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Aug 20, 2012
Washington State


Welcome to my Star Wars Memorabilia based home theater room. Star Wars is what got me into HT, and now into collecting Star Wars statues, 1:1 busts, and dioramas from Sideshow Collectibles. I update as new product arrives so check back now and then. Thank you for visiting and enjoy:














Shelving - Ikea Besta Bookcases with Vassbo Doors
TV Stand - Transdeco TD655B
Star Wars Collection - Sideshow Collectibles, Code 3, and others
TV - Vizio E600i-B3
Bluray - PS3 Slim
Receiver - Yamaha RX-V663
7ch Amp - Emotiva UPA-7
Speakers - Energy CB-10's (6)
Sub - M&K MX-350THX
Cables / Interconnects - Monoprice


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I have had no desire to re-watch Suicide Squad, I didn't even bother buying it (and I own the Green Lantern movie, ha). I actually haven't given a second viewing to any of the DCEU movies. I've seen most of the Marvel movies multiple times. Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy get thrown in my blu-ray player a lot when I'm bored. Maybe I should try to re-visit Man of Steel. Are you going to Wonder Woman? I already have my tickets for tomorrow.

I haven't seen their Jack Sparrow, I'll have to check it out. I know they've released him before and it was a solid figure. Are you a fan of the movies? I've never seen any of them. I was kind of interested in that Toothless statue that Sideshow is making, but it's a pretty small scale.

I don't think Hasbro has released a Tarkin now that you mentioned it. I was actually in the Star Wars aisle at Target over the weekend and almost bought a Jyn figure. The sculpts on those action figures are so bad though, I think I'd rather buy a Lego set if I'm going to buy a Star Wars toy. Luckily they didn't have the Rogue One Lego set in stock because I was super bored and probably would have purchased it.

Sounds like the new Luke PF will be on Sideshow Live next week. That HT Bespin Luke was awesome, I actually had the weather vane hanging from my ceiling in my old apartment with Luke on it. My original plan was to collect HT Star Wars figures, but it seemed like they weren't going to release anymore after Bespin Luke so I eventually sold him.

Well you know I have a ton of Sideshow statues on order because I'm an addict! I want their new Han, but I'm not going to order it unless it gets heavily discounted. I'm pretty sure a regular will sell for a lot less on eBay down the road. Otherwise I'm done with their DC line and probably won't order any Marvel stuff unless they release a Bullseye before XM gets around to it. Basically they have me hooked still with their Star Wars statues.

Ha! I still watch Green Lantern from time to time. You really should give MoS and BvS another chance, especially the Ultimate Edition of BvS. I've noticed with MoS I liked it more and more after repetitive viewings, I wasn't that crazy about it the first one or two times. Now I absolutely love it! I've just gotten so burned out on Marvel movies. I think I've only watched Guardians 3 times since it came out. I only watched my Civil War Blu-Ray once. I think I watched Winter Soldier twice. I still haven't made up my mind if I'm seeing WW in the theater yet. I do want to see it pretty badly though. It will probably come down to if anyone else wants to see it.

Wait, so you are the one that loves Disney movies and you haven't seen any of the Pirates movies??? o_O You've gotta watch at least the first one, its awesome! I forgot to mention earlier when we were talking about animated movies I actually did see How to Train Your Dragon, and I actually liked it. I didn't buy it, but I did see it. I haven't seen the second one though. The Toothless statue looks pretty cool.

I still unashamedly buy Lego stuff! I still enjoy building them, I don't care how old I am :p.

You can find their original Han PF on ebay for under $200 shipped sometimes. I don't know if you'd want that one though, but I just don't think the new one is worth $350 more than what that one sells for. If you could find the new one for $400ish that would be a good price to aim for.

I may come back to SW PFs eventually, who knows. Its the extreme prices of todays 1:4 stuff that made me think $2K for 1:2 isn't that insane anymore. But I'm afraid after not buying anything for awhile one day I may find some ridiculously priced $700 1:4 piece and think well that's so much less than the $2K I spent on my other stuff, and I might even think that's reasonable since its more affordable, and that's what could get me to stupidly buy back into SS's overly priced PFs.
I hope CBG isn't really just like that or I'd feel bad for bashing him. People have said that he was posting normally for a month or so before he went into that persona so I think it's all an act. He is a very dedicated troll in my mind. There are too many instances where he could simply say the character's name, but he goes out of his way to call them something else. Like Beta Ray Bill is horse faced god. Come on, it says his name in the title of the thread, he's yanking all our chains.

I want to hit that guy so bad. He has a post on nearly every page about little Anakin, it's all he knows how to say. Grrrrrr...I put him on my ignore list.

Whedon forever gets a pass in my book for Firefly and Serenity. Plus I liked the first Avengers movie a lot. He also helped develop the Toy Story script.

Don't worry, I felt bad after Carrie Fisher died because the first thought that crossed my mind was that I was disappointed I couldn't meet her. Very selfish of me.

Our temperature is supposed to be high 80s the next couple days. I already have my A/C running and I might have to move to the basement for the summer! I can't sleep when it's warm and it gets light out so early! My guest room downstairs has a cover on the window well so it stays dark 24/7.

I saw these on the other forum and they are awesome! Huge congrats! I thought Batman's crotch was the money shot though, ha.

Okay I'm glad you acknowledged the greatness of Firefly and Serenity. :p

I have never been a fan of Zack Snyder's movies. In fact I'm amused that Wonder Woman is the first of the DC films to actually get positive reviews from the critics. I will say I enjoyed the beginning of Dawn of the Dead, but the rest of the film kind of lost me. Watchmen was super faithful to the comic, but I wasn't really a huge fan of the comic to begin with so maybe me not liking that film wasn't Snyder's fault. I've never actually seen Sucker Punch.

So I bought a Chewbacca PF off of eBay. I got it for under $400 shipped. How much is Sideshow asking for the new (same) one? $500 plus shipping. Ha ha. They are going to burst the market and run themselves out of business with these prices.

Nice dude! Congrats! I miss that piece TBH.

Well, Sucker Punch isn't for everyone. I loved it though. Almost as much as 300.

Firefly and Serenity are awesome. Serenity a little more than Firefly though. How in the hell that didn't get a trilogy is beyond me.

Thanks guys! I really can't put into words how happy I am with these. :D

I'll try to add some to Instagram later. I don't know how you manage to post anything on there, every time I go on there I am immediately distracted by girls in see-through shirts and I completely forget what I went on there to do in the first place :rofl:.

*sigh* I still need to see Serentiy and Firefly. I'm so lame.

I haven't seen Sucker Punch but everyone I talk to online really rags on that movie. I want to see it for myself though and see if its really as bad as people make it out to be.

I think CBG is just a really "special" type of person lol. I could see how it could be an act based on the stupidity of his posts, but there is no way to fake that collection of his.

I had immediate thoughts of how much Carrie's autograph was going to go up in price right when she died. I felt like a total douche.

Weather here has been sunny and mid 60's run for the last few days and it looks like that's going to be staying for awhile.

