Horror Chat Scariest horror movie you've ever seen?


Bring The Good Times Home
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Jan 3, 2013
What's the scariest horror movie you ever seen?


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Maybe the PG-13 version. You have to watch the R-rated version of the US remake, it's actually more disturbing than Ju-On. But both are equally scary.

I also think The Ring is scarier than Ringu.

I've only ever seen the R rated version. There was a scene with a TV signal during the tower block sequence that didn't appear in the U.S. Version which surprised me because it was the creepiest scene
Most people I say this to think I'm scarred for life. When I was a kid there was no control of the exposure of what I saw. I sat with my sisters as a kid and watched what they did. I was probably around 10 when I first saw Halloween. And around the same age when I saw Jaws. I was terrified then but nowadays, they have no affect on me.

And no. I made sure not to pass that poor judgement to my son. :D. The most extreme thing he watches is Mister Maker. :hilarious:
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Movies don't really scare me, but I'd name Psycho or The Shining as the most thrilling horror movie. When all that tension explodes in the shower scene it's just extremely chilling, I have no idea how I would have reacted if I had seen it in 1960. The Shining makes me feel disturbed almost the whole time.
'Night Mother with Sissy Spacek and Anne Bancroft (1986) based on the stage play.
Not technically a horror movie, but a drama. But it is one of the most horrific things ever. Someone you love announces at 8 A.M. that they will commit suicide by 5 P.M. and you have 9 hours to convince them not to.
True horror.