Reminder - Ninja Week Begins February 3rd, 2014!

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
For all you new ninjas out there, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about the week of celebration (called Ninja Week) that includes contests, prizes, give-aways and all sorts of good things will be happening in February, which is the anniversary of the site.

So remember to check back daily starting in the first week of February as there are new contests, give-aways and prizes for regular and premium members alike!

Leading up to the start of ninja week, please check back on this thread for announcements or clues about some of the exciting things we'll be doing!


(Contests begin Monday, February 3rd!)

We hope you all enjoy being members here at!

Ninja week starts on February 3rd officially. We'll be posting a "look ahead" schedule of items to given away 1 day in a advance (so sometime opening weekend we'll post items given away on Monday, on Monday we'll post Tuesday's list, etc).

We have a large number of items to give-away - there might be as many as 6 contests on some days...all through the forum.

I can't say more - don't want to spoil the surprise for you folks.

Hope that's enough for now though. ;)
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Bring it :D


the announcement we're making for next week WILL BE HUGE. I'm serious. You guys will love this give-away happening during Ninja week. :scat:

BIGGER than that. :drool:

But that is an amazing edition! :scat:

It might be the BIGGEST prize we've ever given away! :eek:


We're only running that contest for members that live in Canada. ;) :p :p

I'm calling it, the "you'd better run like hell (to the Canadian border) to win that prize"!

contest. :p



But in terms of value, you could buy quite a few of those releases if we gave you cash instead. and there will be TWO - that's right, I said TWO items in this give-away!!!

;) EEK! :ohno: :movie:


Do you know how excited I am about Ninja Week 2014?! I'm so excited, I'm gonna continue this post in third-person...

Tridon may not be putting on any "Massively Humongous Ninjarific Giveaway Contests" this year, but you better be damn sure that Tridon's bringing some goodies to Ninja Week for all you kick-ass Hi-Def Ninja supporters!

There we go... message spread and I officially feel like a douche. :p

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dear god that certainly needs a NSFW or gore tag,jesus :p

Haha! You're probably right. Don't think they have NSFW tags here. A spoiler will do. Now you do the same in your quote. :p :hilarious:
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