I usually don't pay attention to what critics say, but I absolutely hate Rotten Tomatoes. Regardless of how people feel about BvS there is no way that movie deserves a 28%. Its pretty clear there are a lot of Marvel fans who went out of their way to hate on that movie. I was expecting Wonder Woman to be received pretty well, but its being received way better than I thought it would. The more I see for the movie the more I'm excited about it.

Nice score! :thumbs: The original is better IMO. I really hope the market for SS's stuff bursts soon. I really think I am done with their stuff, its just not worth what they are charging anymore. I think I may switch over to HT collecting simply because I feel they are worth a lot closer to their price than SS's PFs are now.

I watched MoS earlier and watching BvS right now. I honestly don't give 2 hoots if everyone on the planet hated these movies. I love them both.

Next time I see you in Netflix I'm going to pester you until you watch at least the first episode of Firefly. Lol!

Don't worry man. I get destracted by that too. Not to mention some of the DMs I get from my female followers. People are crazy!

You guys are both on Instagram? I had an Instagram account for a few weeks and it got hacked so that was the end of that experiment. I only signed up for it to participate in Sideshow giveaways.

I was actually looking at all of the animated Disney movies by the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes and was very amused by how terrible they were. Wonder Woman was going to get positive reviews no matter what from all of the SJW critics out there. But you're right, BvS at 28% is a joke. Suicide Squad at 25% I can see, but BvS wasn't THAT bad.

Every time I see a Hot Toys figure coming out, I wish I could have stuck with that scale. I just couldn't do it. At this point it would cost too much trying to buy back some of the figures I sold (Bespin Luke and ANH Leia for example) so it's definitely not worth it for me now.

The statue market has to be close to going bust. XM statues still sell out day one, but I'm wondering if that will slow down as the after market for those is even taking a nose dive (of course I could be under estimating the amount of foreign collectors who have an easier time collecting XM vs. Sideshow). I'm seeing a lot of sellers struggling to unload some of those XM pieces at cost in seller groups though. There is just too much product out there at the moment, supply is exceeding demand yet Sideshow continues with astronomical price hikes every few months. If I can buy a statue they are selling for $160 less in the after market then there is definitely a problem. Unless you have a grail piece, I feel like you're lucky if you break even on anything these days.

I'm surprised Sideshow hasn't re-released Tarkin on a "Rogue One" base with how much that statue is selling for in the after market. I bet they re-release it without the interrogator droid and charge $200 more than the original $350 price tag.

Yep! Been on IG almost a year. I like it alot better than making vids for YouTube.
Nice dude! Congrats! I miss that piece TBH.

Well, Sucker Punch isn't for everyone. I loved it though. Almost as much as 300.

Firefly and Serenity are awesome. Serenity a little more than Firefly though. How in the hell that didn't get a trilogy is beyond me.

I watched MoS earlier and watching BvS right now. I honestly don't give 2 hoots if everyone on the planet hated these movies. I love them both.

Next time I see you in Netflix I'm going to pester you until you watch at least the first episode of Firefly. Lol!

Don't worry man. I get destracted by that too. Not to mention some of the DMs I get from my female followers. People are crazy!

Yep! Been on IG almost a year. I like it alot better than making vids for YouTube.

I need to watch 300 again. I think its been quite a few years since I've seen it. I really liked it.

I've noticed over the last 2 years there has been a massive shift in MoS's reception. I think after people gave it another chance and lived with the movie a bit longer it really grew on them. I think it still has one of the best supporting casts in any super hero movie I've ever seen. Hell, its one of the best supporting casts from any movie for that matter!

I don't have Netflix anymore, I got rid of it since I rarely used it. I might get it back now that my crawling internet speed has been fixed.

Send some of those females my way! :rofl:

I was having some fun with my New Era hats earlier. They both are each other's biggest fanboy. :LOL:

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Ha! I still watch Green Lantern from time to time. You really should give MoS and BvS another chance, especially the Ultimate Edition of BvS. I've noticed with MoS I liked it more and more after repetitive viewings, I wasn't that crazy about it the first one or two times. Now I absolutely love it! I've just gotten so burned out on Marvel movies. I think I've only watched Guardians 3 times since it came out. I only watched my Civil War Blu-Ray once. I think I watched Winter Soldier twice. I still haven't made up my mind if I'm seeing WW in the theater yet. I do want to see it pretty badly though. It will probably come down to if anyone else wants to see it.

Wait, so you are the one that loves Disney movies and you haven't seen any of the Pirates movies??? o_O You've gotta watch at least the first one, its awesome! I forgot to mention earlier when we were talking about animated movies I actually did see How to Train Your Dragon, and I actually liked it. I didn't buy it, but I did see it. I haven't seen the second one though. The Toothless statue looks pretty cool.

I still unashamedly buy Lego stuff! I still enjoy building them, I don't care how old I am :p.

You can find their original Han PF on ebay for under $200 shipped sometimes. I don't know if you'd want that one though, but I just don't think the new one is worth $350 more than what that one sells for. If you could find the new one for $400ish that would be a good price to aim for.

I may come back to SW PFs eventually, who knows. Its the extreme prices of todays 1:4 stuff that made me think $2K for 1:2 isn't that insane anymore. But I'm afraid after not buying anything for awhile one day I may find some ridiculously priced $700 1:4 piece and think well that's so much less than the $2K I spent on my other stuff, and I might even think that's reasonable since its more affordable, and that's what could get me to stupidly buy back into SS's overly priced PFs.

One of these days I'll sit down and watch MoS and BvS again. There are some Marvel movies I still haven't seen since the theater (mainly Thor 2 and Iron Man 3). I didn't get all the way through Civil War the second time. Winter Soldier is probably my favorite Marvel film, it has a Jason Bourne quality to it and I loved those movies.

Ha, well I sort of saw the first Pirates when it came out. I had an awful ear infection that day and I couldn't hear most of the movie so I don't really count it. That was also what, 14 years ago? So if you liked How to Train Your Dragon, now you need to watch The Incredibles! And Despicable Me. And Megamind. :p

Legos are good for you, they keep your mind active! At least that's my theory. The bad thing is if I build any Legos now I would need to use glue because my nephews will destroy them. I have Rey's speeder, but it's just pieces all over the place now.

I'm shooting for under $425 shipped with the new Han. I can't believe how much Sideshow is asking for him and they didn't even offer double rewards or anything despite the fact that it went up for order on Star Wars Day! That's the bad thing about buying those expensive pieces, now everything else seems cheap, ha.

Nice dude! Congrats! I miss that piece TBH.

Well, Sucker Punch isn't for everyone. I loved it though. Almost as much as 300.

Firefly and Serenity are awesome. Serenity a little more than Firefly though. How in the hell that didn't get a trilogy is beyond me.

I watched MoS earlier and watching BvS right now. I honestly don't give 2 hoots if everyone on the planet hated these movies. I love them both.

Next time I see you in Netflix I'm going to pester you until you watch at least the first episode of Firefly. Lol!

Don't worry man. I get destracted by that too. Not to mention some of the DMs I get from my female followers. People are crazy!

Yep! Been on IG almost a year. I like it alot better than making vids for YouTube.

