On Air Star Wars: The Acolyte (Season 1) [Disney+]


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Dec 28, 2012

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I really hope I'm wrong about this but...

I have a feeling her role in this series is going to be very small. All of Carie-Ann Moss' scenes in the trailer are in just one location. My gut tells me this is the first scene of the series and she is the first Jedi to be killed. I have zero proof of this. And hopefully when we get a full trailer they'll have more scenes with her. But as of right now, I don't think she's last long.


I hate being right sometimes...

Disappointed to not have more Carie-Ann Moss, but I have a feeling we'll see her in some flashbacks or something? Fingers Crossed.

Overall I'm liking it. Feels a little different. Almost like Jedi Cop/Detective show or something.
Episodes are too short though. Glad we had 2 of them to start.
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Gotta say, as someone who is as anti-woke as they come, I didn't see why the online community sh*ts on this as much. I thought the first 3 episodes were okay, nothing special but not the worst thing I've ever seen as some have suggested. Sure, it's stunning and brave and it pretty much shouts that into your face everytime it has the chance to. But the story actually intrigues me. The biggest mistake they made was to hire Leslye Headland (and I still have no clue how an inexperienced person could get a gigantic gig like that out of the blue), who seems like a genuinely unbearable person and has not helped the marketing of this show in any way with all the 'Yaaas it's the gayest Star Wars of all time' crap during the press tour. Plus I didn't even see much of that in the first three episodes anyway, but who knows, maybe I'm in for a surprise in the next episodes :rofl:
I'm actually intrigued where they'll take it, and just hope they keep their damn socio-politics out of the Star Wars universe, like making Darth Plagueis trans or something just as a middle finger to the audience. They sure don't keep it out of the interviews, which I have avoided specfically to have a neutral gaze at the show and not be influenced by knowing the crap these people have said, of which I only read a few quotes, which was enough to make me understand why so many are hating on the show. If you call your audience names and all kinds of -phobes and -ists, don't be surprised if the audience doesn't like what you make.
I don't know, the money and behind-the-scenes craft by the art departments is obviously there. I'll wait and see, but am actually looking forward to the next episodes, cautiosly.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I read more than a few youtube video thumbnails saying things like 'Episode 3 is going to break Star Wars forever'. I have honestly no idea what the hell they mean, unless I missed something. There was nothing even remotely of that nature in the new episode.
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Edit: Oh yeah, and I read more than a few youtube video thumbnails saying things like 'Episode 3 is going to break Star Wars forever'. I have honestly no idea what the hell they mean, unless I missed something. There was nothing even remotely of that nature in the new episode.

I think they mean
that if immaculate conception happened before Anakin, then the "Chosen One" theme of the prequels is less significant.

I wasn't sure about this series during the first episode, but then we started watching it as a comedy, and it works really, really well. Each episode has so many moments that are hilarious, and it's fun to see SW veer into outright sitcom while still ostensibly playing it straight. It's too early to tell yet, but I could see this whole series being a parody of The Phantom Menace. (Tell me the younger twin actors in the third episode aren't deliberately channeling the acting "style" of TPM Anakin.) If that's the case, then it's possible that Headland's misdirection with all her comments in interviews is actually brilliant.
I think they mean
that if immaculate conception happened before Anakin, then the "Chosen One" theme of the prequels is less significant.

Yeah that's probably what they meant. Doesn't offend me tbh. My guess is that it might be a sort of trial run done by the same force user, like Plagueis. In the opera scene of RotS George Lucas blatantly suggests that Plagueis or Palpatine created Anakin. So what we see in this show might be some sort of trial or experiment by him and the witches. I'd like that tbh. But who knows, we'll see I guess.
I wasn't sure about this series during the first episode, but then we started watching it as a comedy, and it works really, really well. Each episode has so many moments that are hilarious, and it's fun to see SW veer into outright sitcom while still ostensibly playing it straight. It's too early to tell yet, but I could see this whole series being a parody of The Phantom Menace. (Tell me the younger twin actors in the third episode aren't deliberately channeling the acting "style" of TPM Anakin.) If that's the case, then it's possible that Headland's misdirection with all her comments in interviews is actually brilliant.
The Episode 4 ending was pretty cool, the rest was pure filler unfortunately. I wish we'd get 60 minute episodes with the Star Wars shows like with HBO shows and actual content, these episodes really feel like stretched out movies...
But after that ending I hope the show gets interesting and that the first half of the season was only build-up.
All I heard about it is 'space alien communist lesbian witches' from a certain 'drunk', that make funny noises with serious faces.
It kinda irritates me on two levels, because my sister is one, and I'm sick of both kinds of people - that find it necessary to stick it in everyone's faces in every show, and those counting it as offensive, though I can understand both, that it's not the 'gayness' per se, but terrible writing, acting, and waste of potential.
I will buy it first in line in those pretty steelbooks though, 'cause I've long established myself a sucker and Bob Iger's *****.
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The Episode 4 ending was pretty cool, the rest was pure filler unfortunately. I wish we'd get 60 minute episodes with the Star Wars shows like with HBO shows and actual content, these episodes really feel like stretched out movies...
But after that ending I hope the show gets interesting and that the first half of the season was only build-up.

The Ending of this episode made me a little angry. It just ended right when it started getting good!

Like I'm all for a good cliffhanger... But for some reason this show has had the most awkward endings in each episode. I think it could be just a somewhat lacking team who has made this show, in terms of writing, directing, acting. All of it seems a bit off to me. (except for the stunt work, that has been fun!)

I completely agree that this show would be way better at 60 mins instead of 35 or whatever they have it at. It would help flesh out the characters. Give them more depth and help us actually care about them. I understand that longer episodes mean an added cost. But just instead of a 1 min scene of two characters talking. Gimme 4 or 5 mins. Watching House of the Dragon this week made me realize how good they are at that.

I'm still sticking with it, but it feels like this show might one we forget about in a few years time rather that a new step forward in Starwars.
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All I heard about it is 'space alien communist lesbian witches' from a certain 'drunk', that make funny noises with serious faces.
It kinda irritates me on two levels, because my sister is one, and I'm sick of both kinds of people - that find it necessary to stick it in everyone's faces in every show, and those counting it as offensive, though I can understand both, that it's not the 'gayness' per se, but terrible writing, acting, and waste of potential.
I will buy it first in line in those pretty steelbooks though, 'cause I've long established myself a sucker and Bob Iger's *****.
Your sister is a a space alien communist lesbian witch..... Is that a first?
That episode... This series has gone from sketchy to amusing to some of my favorite SW ever. If it goes in the direction I think it's going to go
(Qimir is Plagueis, and Mae and Osha were the first children he created)
, then there are some fun reveals and connections coming up in the next few weeks.
Well now.. THAT was a big episode. Best one of the series. Fingers crossed they can keep this momentum going.

@ethnosax Seems like it. I hope thats the case.
If it is the case, then this series is potentially going to make some moments in the prequels (especially The Phantom Menace) hit much harder. I don't even care for the prequels, but I love this and it could make me like that trilogy more.

Still a lot of complexities for this series to work out, and I assume we'll get the next Brendok flashback next week. This has really kept me guessing, in fun ways, week by week.