1 for the longest time and only played demo discs when I wanted to try something new. The Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine was the bomb! :D
Just goes to show how much we take gaming for granted nowadays... I never would've dreamed of having as many games as I do now lol. But yeah, magazines (both film and gaming) were basically our internet back then... the days before we had a million different websites giving us reviews and tips etc. Getting stuck in a game meant we had to keep trying until we figured it out ourselves... now we just Google it. :LOL:
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Just goes to show how much we take gaming for granted nowadays... I never would've dreamed of having as many games as I do now lol. But yeah, magazines (both film and gaming) were basically our internet back then... the days before we had a million different websites giving us reviews and tips etc. Getting stuck in a game meant we had to keep trying until we figured it out ourselves... now we just Google it. :LOL:

I honestly miss the simplicity of magazines and books some days. But hey, back in those days, I never knew this Noodles guy existed over in the UK. :p
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I honestly miss the simplicity of magazines and books some days. But hey, back in those days, I never knew this Noodles guy existed over in the UK. :p
If that's not a reason to miss the good ol' days, then I don't know what is. :LOL:
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I used to work for a huge toyshop in Central London on the games floor. The Sony rep used to come round and give us full game demos for the shop floor customers. When we had to swap them out for new games the demos were left with staff and we were allowed to keep them.

I wish there were game rental places now. The used to be a massive Blockbuster Video in town where I dodged the bullet on quite a few rubbish games that I'd rented before buying
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Haven't played it much yet due to time constraints but I like it :)
Give it a day or two and you'll probably get bored. I thought it was great at first, but then I realised everything I'd done in the first few hours was pretty much all you do for the rest of the game. Hopefully I'm wrong though and you do actually enjoy it!
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Give it a day or two and you'll probably get bored. I thought it was great at first, but then I realised everything I'd done in the first few hours was pretty much all you do for the rest of the game. Hopefully I'm wrong though and you do actually enjoy it!

Have to wait and see but it reminds me a bit of the original Elite and another space adventure game I used to play on PC back in the late 90's :)
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"Gamezone is reporting that after receiving a substantial amount of complaints about the game’s failure to match the promises of its advertising campaign, the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is now investigating both Hello Games and the Valve Corporation for false advertising."

Full article here:
Uh oh! It's a shame it's come to this, but it serves them right... hopefully they get more than just a slap on the wrist for misleading and lying to customers. I still regret not returning my game for a refund... biggest waste of money yet for me. (n)
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Uh oh! It's a shame it's come to this, but it serves them right... hopefully they get more than just a slap on the wrist for misleading and lying to customers. I still regret not returning my game for a refund... biggest waste of money yet for me. (n)
I'm glad i didn't put any money into this. But yea such a shame. It had so much potential. I might try it for free if i get a chance though. I'm kinda interested in why people hate it so much.
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I'm glad i didn't put any money into this. But yea such a shame. It had so much potential. I might try it for free if i get a chance though. I'm kinda interested in why people hate it so much.
I certainly wouldn't say I hate the game, but it was a huge disappointment because the developers simply made it out to be something different to what it actually is. Obviously it's at least worth checking out if you can do so for free/cheap though... I'm sure some will get enjoyment out of playing it if they're not expecting too much (basically just lower your expectations lol).
I certainly wouldn't say I hate the game, but it was a huge disappointment because the developers simply made it out to be something different to what it actually is. Obviously it's at least worth checking out if you can do so for free/cheap though... I'm sure some will get enjoyment out of playing it if they're not expecting too much (basically just lower your expectations lol).
Fair enough. At this rate, it will be $15 by Christmas. May be i'll pick it up :)
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