I share a Vudu account with my friend and he put Sucker Punch on there, maybe I'll watch it one of these days. At the very least the girls are probably nice to look at. I always felt 300 was lacking in plot. Have you ever seen the Starz show Spartacus?

I don't take enough pictures to be on Instagram so I don't know that it's worth it. Maybe if I ever get a good camera I would do it just for my collection.

I need to watch 300 again. I think its been quite a few years since I've seen it. I really liked it.

I've noticed over the last 2 years there has been a massive shift in MoS's reception. I think after people gave it another chance and lived with the movie a bit longer it really grew on them. I think it still has one of the best supporting casts in any super hero movie I've ever seen. Hell, its one of the best supporting casts from any movie for that matter!

I don't have Netflix anymore, I got rid of it since I rarely used it. I might get it back now that my crawling internet speed has been fixed.

Send some of those females my way! :rofl:

I was having some fun with my New Era hats earlier. They both are each other's biggest fanboy. :LOL:


Are those normal sized hats??

I've thought about getting rid of my Netflix, but I still like to turn on shows in there when I'm bored. Like lately I've been watching Rules of Engagement. It's mindless entertainment that I need sometimes after work. Plus I need my Marvel shows, ha.
One of these days I'll sit down and watch MoS and BvS again. There are some Marvel movies I still haven't seen since the theater (mainly Thor 2 and Iron Man 3). I didn't get all the way through Civil War the second time. Winter Soldier is probably my favorite Marvel film, it has a Jason Bourne quality to it and I loved those movies.

Ha, well I sort of saw the first Pirates when it came out. I had an awful ear infection that day and I couldn't hear most of the movie so I don't really count it. That was also what, 14 years ago? So if you liked How to Train Your Dragon, now you need to watch The Incredibles! And Despicable Me. And Megamind. :p

Legos are good for you, they keep your mind active! At least that's my theory. The bad thing is if I build any Legos now I would need to use glue because my nephews will destroy them. I have Rey's speeder, but it's just pieces all over the place now.

I'm shooting for under $425 shipped with the new Han. I can't believe how much Sideshow is asking for him and they didn't even offer double rewards or anything despite the fact that it went up for order on Star Wars Day! That's the bad thing about buying those expensive pieces, now everything else seems cheap, ha.

I share a Vudu account with my friend and he put Sucker Punch on there, maybe I'll watch it one of these days. At the very least the girls are probably nice to look at. I always felt 300 was lacking in plot. Have you ever seen the Starz show Spartacus?

I don't take enough pictures to be on Instagram so I don't know that it's worth it. Maybe if I ever get a good camera I would do it just for my collection.

Are those normal sized hats??

I've thought about getting rid of my Netflix, but I still like to turn on shows in there when I'm bored. Like lately I've been watching Rules of Engagement. It's mindless entertainment that I need sometimes after work. Plus I need my Marvel shows, ha.

Winter Soldier is my favorite MCU movie since the first Avengers. I think I've only seen it twice though. I gotta watch that one again soon. Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 are my least favorite Marvel movies. I still bought them since I have all of the others. I'll probably pick up the new Spider-Man movie too although I still can't muster any excitement for it. I'm just burned out on the character from too many reboots.

I want to see The Incredibles, I'll have to check if I can find it on the HBO or Max streamimg services as I got rid of Netflix.

You should just let him smash it and rebuild it everytime. That way you get to keep having fun with the Lego set lol. :p

Thats a good price to shoot for. Its a bummer SS didn't offer anything special with Han, but I think those days are coming to an end.

Well, they don't make half scale hats unfortunately lol.

I'll probably have to get Netflix back for at least a month when the new season of Daredevil comes out.
Winter Soldier is my favorite MCU movie since the first Avengers. I think I've only seen it twice though. I gotta watch that one again soon. Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 are my least favorite Marvel movies. I still bought them since I have all of the others. I'll probably pick up the new Spider-Man movie too although I still can't muster any excitement for it. I'm just burned out on the character from too many reboots.

I want to see The Incredibles, I'll have to check if I can find it on the HBO or Max streamimg services as I got rid of Netflix.

You should just let him smash it and rebuild it everytime. That way you get to keep having fun with the Lego set lol. :p

Thats a good price to shoot for. Its a bummer SS didn't offer anything special with Han, but I think those days are coming to an end.

Well, they don't make half scale hats unfortunately lol.

I'll probably have to get Netflix back for at least a month when the new season of Daredevil comes out.

Dang, the guy I bought Chewie from just e-mailed me that he accidentally tore the satchel when he was packing it up so I had him refund my money. Back on the hunt for a Chewie PF.

I own Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 as well, but they have never sniffed my blu-ray player, ha. I honestly don't even remember Thor 2 anymore.

You know how frustrating it is building the same Lego set repeatedly? My nephew got the Ninja Turtles van for Christmas and I think I built that thing probably 3 or 4 times in 2 days. I finally just took it home and glued the thing together. He had already managed to lose a bunch of pieces by that point too. On the bright side, I could rebuild it without instructions by the third time.

I was just impressed by how small those hats look on them, those are some huge statues!
Dang, the guy I bought Chewie from just e-mailed me that he accidentally tore the satchel when he was packing it up so I had him refund my money. Back on the hunt for a Chewie PF.

I own Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 as well, but they have never sniffed my blu-ray player, ha. I honestly don't even remember Thor 2 anymore.

You know how frustrating it is building the same Lego set repeatedly? My nephew got the Ninja Turtles van for Christmas and I think I built that thing probably 3 or 4 times in 2 days. I finally just took it home and glued the thing together. He had already managed to lose a bunch of pieces by that point too. On the bright side, I could rebuild it without instructions by the third time.

I was just impressed by how small those hats look on them, those are some huge statues!

Oh man, that sucks! The satchel is pretty thin, especially the parts that attach to the bandolier. I bet that guy is equally pissed now though, because he is going to take a big hit if he tries to sell it again, or if he can't and decides to keep it now he's stuck with a damaged Chewie. Good thing he told you and didn't just ship in anyways.

LMAO at sniffing the Blu-ray player! I just thought Thor 2 had a really forgettable villain, so forgettable that I forgot what the movie was about too lol. I think the villains are the MCU's weakest link in their chain. Its like they are either fantastic, or completely forgettable. I bought Logan last week so my X-Men collection would be complete and I watched it again. I liked it more the second time, but its still nowhere near my favorite. I still feel the clone is super lazy.

Ha! I thought the hats looked big making them look goofy, but considering how much bigger they'd be on everything else, I think you're right.

I forgot that you have to rebuild it so frequently in the same time frame. Sometimes I buy a set and take it apart and put it back together but I'll probably only do that like once a year or something when I'm bored. Doing it 4 times in 2 days wouldn't be any fun.

By the way, speaking of Legos I got this awesome Duel of the Fates Lego set last month:


I don't care that I'm 33, this thing is awesome dammit! :D

I also got this BvS set:


Okay, I might actually be a man-child :rofl:.
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Oh man, that sucks! The satchel is pretty thin, especially the parts that attach to the bandolier. I bet that guy is equally pissed now though, because he is going to take a big hit if he tries to sell it again, or if he can't and decides to keep it now he's stuck with a damaged Chewie. Good thing he told you and didn't just ship in anyways.

