On Air Star Wars: The Acolyte (Season 1) [Disney+]


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Dec 28, 2012

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I was really disappointed in the identity of the sith. Like, you could see that from a mile away in the last episode already, my first thought was that they will do a double twist and make you think it's him and then it isn't. The fact that it was actually him was so lame to me and honstely, terrible writing when it comes to the set-up in the previous episode. Curious how it continues though.
I was really disappointed in the identity of the sith. Like, you could see that from a mile away in the last episode already, my first thought was that they will do a double twist and make you think it's him and then it isn't. The fact that it was actually him was so lame to me and honstely, terrible writing when it comes to the set-up in the previous episode. Curious how it continues though.
I was surprised at the reveal, too, but I think there's still a lot of room for further complexity. (How did that character know certain things from the past? Is the character actually the master, or just an apprentice who has killed or is planning to kill the master and take an apprentice? Where is a key character from the flashback episode, and how is that character involved in all of this? How will the Jedi not have a memory of all of this by the time of TPM? Will Vernestra and Yord's padawan be involved with the final episodes?) With the typical SW Disney+ show, I'd be confident that there's no greater complexity coming, and the most interesting questions would go unanswered or lead to an infinity of more series that also won't answer the real questions. But I feel like Headland has been playing us all along, and she really does know what's going on. If Filoni is the Ahsoka true-hero of SW, Headland is the Palpatine devious-puppetmaster. We'll see. I hope I'm right, and this series doesn't tank like most of the others have at some point in the run. I'd almost given up on being genuinely interested in SW series anymore.
I was surprised at the reveal, too, but I think there's still a lot of room for further complexity. (How did that character know certain things from the past? Is the character actually the master, or just an apprentice who has killed or is planning to kill the master and take an apprentice? Where is a key character from the flashback episode, and how is that character involved in all of this? How will the Jedi not have a memory of all of this by the time of TPM? Will Vernestra and Yord's padawan be involved with the final episodes?) With the typical SW Disney+ show, I'd be confident that there's no greater complexity coming, and the most interesting questions would go unanswered or lead to an infinity of more series that also won't answer the real questions. But I feel like Headland has been playing us all along, and she really does know what's going on. If Filoni is the Ahsoka true-hero of SW, Headland is the Palpatine devious-puppetmaster. We'll see. I hope I'm right, and this series doesn't tank like most of the others have at some point in the run. I'd almost given up on being genuinely interested in SW series anymore.
God I HOPE there's someone else in the shadows. I doubt it, since he already said that he wants an acolyte. But we'll see. Before the show was aired I would have bet money that it's gonna be about Plagueis or a young Palpatine, now I really don't think they're gonna do anything like that at all.
God I HOPE there's someone else in the shadows. I doubt it, since he already said that he wants an acolyte. But we'll see. Before the show was aired I would have bet money that it's gonna be about Plagueis or a young Palpatine, now I really don't think they're gonna do anything like that at all.
Since the Sith always seem to be killing each other in order to become the master and take an apprentice, I think the jury is still out on the character motivations of this series. I completely still think this series is about Plagueis (but not Palpatine). I also think there's a key player in this whose arc is unknown, and I assume the next few episodes will be about that character. The series has been a steady progression of thinking you know who the villain is, and then having another reveal (Osha—Mae—Sith Lord—?).