Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (4K+3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Blufans Exclusive #53) [China]

Aug 25, 2011
Hong Kong
Release date: November 2019
Purchase links: Group Buys
Price: TBA
Group Buy: To be hosted by Wreck / HDN GB to happen Wednesday 4:30-5pm CST
Note: Print run 3000

One-Click Box Set (DL+SL+FS, DL includes only the 4K disc):
Spider-Man; Into the Spider-Verse, one-click box set.jpg

Fan Box (4K+3D quarter slip & bonus items):
Spider-Man; Into the Spider-Verse, fan box.jpg

Double Lenticular (4K+3D+2D):
Spider-Man; Into the Spider-Verse, double lenticular.jpg

Single Lenticular (4K+Bonus Disc):

Full Slip (3D+2D):
Spider-Man; Into the Spider-Verse, full slip.jpg
Spider-Man; Into the Spider-Verse, single lenticular.jpg
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Got a DL.

But $83?

Why so expensive? Usually DL's are only $60-$70.
1) price went up
2) it’s 3 disc 3d n 4K
3) pp fees

Sadly I wish DL dropped 3d disc to save but I do understand in other parts of the world 3d still prevalent. I loved 3d but USA really quit adopting. Very hard to find a 3d tv that does all else that doesn’t cost a car
1) price went up
2) it’s 3 disc 3d n 4K
3) pp fees

Sadly I wish DL dropped 3d disc to save but I do understand in other parts of the world 3d still prevalent. I loved 3d but USA really quit adopting. Very hard to find a 3d tv that does all else that doesn’t cost a car
If they ever get 3D without glasses on the market, it’ll probably come back ,but my gut says that current disks won’t work with them...plus by then they’ll probably be doing 4K 3D (if not 8K).

As an aside, got OC and FB. Why? I don’t know, but I do love the movie.
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Home from my night shift! My first ever GB and I got myself a One Click! (Was gonna get the DL & Fan box, but decided to change my mind... and cos the DL is out of stock :rofl:)

Thanks for the GB @Wreck! :thumbs:
Got the DL ... in my OC! Also added the FB for good measure. Too many hours debating, but this is easily one of my favorite movies ever, I’d probably have regretted it. First GB here, thanks @Wreck!!
I completely forgot the DL includes the 4K! :facepalm:
Supply and demand probably, prices are getting a bit insane now. I think FAC started that trend really. £71 for one steel delivered is pretty ridiculous, whether it includes 4K + 3D + 2D or not.
I'm more than happy to pay that to secure a copy for this film as I love it and NEED this edition. I doubt I'd pay this much for many other movies. Only thing that will be annoying is if I ever decide to sell this, I doubt I'd get my money back on it (especially if I put it on ebay with their fees and PP fees)
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Not sure if anyone has asked this, probably have, but what is the thing I've circled in orange? Looks like another steel, but assume its a lenti or something??
View attachment 443689

Not sure if anyone has asked this, probably have, but what is the thing I've circled in orange? Looks like another steel, but assume its a lenti or something??
I think that’s the steelbook with a magnetic picture (not sure if it’s a lenti or not) on it. The package comes with 4 of the magnets, which are kinda shown to it’s right and again below those.
View attachment 443689

Not sure if anyone has asked this, probably have, but what is the thing I've circled in orange? Looks like another steel, but assume its a lenti or something??

Just looking at the image it appears to be one of the 4 lenti magnets in the pile (second from the bottom)

EDIT: Actually I don't know if the magnets are lenticulars or not but that is definitely the image in each of the 2 piles second from the bottom.
I also think its to pursuade people to choose the one click just like hdzeta only includes the 4k in the one click.

Theyve been doing this a while where they dont sell any other version but double lenti and 1/4. The demand is just too much imo
Well, that's ridiculous. No more BF releases for me then I guess.

Thanks for the info!