LMAO at sniffing the Blu-ray player! I just thought Thor 2 had a really forgettable villain, so forgettable that I forgot what the movie was about too lol. I think the villains are the MCU's weakest link in their chain. Its like they are either fantastic, or completely forgettable. I bought Logan last week so my X-Men collection would be complete and I watched it again. I liked it more the second time, but its still nowhere near my favorite. I still feel the clone is super lazy.

Ha! I thought the hats looked big making them look goofy, but considering how much bigger they'd be on everything else, I think you're right.

I forgot that you have to rebuild it so frequently in the same time frame. Sometimes I buy a set and take it apart and put it back together but I'll probably only do that like once a year or something when I'm bored. Doing it 4 times in 2 days wouldn't be any fun.

By the way, speaking of Legos I got this awesome Duel of the Fates Lego set last month:


I don't care that I'm 33, this thing is awesome dammit! :D

That's totally awesome! I've never seen that one before. I nearly bought Obi-Wan's interceptor multiple times. This is the set I'm going to have to avoid buying now:


I'm definitely glad that seller told me. Maybe it's good karma because I've actually had that happen to me twice before and I told the buyer both times. Now I take the pictures and box it up before even listing it to make sure nothing like that happens after it's sold. But yeah, it does suck for him. He just relisted it for $50 cheaper.

Thor 2 was extremely forgettable. I felt that way about Iron Man 3 as well. People dislike Iron Man 2, but I always liked that one. Maybe it's because I loved the first Iron Man so much and that was the first movie where we got more than one superhero in it (since Black Widow was there). My friend bought Logan and gave me the digital code so I probably won't bother buying it on blu-ray. I haven't rewatched it yet. My brother saw it for the first time and texted me that he didn't like it very much. Are they planning on doing a stand alone X-23 film now too? That little girl did a pretty awesome job in that role. In fact, I'm a little scared of her. She has now joined the girl from The Ring on my list of little girls that terrify me, ha.

A regular sized hat would dwarf most statues so it's impressive how they look on there. Definitely shows how big those statues are!

I'm jealous you're only 33 still. I turn 36 in a couple weeks and I feel old as heck. I'm on the wrong side of 35 now. :( My youngest brother is only 25, I hate him, ha ha.
That's totally awesome! I've never seen that one before. I nearly bought Obi-Wan's interceptor multiple times. This is the set I'm going to have to avoid buying now:


I'm definitely glad that seller told me. Maybe it's good karma because I've actually had that happen to me twice before and I told the buyer both times. Now I take the pictures and box it up before even listing it to make sure nothing like that happens after it's sold. But yeah, it does suck for him. He just relisted it for $50 cheaper.

Thor 2 was extremely forgettable. I felt that way about Iron Man 3 as well. People dislike Iron Man 2, but I always liked that one. Maybe it's because I loved the first Iron Man so much and that was the first movie where we got more than one superhero in it (since Black Widow was there). My friend bought Logan and gave me the digital code so I probably won't bother buying it on blu-ray. I haven't rewatched it yet. My brother saw it for the first time and texted me that he didn't like it very much. Are they planning on doing a stand alone X-23 film now too? That little girl did a pretty awesome job in that role. In fact, I'm a little scared of her. She has now joined the girl from The Ring on my list of little girls that terrify me, ha.

A regular sized hat would dwarf most statues so it's impressive how they look on there. Definitely shows how big those statues are!

I'm jealous you're only 33 still. I turn 36 in a couple weeks and I feel old as heck. I'm on the wrong side of 35 now. :( My youngest brother is only 25, I hate him, ha ha.

I really like that one! The older I get the more and more I like the A-Wing. I say you and me both quit this stupid statue collecting thing and move into Lego collecting! :D I heard they have an $800 Millennium Falcon coming soon! :OMG: This is the one I'm getting next:


That's smart. Whenever I box something up I get super paranoid something is going to happen.

I really love Iron Man 2, and I don't like Iron Man 3. One of my best buddies is the complete opposite and Iron Man 2 is his least favorite MCU movie and he doesn't understand how I can like it lol. I heard Mangold wants to do an X-23 film. I thought she was the best part of the movie, but I don't know how much of a demand there will be for a super hero movie about a 10 year old? Maybe they'll use her in something else, but I have a feeling the studio won't greenlight an X-23 movie by herself.

The way I look at it is once you hit 30 its all downhill lol. I see young 20-something people and I have to stop to remind myself that I'm already 10 years older than that. What the hell happened, where did the time go? Lol.
I really like that one! The older I get the more and more I like the A-Wing. I say you and me both quit this stupid statue collecting thing and move into Lego collecting! :D I heard they have an $800 Millennium Falcon coming soon! :OMG: This is the one I'm getting next:


That's smart. Whenever I box something up I get super paranoid something is going to happen.

I really love Iron Man 2, and I don't like Iron Man 3. One of my best buddies is the complete opposite and Iron Man 2 is his least favorite MCU movie and he doesn't understand how I can like it lol. I heard Mangold wants to do an X-23 film. I thought she was the best part of the movie, but I don't know how much of a demand there will be for a super hero movie about a 10 year old? Maybe they'll use her in something else, but I have a feeling the studio won't greenlight an X-23 movie by herself.

The way I look at it is once you hit 30 its all downhill lol. I see young 20-something people and I have to stop to remind myself that I'm already 10 years older than that. What the hell happened, where did the time go? Lol.

I know, I keep trying to figure out what happened to the last 10 years! I've been trying to take more trips this summer because I'm starting to realize I've wasted a lot of time and life is short! I don't have to stop checking out the 20 year old hot chicks at the gym do I? I'm not going to regardless of the answer, ha ha.

That's a cool set too. I'm way into the ships, I always want to buy them when I see them. I love the design of Star Wars ships from the OT. X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing, Imperial Shuttle, all classes of TIE fighters, snowspeeders, AT-ATs, AT-STs, they are all great! The only exception is the B-Wing. My favorite prequel ship was the LAAT gunship. So no, I shouldn't start buying Legos because it would get out of control quickly, ha. If I was to collect any, I would go back and buy the old Pirate sets I always wanted. How are they going to make an $800 set??? That thing is going to be crazy!

My friend and I got really into building models one summer when we were probably 10 or 11. It was funny because he was building old war planes while I was making Star Wars ships. Even when I was young, I was obsessed with Star Wars. I'm disappointed I missed out on all of those Master Replicas ships when they were selling them.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that liked Iron Man 2. I actually saw that twice in the theaters. I have no clue what the plan is for X-23. Maybe they'll wait a couple of years until she's a little older? I just don't like that they aren't in the universe with everyone else. Heck at this point she's not even in the same universe as the rest of the X-Men.
I need to watch 300 again. I think its been quite a few years since I've seen it. I really liked it.

I've noticed over the last 2 years there has been a massive shift in MoS's reception. I think after people gave it another chance and lived with the movie a bit longer it really grew on them. I think it still has one of the best supporting casts in any super hero movie I've ever seen. Hell, its one of the best supporting casts from any movie for that matter!

