Quality of Shrinkwrapping and its effect


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Mar 18, 2011
Back home in Cornwall, UK
Hi all

As you know I do a few Group Buys so get to see the same title in multiples, side by side. Over the past year I have noticed a steady decline in the quality of shrinkwrap from certain studios. As you may know the ones I genarally see are the play exclusives and I wanted to make that clear that this is something that cannot be laid at their door.

To give some instances and figures. I recently had some copies of War of the Worlds which had what looks like tyre (tire) tracks on the the front running from top to bottom, strangely none on the back of either this copy or the other six copies which had these marks to a lesser extent. In maybe that these marks are in the shrink itself and it was coming to the end of a roll or the machine that applies it unwittingly caused it.

In my post in "Ask Wreck" I also mentioned about the number of tear drop shaped splits of varying sizes in the shrink on the back of Prometheus. You can see how many copies were requested in my GB thread but 16 had splits luckily some of the members that open theirs elected to take a split copy, as they were otherwise mint.

Prometheus is not the only title to exhibit the splits as I have had many copies in the Universal waves affected by this although it tended to be the same title each time, Scott Pilgrim being the one that comes readily to mind.

I'm not even going to mention the effects of glue and leave that for someone else to comment on !!!
Meanwhile here is a close up pic of the War of the World's front taken on my phone so apologies for quality.

Have you any thoughts, experience of a similar nature ?
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I've had loads with little marks/small air holes all over the shrinkwrap like that. However, it's not an issue as far as I'm concerned. The wrapping is only there to keep the actual contents in top condition, it's not meant to be part of the actual product.

The only thing regarding seals that I would find to be an issue is if it has been torn or opened and then re-sealed.

In my opinion there are far more important things that need to be resolved regarding steelbooks, rather than worrying about small marks on the plastic wrapper (such as spine slashes, thin metal, paint issues, etc).
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I think this also depends on the gauge of the film used. The higher gauge shrink doesn't rip as easy, but also needs to be heated to a higher temp to correctly adhere to the item.

I really like the higher gauge stuff that I've seen from germany with the folded edges, but here in the USA they use the cheap stuff. :thumbs:
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I do get annoyed with poor quality shrinkwrap but that's because I keep a lot of my steelbooks sealed. I have had a couple with the tyre tread effect which can look bad but I am more concerned about the tears. I find German and Canadian steelbooks have the best shrinkwrap.
I think this also depends on the gauge of the film used. The higher gauge shrink doesn't rip as easy, but also needs to be heated to a higher temp to correctly adhere to the item.

I really like the higher gauge stuff that I've seen from germany with the folded edges, but here in the USA they use the cheap stuff. :thumbs:

Totally agree there. You can hardly call it shrinkwrap it's more a polywrap for the sake of a better word. I think your comment about the temperature is interesting as it's the Paramount ones which have been most affected by the glue issue as well.
Hi Dave !!

I know that the early German shrink wrap was awesome !! with its glossy feel :drool: abd the pull Tag , like a pack of Fagggs used to have ??

Taiwan is the best Shrink Wrappers now I think ?? its similar to the early German , like what's on JR, Wanted , ect, ect..

I know that Korean shrink is terrible the last 6 months :( , splits, ripples , just rough in general !!

Australian Shrink , is not too clever !!

Its way to thin :(

As for them marks on Plays War of the Worlds !!

they look like your foot print :eek:
Hi Dave !!

I know that the early German shrink wrap was awesome !! with its glossy feel :drool: abd the pull Tag , like a pack of Fagggs used to have ??

Taiwan is the best Shrink Wrappers now I think ?? its similar to the early German , like what's on JR, Wanted , ect, ect..

I know that Korean shrink is terrible the last 6 months :( , splits, ripples , just rough in general !!

Australian Shrink , is not too clever !!

Its way to thin :(

As for them marks on Plays War of the Worlds !!

they look like your foot print :eek:

Scout's honour it's not my foot print LOL :hilarious:

Yeah agree about first Generation German Steels, compare original Underworld Tilogie to the reprint and you can see (mind that's about the only difference).

If I had any reservations about 2012 play Steels was the quality of the shrink & the pinprick marks on quite a lot.
Scout's honour it's not my foot print LOL :hilarious:

Yeah agree about first Generation German Steels, compare original Underworld Tilogie to the reprint and you can see (mind that's about the only difference).

If I had any reservations about 2012 play Steels was the quality of the shrink & the pinprick marks on quite a lot.

No !

it was more in the way the shrink was not conforming to the steel book properly !!m,

my Transformers is wafull , and even tyhe IM - play is not to crash Hot !!

I think they had a bad batch of shrink Roll ? or they didn't cook it for long enough ? as the machines is on a time Calibration, so diff shrink, needs Diff cooking time :)as I got the Wifeys Hair Dryer out & it soon conformed mate :hilarious:

them holes are good , as they let the steel breath mate :)

Take care ,. resg Daz
A really good example of poor shrink wrapping would be the Future Shop Harry Potter series. The quality here is getting worse and worse. And I'm sure its more quality control than anything. Wrap em up and ship em out!

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