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Bring The Good Times Home
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Jan 3, 2013
Use the Ninjas for rating (copy and paste)

Half Ninja = Terrible


1 Ninja = Poor

2 Ninjas = Ok

3 Ninjas = Good

4 Ninjas = Very Good

5 Ninjas = Excellent

Last edited:
Actually I was going to say that Haneke is like an evil twin of Miyazaki, even the looks match. :D Oh yes, Roger Ebert, the other critic site I bother to read (the one I was talking about is Finnish). His reviews quite often have very interesting insights even when I didn't agree and I always love to go to the site after watching a film & see if he had written a review. I still keep checking the site and read the new reviews, but of course it's not quite the same with him gone.

Personally, I'm tired of Holocaust films. Even more I'm tired of meaningless suffering. I don't need that rubbed into my face, and every time I see a cold film without any emotions makes me momentarily forget why I love watching films. Some critics claim that we need films like Son of Saul, do we really? We read horror stories from the news every day. I'd rather say that we need films like Spirited Away and Cloud Atlas, that inspire and tell that even with all the trouble and worries it's good to be alive. And valuable lessons like Schindler's List. Without heartless suffering I can live.
Yeah, I don't go got to Ebert's site, as they have turned it into a (basically) site about the politics in movies.
As you don't want endless misery porn, I hate politicizing in films. I miss the days when actors were just actors,and you didn't have to know their politics.
I think many people agree with you, that they go to the movies as escapist fare, and to have a good time rather than take in a serious polemic. Although, I do think that movies have (in the last ten years) become mostly only about escapist fare. The Marvel, DC, Sequel, Prequel, Reboot machine has made good dramas and thrillers something of an endargered species. I miss films like Witness, The Fugitive, No Way Out, The Hunt for Red October, Being John Malkovich, etc. We just aren't getting them, because most films now are glorified 3D ride-films that you would buy a ticket for at Disneyland. I love great fun rides as much as the next person. But it seems that lately we are on a diet of only high suger, empty calorie desserts, without any actual meals.
It is never a good sign, that most films these days are so empty that you forget what you just saw as soon as you are in the lobby on the way out.
I digress, but I'm just lamenting the loss of choice at the theater. It seems your choices are CGI-fest #1, CGI-fest #2, predictable retread bad horror pic #3, and terrible children's animation film #4.
The drama and thrillers need a comeback. Doesn't anyone miss stuff like Se7en?
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Independence Day Resurgence – Whatever the cost in terms of time and money to get Will Smith on board with this sequel; they should have done it. The movie sorely lacked a likeable lead like Smith and while Jeff Goldblum is great in this, he’s not enough and definitely not a name that can put butts in seats. There’s a minor character from the first movie that gets a huge upgrade in terms of screen time in this movie, but outside of returning characters, there’s not much good about this movie. The special effects and world destruction weren’t as iconic as the first movie nor as impressive. All the new leads were so so to below average, as was the story and the finale.

Lights Out – This was a pretty solid horror movie with a fair amount of scares and jump scares. The story is very simple, but straight forward, but the best part of the movie is how smart certain characters are when they are being attacked. It’s a tad predictable, but it was a horror movie that actually had scares unlike many more highly acclaimed recent ‘horror’ movies. The short film this movie is based on is quiet good as well and worth the 2 minutes of your time on Youtube.

War Dogs – The marketing for this movie made it seem like a comedy, but this was more a drama with hints of comedy. Overall it’s a solid movie if you’re not looking strictly for laughs and Jonah Hill was really good as a douchy arm’s dealer. I thought his performance in Wolf of Wall Street was overrated and I found this performance to be much better and more praise worthy. Acting across for board with Teller and Cooper were god as well. Speaking of Wolf of Wall Street, this movie is kind of like a less ambitious, poor man’s Wolf of Wall Street; which is a positive in my books.

Don’t Breath – I would classify this as a thriller/horror movie, tilted more towards thriller. Just like Lights Out, the premise is very simple, but effective and the pacing for this movie was really good. The characters are 80% smart most of the time and the Stephen Lang as the ‘bad’ guy was exception. My only gripe with the movie is the last 20 minutes were a bit sloppy and predictable and it’s hard to sympathize with the motivations of the lead characters. But still, a very good thriller and a good movie to watch in the theater with a full audience.
Blood Father - This is a classic direct to video type of movie, but Mel Gibson is awesome in this and elevates this very generic movie due to his great individual performance. It's a short movie that has good pacing. Not quite an action packed movie, but it has a fair amount of action and brutal violence. But definitely worth a VOD watch if you're a fan of Mel or like movies like Taken etc.
TMNT Out of the Shadows - 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png 1N.png HalfN.png AWESOME!!!! It was nice to hear that rockstedy is Finnish :cool: If you liked the first movie then you are going to love this :thumbs: Ooooooooh how i wish that they would keep doing these movies :)

Sausage Party - 1N.png 1N.pngHalfN.png Had its moment but still, just full of old crude humor. (old = same di*k jokes from every seth rogen movie)

Central Intelligence - 1N.png 1N.png HalfN.png Yeah......... :wacky:

Now You See Me 2 - 1N.png 1N.png Not as good as the first one :meh: Actually this kinda sucked :wtf:
TMNT Out of the Shadows - View attachment 262689 View attachment 262689 View attachment 262689 View attachment 262689 View attachment 262690 AWESOME!!!! It was nice to hear that rockstedy is Finnish :cool: If you liked the first movie then you are going to love this :thumbs: Ooooooooh how i wish that they would keep doing these movies :)
AWESOME! :woot: Glad you enjoyed it @Asopp :notworthy: I also wish they would keep these films going, love the new characters that were introduced! Rocksteady and Bebop were perfect! :hilarious: Hopefully the bluray sales push Paramount to green-light part 3! :hungry:
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Was this really good? really want to see it
Yes and no. Did I like it? Yes. Was it as good as I'd hoped? No. But like I said in a previous comment... my expectations were probably way too high and in my mind I imagined something different to what we got. After Only God Forgives, which I found to be quite clever and full of symbolism, I expected more of the same here... but the plot was pretty straight forward and not to mention quite slow. I honestly think women will get more enjoyment out of it though, since it's about women and "beauty". Don't get me wrong... there's still a lot of things I liked about it (more than I disliked), which is obviously why I rated it 4/5 stars. I'm really looking forward to watching it again, as I think I'll probably fall in love with it on rewatch. :)
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

The Little Prince (2015)

Was a little underwhelmed with both of these... heard such great things, and they didn't really live up to the hype IMO. Certainly not bad films though, and I hope to enjoy them more on rewatch (as I usually do). :)
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