I don't have Netflix anymore, I got rid of it since I rarely used it. I might get it back now that my crawling internet speed has been fixed.

Send some of those females my way! :rofl:

I was having some fun with my New Era hats earlier. They both are each other's biggest fanboy. :LOL:


Looks like you're about to take the kids to a baseball game.

I'll DM you some pics. You wouldn't believe some of the pics I get sent.

MoS and BvS to me are masterpieces. Not many movies make me tear up, but MoS and me doing it multiple times, and not just from sad or emotional parts, but also from the beauty, scale, and music all combining together making a perfect scene. BvS is pure badassery! Affleck as Batman is perfect, and having Wonder Woman front and center when she drops in is f'ing awesome! Those two movies are my top two favorite superhero movies with DP close behind.

Yeah, i like 300 also. That first battle, EPIC!

One of these days I'll sit down and watch MoS and BvS again. There are some Marvel movies I still haven't seen since the theater (mainly Thor 2 and Iron Man 3). I didn't get all the way through Civil War the second time. Winter Soldier is probably my favorite Marvel film, it has a Jason Bourne quality to it and I loved those movies.

Ha, well I sort of saw the first Pirates when it came out. I had an awful ear infection that day and I couldn't hear most of the movie so I don't really count it. That was also what, 14 years ago? So if you liked How to Train Your Dragon, now you need to watch The Incredibles! And Despicable Me. And Megamind. :p

Legos are good for you, they keep your mind active! At least that's my theory. The bad thing is if I build any Legos now I would need to use glue because my nephews will destroy them. I have Rey's speeder, but it's just pieces all over the place now.

I'm shooting for under $425 shipped with the new Han. I can't believe how much Sideshow is asking for him and they didn't even offer double rewards or anything despite the fact that it went up for order on Star Wars Day! That's the bad thing about buying those expensive pieces, now everything else seems cheap, ha.

I share a Vudu account with my friend and he put Sucker Punch on there, maybe I'll watch it one of these days. At the very least the girls are probably nice to look at. I always felt 300 was lacking in plot. Have you ever seen the Starz show Spartacus?

I don't take enough pictures to be on Instagram so I don't know that it's worth it. Maybe if I ever get a good camera I would do it just for my collection.

Are those normal sized hats??

I've thought about getting rid of my Netflix, but I still like to turn on shows in there when I'm bored. Like lately I've been watching Rules of Engagement. It's mindless entertainment that I need sometimes after work. Plus I need my Marvel shows, ha.

I got addicted to Animal Kingdom. Was just sitting on my couch doing my IG stuff, and TNT did a marathon of the first season. Next thing I know, I'm 5 episodes deep.

FYI, I just use my S7 for pics.

Yeah, I didn't care for Spartacus. Kind of the same way I don't care for GOT. Tried getting into them, but they just aren't for me.

Dang, the guy I bought Chewie from just e-mailed me that he accidentally tore the satchel when he was packing it up so I had him refund my money. Back on the hunt for a Chewie PF.

I own Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 as well, but they have never sniffed my blu-ray player, ha. I honestly don't even remember Thor 2 anymore.

You know how frustrating it is building the same Lego set repeatedly? My nephew got the Ninja Turtles van for Christmas and I think I built that thing probably 3 or 4 times in 2 days. I finally just took it home and glued the thing together. He had already managed to lose a bunch of pieces by that point too. On the bright side, I could rebuild it without instructions by the third time.

I was just impressed by how small those hats look on them, those are some huge statues!

Man that sucks Dude! I totally would have sold you mine if I still had it.

Oh man, that sucks! The satchel is pretty thin, especially the parts that attach to the bandolier. I bet that guy is equally pissed now though, because he is going to take a big hit if he tries to sell it again, or if he can't and decides to keep it now he's stuck with a damaged Chewie. Good thing he told you and didn't just ship in anyways.

LMAO at sniffing the Blu-ray player! I just thought Thor 2 had a really forgettable villain, so forgettable that I forgot what the movie was about too lol. I think the villains are the MCU's weakest link in their chain. Its like they are either fantastic, or completely forgettable. I bought Logan last week so my X-Men collection would be complete and I watched it again. I liked it more the second time, but its still nowhere near my favorite. I still feel the clone is super lazy.

Ha! I thought the hats looked big making them look goofy, but considering how much bigger they'd be on everything else, I think you're right.

I forgot that you have to rebuild it so frequently in the same time frame. Sometimes I buy a set and take it apart and put it back together but I'll probably only do that like once a year or something when I'm bored. Doing it 4 times in 2 days wouldn't be any fun.

By the way, speaking of Legos I got this awesome Duel of the Fates Lego set last month:


I don't care that I'm 33, this thing is awesome dammit! :D

I also got this BvS set:


Okay, I might actually be a man-child :rofl:.

I think we all are Dude! Lmao! I dig those sets!

Logan wasn't bad. No better or worse then the previous 2 IMO. My wife cried. I do wonder if new movies are coming featuring these kids.

That's totally awesome! I've never seen that one before. I nearly bought Obi-Wan's interceptor multiple times. This is the set I'm going to have to avoid buying now:


I'm definitely glad that seller told me. Maybe it's good karma because I've actually had that happen to me twice before and I told the buyer both times. Now I take the pictures and box it up before even listing it to make sure nothing like that happens after it's sold. But yeah, it does suck for him. He just relisted it for $50 cheaper.

Thor 2 was extremely forgettable. I felt that way about Iron Man 3 as well. People dislike Iron Man 2, but I always liked that one. Maybe it's because I loved the first Iron Man so much and that was the first movie where we got more than one superhero in it (since Black Widow was there). My friend bought Logan and gave me the digital code so I probably won't bother buying it on blu-ray. I haven't rewatched it yet. My brother saw it for the first time and texted me that he didn't like it very much. Are they planning on doing a stand alone X-23 film now too? That little girl did a pretty awesome job in that role. In fact, I'm a little scared of her. She has now joined the girl from The Ring on my list of little girls that terrify me, ha.

A regular sized hat would dwarf most statues so it's impressive how they look on there. Definitely shows how big those statues are!

I'm jealous you're only 33 still. I turn 36 in a couple weeks and I feel old as heck. I'm on the wrong side of 35 now. :( My youngest brother is only 25, I hate him, ha ha.

Yeah, I'm there's that!

I really like that one! The older I get the more and more I like the A-Wing. I say you and me both quit this stupid statue collecting thing and move into Lego collecting! :D I heard they have an $800 Millennium Falcon coming soon! :OMG: This is the one I'm getting next:


That's smart. Whenever I box something up I get super paranoid something is going to happen.

I really love Iron Man 2, and I don't like Iron Man 3. One of my best buddies is the complete opposite and Iron Man 2 is his least favorite MCU movie and he doesn't understand how I can like it lol. I heard Mangold wants to do an X-23 film. I thought she was the best part of the movie, but I don't know how much of a demand there will be for a super hero movie about a 10 year old? Maybe they'll use her in something else, but I have a feeling the studio won't greenlight an X-23 movie by herself.

