Spain Group Buy

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
This isnt for steelbooks, though it can be for anything else that isnt heavier then say a steelbook.

The main purpose of this thread, is for a group buy for stuff from Spain.

Steelbooks tend to damage easier then Digibooks and amarays so to make it easier on our group buy conductors I didnt want to allow any steelbooks in this. Also because there is a steelbook trading section that you can ask for help in if you need to obtain one from Spain.

REPLY if you are interested in buying something from SPAIN and state your COUNTRY UK or USA, or other. ie.

Pmartin has agreed to go to an FNAC store and try to get the stuff because shipping even in Spain isnt the greatest and not the cheapest.

For all USA people he will ship everything to me, and then I will ship out to the USA addresses making it cheaper for everyone in the USA.

For UK people, we need someone to volunteer the same if you want it overall cheaper.

If there is another country, (Germany?) and popularity deems it then perhaps the same could be done.

Before we discuss payment info & rules ... let's just take a head count to see if their is enough interest and of what products.
Do you speak Spanish Butch? Just curious why you are choosing the Spain ones over the AU ones.
The digibooks are priced 17.99 on now , i think you spent cheap money using their carrier , spanish post are very expensive

Olena how much will be shipping fee for 8 digibooks with your postal service ?
The digibooks are priced 17.99 on now , i think you spent cheap money using their carrier , spanish post are very expensive

Olena how much will be shipping fee for 8 digibooks with your postal service ?

Spanish post is not cheap in general. 8,80 for 1 item tracked.
For 8 Im guessing 25/30 euros approx, through Correos.
Do you speak Spanish Butch? Just curious why you are choosing the Spain ones over the AU ones.

no, actually I don't and was wondering if the AUS ones are identical to the spanish releases?

I've been looking for actual photos of these digibooks everywhere but no luck so far...
no, actually I don't and was wondering if the AUS ones are identical to the spanish releases?

I've been looking for actual photos of these digibooks everywhere but no luck so far...

Butch, I do not know if I can help you but I have some from France and just have ordered two from AUS.

When I receive them I will put pictures here then we can compare the releases from each country.
Butch, I do not know if I can help you but I have some from France and just have ordered two from AUS.

When I receive them I will put pictures here then we can compare the releases from each country.

that would be brilliant mate, thanks very much in advance!
Does anyone know if this edition of Rec is still available somewhere? (mint or sealed)

Black with golden bar on top.

Sorry, can't post links yet... annoying..

And what would be the shipping costs for REC 1 + 2 bluray digibook?

Thanks in advance :)
More than likely both Rec 1 and 2 can still be had in store at FNAC in spain. Othewise you can check ; but the shipping is expensive. You can save money by asking a Spain member for help. Quite a few Spain members here on this forum. (priss, pmartin, lenochek, doctor canus, etc.)

While it may be annoying you cant post links yet, it helps prevent robot spammers who automatically join and *might* post malicious links ... its just another safe guard to protect our members. Posting links comes after like 3 or 5 posts? So nothing major.

I own both the Rec 1 and 2 spain blu-ray digibooks so if you have any technical questions on these I can let you know.
I´ve been away over the holidays, so just found this thread. If I can be of any help getting Spanish editions, just let me know. I travel to the UK a few times a year, so if you don´t mind waiting a little while, I can post from there. Just PM me. shows these digibooks if you search "blu-ray libro"

also, I have a picture of my Invictus up at both and on the thread here in the digibook section. They are a bit different than their german premium collection counterparts.

IF SOMEONE IN THE USA; wants digibook from spain, I'm going to have a package coming my way here soon and can have them throw that one in the box. You pay for the digi, I pay for the shipping from spain, and then you pay for shipping from my USA address to yours. If you want more than one digibook, you may have to pay a little on shipping. I'd just have to find out.

This is in regards to regular size digibooks, not special editions that are huge.

Can you get me copy of REC 2?


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