Official Braveheart Blu-ray Hype/Discussion Thread


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

Technical & Video specs
Blu-ray BD-50 @ 1080p 2.40:1 Aspect Ratio

English Dolby TrueHD Lossless Master Audio 5.1 Surround
French Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround

English SDH

Disc Features

Braveheart: A Look Back
Smithfield: Medieval Killing Fields
Battlefields of the Scottish Rebellion
Interactive Timelines: Production: A comprehensive chronology of the motion picture from conception through theatrical release, from a behind-the-scenes point of view. Historical: Chronological modules feature Scotland’s greatest patriot, along with historical places, figures and events surrounding his life and struggle. Fiction: A comprehensive timeline identifying the chronological events of the film.

What a big announcement right!? Well, I wish I had more specific details to give you but the news I do have is very vague. However the good news is that the wait is not long! Paramount has given word that Braveheart will make its official blu release THIS SUMMER! We’ll be sure to keep you posted as more information comes in.

Man, first day buy for me!
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I don't think I got that far lol I'll probably buy it and check it out no biggie :) lol

who knows I saw it like 8 years ago :) lol

Lol it's been at least 12 years since the last time I tried watching it so it might had changed since then.

I am only getting Forrest Gump and Gladiator, I'll just Netflix Braveheart.

First you'll buy it ... then you say you saw it 8 yrs ago, then you say its been 12 years ago sinec you saw it ... making the 8 yr post irrelevant and now your ONLY getting FG and Gladiator ... 12 years ago you were like what ... 10 years old! JUST BUY THE FRICKIN MOVIE!!!! I told you to watch Taken, it took you like 10 more people to say its bad ass for you to watch it only to turn around and then tell me its BAD ASS!

Just take Sir Wreck'm advice and you'll live a more satisfying life :cool: Now click the link below, and pre-order ... you know you want to!

<a href="">Braveheart [Blu-ray]</a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
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First you'll buy it ... then you say you saw it 8 yrs ago, then you say its been 12 years ago sinec you saw it ... making the 8 yr post irrelevant and now your ONLY getting FG and Gladiator ... 12 years ago you were like what ... 10 years old! JUST BUY THE FRICKIN MOVIE!!!! I told you to watch Taken, it took you like 10 more people to say its bad ass for you to watch it only to turn around and then tell me its BAD ASS!

Just take Sir Wreck'm advice and you'll live a more satisfying life :cool: Now click the link below, and pre-order ... you know you want to!

<a href="">Braveheart [Blu-ray]</a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

I can't quite remember when I last tried to watch it lol it's between 8-12 yrs lol :D

I am getting FG for my girlfriend and Gladiator for me. I'll think about Braveheart.

As far as Taken, I procrastinated because I hadn't been paid yet :)