The way I look at it is once you hit 30 its all downhill lol. I see young 20-something people and I have to stop to remind myself that I'm already 10 years older than that. What the hell happened, where did the time go? Lol.

Well, it's all down hill, but it's a great ride.
I know, I keep trying to figure out what happened to the last 10 years! I've been trying to take more trips this summer because I'm starting to realize I've wasted a lot of time and life is short! I don't have to stop checking out the 20 year old hot chicks at the gym do I? I'm not going to regardless of the answer, ha ha.

That's a cool set too. I'm way into the ships, I always want to buy them when I see them. I love the design of Star Wars ships from the OT. X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing, Imperial Shuttle, all classes of TIE fighters, snowspeeders, AT-ATs, AT-STs, they are all great! The only exception is the B-Wing. My favorite prequel ship was the LAAT gunship. So no, I shouldn't start buying Legos because it would get out of control quickly, ha. If I was to collect any, I would go back and buy the old Pirate sets I always wanted. How are they going to make an $800 set??? That thing is going to be crazy!

My friend and I got really into building models one summer when we were probably 10 or 11. It was funny because he was building old war planes while I was making Star Wars ships. Even when I was young, I was obsessed with Star Wars. I'm disappointed I missed out on all of those Master Replicas ships when they were selling them.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that liked Iron Man 2. I actually saw that twice in the theaters. I have no clue what the plan is for X-23. Maybe they'll wait a couple of years until she's a little older? I just don't like that they aren't in the universe with everyone else. Heck at this point she's not even in the same universe as the rest of the X-Men.

I'm already fully planning to continue checking out 20 year old chicks when I'm in my 80's. :D I don't care how creepy I look! LOL.

I'm waiting for them to release a new Ultimate Collectors Vader TIE Fighter, its one of my favorite ships. They made one a long time ago but I don't want to pay what its going for today. Did you see the Ultimate Cillectors Imperial Shuttle they made a few years ago? I'm still kicking myself for not getting it. They made a $500 Millennium Falcon back in the day, but it sells for 3 to 4 grand brand new! Its actually gone down because it was going for around $5500 a year ago! Apparently Lego sets can be an investmet. One of these days I've got to go and take a look at what old sets I still have. I've got a feeling they are all broken though and I won't be able to tell what any of them are anymore.

I was never into the model kits that much, I didn't have much skill with the paint and glue ones so any that I had were the snap-fit ones lol.

I have no clue what they are going to do with X-Men. The MCU has got way too much going on to absorb X-Men right now, so I guess they will keep doing there own thing for awhile. Next up is another attempt at the Phoenix saga but X-23 definitely won't be fitting into that. I got a feeling we probably won't see her again.

Looks like you're about to take the kids to a baseball game.

I'll DM you some pics. You wouldn't believe some of the pics I get sent.

MoS and BvS to me are masterpieces. Not many movies make me tear up, but MoS and me doing it multiple times, and not just from sad or emotional parts, but also from the beauty, scale, and music all combining together making a perfect scene. BvS is pure badassery! Affleck as Batman is perfect, and having Wonder Woman front and center when she drops in is f'ing awesome! Those two movies are my top two favorite superhero movies with DP close behind.

Yeah, i like 300 also. That first battle, EPIC!

I got addicted to Animal Kingdom. Was just sitting on my couch doing my IG stuff, and TNT did a marathon of the first season. Next thing I know, I'm 5 episodes deep.

FYI, I just use my S7 for pics.

Yeah, I didn't care for Spartacus. Kind of the same way I don't care for GOT. Tried getting into them, but they just aren't for me.

Man that sucks Dude! I totally would have sold you mine if I still had it.

I think we all are Dude! Lmao! I dig those sets!

Logan wasn't bad. No better or worse then the previous 2 IMO. My wife cried. I do wonder if new movies are coming featuring these kids.

Yeah, I'm there's that!

Well, it's all down hill, but it's a great ride.

Oh man, that would be great! :D

BvS can make me tear up when Supes dies/the funeral. Its the music man I swear! Zimmer is so great! The only downside with BvS for me was they revealed way too much in the trailers. WW's enterance wasn't as impactful as it should have been for me since the trailer showed right when she was going to show up. I wish they would have kept her and Doomsday completely under wraps. At least they kept the death of Supes under wraps.

I think I'm going to get some more Lego sets lol.

My expectations for Logan were through the roof, and I think that really hurt the experience for me. I wonder what theyll do with X-23 and the rest of the kids.

Well at least you helped me and Adam feel a bit younger :p Sorry buddy lol.
Looks like you're about to take the kids to a baseball game.

I'll DM you some pics. You wouldn't believe some of the pics I get sent.

MoS and BvS to me are masterpieces. Not many movies make me tear up, but MoS and me doing it multiple times, and not just from sad or emotional parts, but also from the beauty, scale, and music all combining together making a perfect scene. BvS is pure badassery! Affleck as Batman is perfect, and having Wonder Woman front and center when she drops in is f'ing awesome! Those two movies are my top two favorite superhero movies with DP close behind.

Yeah, i like 300 also. That first battle, EPIC!

I got addicted to Animal Kingdom. Was just sitting on my couch doing my IG stuff, and TNT did a marathon of the first season. Next thing I know, I'm 5 episodes deep.

FYI, I just use my S7 for pics.

Yeah, I didn't care for Spartacus. Kind of the same way I don't care for GOT. Tried getting into them, but they just aren't for me.

Man that sucks Dude! I totally would have sold you mine if I still had it.

I think we all are Dude! Lmao! I dig those sets!

Logan wasn't bad. No better or worse then the previous 2 IMO. My wife cried. I do wonder if new movies are coming featuring these kids.

Yeah, I'm there's that!

Well, it's all down hill, but it's a great ride.

What does "DM" mean? Must be some Instagram lingo I'm not familiar with.

Ah, too bad. I obviously love Game of Thrones. I really liked the first season of Spartacus, but it wasn't as good after the actor who played Spartacus died. I never did finish the series.

Meh, 45 isn't old either. I think we're considered middle aged until we hit 59 so we're still good, ha.

I'm already fully planning to continue checking out 20 year old chicks when I'm in my 80's. :D I don't care how creepy I look! LOL.

I'm waiting for them to release a new Ultimate Collectors Vader TIE Fighter, its one of my favorite ships. They made one a long time ago but I don't want to pay what its going for today. Did you see the Ultimate Cillectors Imperial Shuttle they made a few years ago? I'm still kicking myself for not getting it. They made a $500 Millennium Falcon back in the day, but it sells for 3 to 4 grand brand new! Its actually gone down because it was going for around $5500 a year ago! Apparently Lego sets can be an investmet. One of these days I've got to go and take a look at what old sets I still have. I've got a feeling they are all broken though and I won't be able to tell what any of them are anymore.

I was never into the model kits that much, I didn't have much skill with the paint and glue ones so any that I had were the snap-fit ones lol.

I have no clue what they are going to do with X-Men. The MCU has got way too much going on to absorb X-Men right now, so I guess they will keep doing there own thing for awhile. Next up is another attempt at the Phoenix saga but X-23 definitely won't be fitting into that. I got a feeling we probably won't see her again.

Oh man, that would be great! :D

BvS can make me tear up when Supes dies/the funeral. Its the music man I swear! Zimmer is so great! The only downside with BvS for me was they revealed way too much in the trailers. WW's enterance wasn't as impactful as it should have been for me since the trailer showed right when she was going to show up. I wish they would have kept her and Doomsday completely under wraps. At least they kept the death of Supes under wraps.

I think I'm going to get some more Lego sets lol.

My expectations for Logan were through the roof, and I think that really hurt the experience for me. I wonder what theyll do with X-23 and the rest of the kids.

Well at least you helped me and Adam feel a bit younger :p Sorry buddy lol.

I'm sure when you're 80 you won't care about young people at all! I just want to be with it enough when I'm old where I can just be lazy and enjoy movies and tv shows.

Have you ever bought one of those ultimate collector Legos? I actually did see that Imperial Shuttle before and I wanted it! Our local Bricks & Minifigure store has the ultimate Slave I on display. I'm guessing the sets aren't worth much unless you have the box still at least. I almost bought that Ewok forest playset at one point too.

Oh my models were probably sloppy and I didn't paint them or anything so they weren't fancy. It just gave us something to do during the summer when we got bored. Pretty sure we blew most of them up with firecrackers.

I almost got emotional during the Superman funeral scene. I do not like to see my boy die!
What does "DM" mean? Must be some Instagram lingo I'm not familiar with.

Ah, too bad. I obviously love Game of Thrones. I really liked the first season of Spartacus, but it wasn't as good after the actor who played Spartacus died. I never did finish the series.

Meh, 45 isn't old either. I think we're considered middle aged until we hit 59 so we're still good, ha.

I'm sure when you're 80 you won't care about young people at all! I just want to be with it enough when I'm old where I can just be lazy and enjoy movies and tv shows.

Have you ever bought one of those ultimate collector Legos? I actually did see that Imperial Shuttle before and I wanted it! Our local Bricks & Minifigure store has the ultimate Slave I on display. I'm guessing the sets aren't worth much unless you have the box still at least. I almost bought that Ewok forest playset at one point too.

Oh my models were probably sloppy and I didn't paint them or anything so they weren't fancy. It just gave us something to do during the summer when we got bored. Pretty sure we blew most of them up with firecrackers.

I almost got emotional during the Superman funeral scene. I do not like to see my boy die!

I think it means direct message. Or if not, I guess I'll find out later lol.

We should expand middle age till at least 70 lol. The thought of ever being an old dude scares me.

Yup, I still have my Ultimate Slave I, I really love that set. I used to have the Tumbler too but sold it. There were just too many extremely fragile pieces that kept flying off when I'd try to dust it, and since the set is 99% black pieces it was really hard to tell where they fell off from. I'm so pissed I didn't buy the Imperial Shuttle.

Blowing models up with fire crackers sounds awesome!

You need to watch BvS again. I'm going to keep on you until you watch the Ultimate cut.

Are you seeing Wonder Woman tonight?
I think it means direct message. Or if not, I guess I'll find out later lol.

We should expand middle age till at least 70 lol. The thought of ever being an old dude scares me.

Yup, I still have my Ultimate Slave I, I really love that set. I used to have the Tumbler too but sold it. There were just too many extremely fragile pieces that kept flying off when I'd try to dust it, and since the set is 99% black pieces it was really hard to tell where they fell off from. I'm so pissed I didn't buy the Imperial Shuttle.

Blowing models up with fire crackers sounds awesome!

You need to watch BvS again. I'm going to keep on you until you watch the Ultimate cut.

Are you seeing Wonder Woman tonight?

Heck yeah, movie starts in 2 hours. I'm at the gym doing squats right now which means I'll probably cramp up really bad after sitting through the movie.

Getting old stresses me out. I mean I'm approaching 40 and have never ever been in a relationship longer than 6 months. I'm probably past the point of having kids too. We work with end of life people at work so that causes me more anxiety. I need a new job!

So are you going the Lego route the rest of the year until you decide if you want to overpay for PFs like I do?
Heck yeah, movie starts in 2 hours. I'm at the gym doing squats right now which means I'll probably cramp up really bad after sitting through the movie.

Getting old stresses me out. I mean I'm approaching 40 and have never ever been in a relationship longer than 6 months. I'm probably past the point of having kids too. We work with end of life people at work so that causes me more anxiety. I need a new job!

So are you going the Lego route the rest of the year until you decide if you want to overpay for PFs like I do?

OMG thats going to be uncomfortable. Hope you can manage to enjoy the movie. Let me know what you think about it. I might see it this weekend.

Yeesh! Get outta there! I'd be massively stressed seeing that on a day to day basis. I never had the desire to have kids, or get married. I just have random flings and I'm totally fine with that.

I think I have just as much or even more fun building a Lego set as I do unboxing a PF. The final assembled product on the shelf isn't as exciting as a PF, but the price isn't even comparable. But yeah, I'm sure I'll go back to PFs by the end of the year. Today I was already seriously considering ordering Zatanna. Or I should say Man-tanna :LOL:.
OMG thats going to be uncomfortable. Hope you can manage to enjoy the movie. Let me know what you think about it. I might see it this weekend.

Yeesh! Get outta there! I'd be massively stressed seeing that on a day to day basis. I never had the desire to have kids, or get married. I just have random flings and I'm totally fine with that.

I think I have just as much or even more fun building a Lego set as I do unboxing a PF. The final assembled product on the shelf isn't as exciting as a PF, but the price isn't even comparable. But yeah, I'm sure I'll go back to PFs by the end of the year. Today I was already seriously considering ordering Zatanna. Or I should say Man-tanna :LOL:.

I have a feeling you two are going to love the movie and I'm going to be the downer again. I loved Wonder Woman herself, I loved all of the action scenes...but the movie felt very much like CA: First Avenger (including a crew of misfits) and First Avenger isn't really one of my favorite movies so I wasn't too into this one either. That's all I'll say other than that was the most empty I've seen the theater on preview night.

I go back and forth on the marriage/kids thing. At the end of the day I think I'm too damaged and selfish for that.

See that's my problem with Legos. They are fun to build, but afterwards it's like "okay, what now?" Maybe you should get tons of troopers and build an epic battle scene. That's another thought I've had before with the Lego castle sets.

I saw Zatanna went up for sale today. I clicked on it to see more pictures, but was so disinterested that I didn't even check the price. Man, 3 years ago I would have ordered any DC statue in a heartbeat.
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I have a feeling you two are going to love the movie and I'm going to be the downer again. I loved Wonder Woman herself, I loved all of the action scenes...but the movie felt very much like CA: First Avenger (including a crew of misfits) and First Avenger isn't really one of my favorite movies so I wasn't too into this one either. That's all I'll say other than that was the most empty I've seen the theater on preview night.

I go back and forth on the marriage/kids thing. At the end of the day I think I'm too damaged and selfish for that.

See that's my problem with Legos. They are fun to build, but afterwards it's like "okay, what now?" Maybe you should get tons of troopers and build an epic battle scene. That's another thought I've had before with the Lego castle sets.

I saw Zatanna went up for sale today. I clicked on it to see more pictures, but was so disinterested that I didn't even check the price. Man, 3 years ago I would have ordered any DC statue in a heartbeat.

Well I do love CA: The First Avenger, so I probably am going to love this too then. But I had a feeling they were going to try to turn the DCEU more Marvel-y and I think an early Marvel film might have been their aim. But I still hope they kind of go their own way overall. For me Marvel has just become too formulaic and the movies just feel stale by now. I know I'm in the minority there though. As much as people seem to hate on BvS (and MoS to a much lesser extant) I feel they are vastly different in tone and style to Marvel, which is another reason I like them so much. But if they stuck with that for too long I'd probably get bored too. Its really hard to make everyone happy when making so many movies in a franchise. I'm just happy I don't have to be the one trying to make the people happy, instead I can just sit back and either enjoy or laugh at their failure LOL.

I'm kind of shocked the theater was so empty though, I thought this was supposed to do very well at the box office this weekend.

I know I'm selfish, but I'm too selfish to care LMAO!

I've seen those displays that people setup in their basements and they put them on these massive tables, and they've got like thousands of troops, but I don't think I'd want to dedicate that much space or money to Legos. Believe it or not that may even be too nerdy for me lol. A part of me would like to get a couple more Ultimate Collector SW ships, but I don't know where I'd put them. If they do another Vader's TIE I will definitely get that though. I may even pick up the current TIE and go back and pickup Luke's X-Wing.

They want $500 for the EX and $490 for the Reg. It seems P1 and SS are now going to charge 2 different prices for their EX's and Reg's going forward. I guess if I don't want an EX and if I can save a few bucks its cool. But if the price is that close I'm just going to order the EX so it will hold more of its value. Maybe the Zatanna sculpt will look better in person and I'll pick her up down the road. I actually kind of like the rabbit for the EX.
Well I do love CA: The First Avenger, so I probably am going to love this too then. But I had a feeling they were going to try to turn the DCEU more Marvel-y and I think an early Marvel film might have been their aim. But I still hope they kind of go their own way overall. For me Marvel has just become too formulaic and the movies just feel stale by now. I know I'm in the minority there though. As much as people seem to hate on BvS (and MoS to a much lesser extant) I feel they are vastly different in tone and style to Marvel, which is another reason I like them so much. But if they stuck with that for too long I'd probably get bored too. Its really hard to make everyone happy when making so many movies in a franchise. I'm just happy I don't have to be the one trying to make the people happy, instead I can just sit back and either enjoy or laugh at their failure LOL.

I'm kind of shocked the theater was so empty though, I thought this was supposed to do very well at the box office this weekend.

I know I'm selfish, but I'm too selfish to care LMAO!

I've seen those displays that people setup in their basements and they put them on these massive tables, and they've got like thousands of troops, but I don't think I'd want to dedicate that much space or money to Legos. Believe it or not that may even be too nerdy for me lol. A part of me would like to get a couple more Ultimate Collector SW ships, but I don't know where I'd put them. If they do another Vader's TIE I will definitely get that though. I may even pick up the current TIE and go back and pickup Luke's X-Wing.

They want $500 for the EX and $490 for the Reg. It seems P1 and SS are now going to charge 2 different prices for their EX's and Reg's going forward. I guess if I don't want an EX and if I can save a few bucks its cool. But if the price is that close I'm just going to order the EX so it will hold more of its value. Maybe the Zatanna sculpt will look better in person and I'll pick her up down the road. I actually kind of like the rabbit for the EX.

Well I hope you like it. I actually really liked Gadot as Wonder Woman just like I think Cavill is a good Superman, the DC movies just aren't doing it for me. Maybe I'm too judgemental because DC was my first comic book love. I will say that rating it's getting on RT isn't helping the way I feel because there's no way this was that much better than BvS. I've decided Rotten Tomatoes is a giant joke.

Seems like everyone on the BR forum is loving it, but so far very few people on the freaks board have liked it.

You could just do one shelf with like an AT-ST and a squadron of stormtroopers! I think I'd go with action figures if I were going to set up a scene like that though. Did you ever see Lego Batman?

About time they lowered the price of a regular. I've never understood why they cost the same when you're getting less (especially if it's a whole other head sculpt). The regular Thanos should be $100 less than the EX. That Zatanna isn't worth $500 though.

Did I tell you I figured out XM is still doing DC statues, but they said that there is a change to the forthcoming line that will more than likely be revealed at STGCC 2017. Someone with inside info said "I reckon without saying anything....some MAY / WILL be happy with the changes and others disappointed." Now I don't know what to think.
Well I hope you like it. I actually really liked Gadot as Wonder Woman just like I think Cavill is a good Superman, the DC movies just aren't doing it for me. Maybe I'm too judgemental because DC was my first comic book love. I will say that rating it's getting on RT isn't helping the way I feel because there's no way this was that much better than BvS. I've decided Rotten Tomatoes is a giant joke.

Seems like everyone on the BR forum is loving it, but so far very few people on the freaks board have liked it.

You could just do one shelf with like an AT-ST and a squadron of stormtroopers! I think I'd go with action figures if I were going to set up a scene like that though. Did you ever see Lego Batman?

About time they lowered the price of a regular. I've never understood why they cost the same when you're getting less (especially if it's a whole other head sculpt). The regular Thanos should be $100 less than the EX. That Zatanna isn't worth $500 though.

Did I tell you I figured out XM is still doing DC statues, but they said that there is a change to the forthcoming line that will more than likely be revealed at STGCC 2017. Someone with inside info said "I reckon without saying anything....some MAY / WILL be happy with the changes and others disappointed." Now I don't know what to think.

Rotten Tomatoes is a complete joke! I knew there is no way WW could be THAT much better than BvS. Hell, I wouldn't put any superhero movie THAT much better than BvS. I never care what critics say anyways, but Rotten Tomatoes is the worst. I liked Gadot in BvS a lot, so I'm sure I'll really like her in this.

I've been trying to avoid the forums as I'd figure lots of people have seen it by now and are probably posting spoilers everywhere. But I will say from reading posts in the past 90% of the Freaks board hates the DCEU, and have been very vocal about it. They have been bashing WW and JL before seeing either one. So I already thought no matter what they were going to hate it.

I haven't seen it, but I do have it on order! :D I still didn't see the first Lego movie though, but all they had to do was put Batman in the title of one of them and I was all over it LOL.

Yeah, I think if the EX is a head it should be like $100 less. It sure is in the aftermarket FFS! And then some! There is no way Zatanna is worth $500 but that's where we are today. PFs won't be getting any cheaper, and that sucks. By this time next year we will be at $600 and having the same conversation. I seriously have to resist ordering anything else from this company.

Hmmm... I wonder what they meant by that. I've got a feeling they aren't going to be classic DC stuff, but probably more New 52 crap. Why are they making stuff from that when the New 52 is already over??? Maybe it will be Rebirth stuff.
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